रेफ्रिजरेटर को साफ करना एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है जिसे स्वच्छ और व्यवस्थित रसोई बनाए रखने के लिए नियमित रूप से किया जाना चाहिए। फ्रिज की सामग्री को खाली करने से शुरुआत करें और जाँच करें कि कहीं कोई एक्सपायर्ड या खराब वस्तु तो नहीं है जिसे त्यागने की जरूरत है।
इसके बाद, सभी अलमारियों और दराजों को हटा दें और किसी भी दाग या गंदगी को हटाने के लिए उन्हें गर्म साबुन वाले पानी में धो लें।
दीवारों और दरवाज़ों की सील सहित फ्रिज के अंदरूनी हिस्से को पोंछने के लिए पानी और सिरके के मिश्रण का उपयोग करें। कोनों और दरारों पर विशेष ध्यान दें जहां बैक्टीरिया छिप सकते हैं।
अंत में, अलमारियों और दराजों को बदलने और भोजन को व्यवस्थित तरीके से वापस रखने से पहले फ्रिज को हवा में सूखने दें।
एक साफ रेफ्रिजरेटर न केवल बेहतर दिखता है बल्कि भोजन को लंबे समय तक ताजा रखने में भी मदद करता है और किसी भी अप्रिय गंध को विकसित होने से रोकता है।
🔥215L Samsung RR23C2F359U Refrigerator
Samsung's RR23C2F359U refrigerator is a reliable and spacious appliance with a 215L capacity. It features an impressive 197L fridge compartment and a handy 18L freezer compartment. With such capacity, it is an excellent choice for medium families of 5 to 7 members.
The refrigerator comprises easy-to-clean glass shelves. There are four shelves, a micro shelf, and a moisture-lock basket for fruits and vegetables. The refrigerator also contains a door lock and a door alarm to provide an extra layer of security.
Samsung's latest refrigerator model has a 5-star BEE rating. Annually it will consume just 133 units of power. It has stabilizer-free operation for enhanced voltage fluctuations protection. Just because of this feature, you will save at least 3000 rupees, required for a voltage stabilizer.
The digital inverter technology of this Samsung fridge brings multiple benefits to the appliance. It ensures optimum cooling in the fridge, low noise from the compressor, reduces energy consumption, and saves you money on your electricity bill.
The Power Cooling feature of this Samsung refrigerator is instant. In case of an emergency, you could use it to cool things. Moreover, it helps circulate chilled air uniformly throughout the refrigerator, keeping your food fresh for longer.
All in all, the Samsung RR23C2F359U refrigerator is an efficient and reliable appliance suitable for medium-sized families. It features an impressive 197L fridge compartment, an 18L freezer compartment, easy-clean glass shelves, a door lock and door alarm for extra security, and a 5-star BEE rating. It also has digital inverter technology for optimum cooling and energy saving, as well as a Power Cooling feature for instant cooling. With all these features, it is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and energy-efficient refrigerator.
Price | ₹22999 → Amazon |
Features | 215L {197L+18L} | Inverter Compressor | Instant Cooling | Power Rating: 5 Star | Glass Shelves | Stabilizer-Free (100V – 300V) | Made in India | Amazon Return: 10 Days | Samsung Warranty: Up to 20 Years |
🔥206L IFB IFBDC Refrigerator {5-Star}
आईएफबी ब्रांड का नया रेफ्रीजिरेटर कई मायनों में बेहतरीन है। इसलिए यह फिलहाल सबसे उम्दा विकल्प है 15000 से 20000 रुपए के रेंज में।
इस रेफ्रीजिरेटर के ग्रॉस कैपेसिटी है 206 लीटर, जिसमें लगभग 15 लीटर है फ्रीजर सेक्शन, और 191 लीटर है फ्रीज सेक्शन। 360° कूलिंग के कारण, ऊपर से नीचे तक एक समानरूप से कूलिंग होता है इसमें।
आइस बनेंगे इस IFB फ्रीज़ में बस 60 मिनट यानि एक घंटे में। क्रिस्पर बॉक्स जो है 20 लीटर का, दिया गया है ह्यूमिडिटी कण्ट्रोल, में रखीं चीजें स्वथ्य रहेंगे करीब 25 दिन तक। कूलिंग रिटेंशन फीचर के कारण 10 घंटे तक पॉवर कटने से भी फ्रीज के अंदर के तापमान में कोई बदलव नहीं होग़ा।
ऊपर बताए गए बेहतरीन खूबियों के साथ-साथ और कई ख़ूबिया है इस आईएफबी रेफ्रीजिरेटर में। उन सब के बारे में आप जान पाएंगे हमारे वीडियो समीक्षा के द्वारा।
Price | ₹17990 ► Amazon |
Features | Gross Capacity: 206L | Compressor: Inverter | Power Rating: 5-Star | Annual Burning: 128 Units | Stabilizer-Free | Interior Light | Full Warranty: 1 Year |
🔥223L Samsung RR24D2Z23CU Refrigerator {3-Star}
सैमसंग ब्रांड का RR24D2Z23CU रेफ्रिजरेटर मॉडल एक चिकना और कुशल होम एप्लायंस है। यह अपनी 223L क्षमता के साथ पर्याप्त भंडारण स्थान प्रदान करता है। यह उपयुक्त है छोटे से लेकर मध्यम आकर के परिवार के लिए।
यह सिंगल डोर रेफ्रिजरेटर 3 स्टार ऊर्जा रेटिंग के साथ आता है, जो इसे घरों के लिए पर्यावरण-अनुकूल विकल्प बनाता है। इन्वर्टर कंप्रेसर तकनीक शांत संचालन और ऊर्जा बचत सुनिश्चित करती है। स्टेबलाइजर फ्री सुविधा रेफ्रिजरेटर को वोल्टेज के उतार-चढ़ाव से बचाती है। यह फ्रिज अनुकूल है 100V से 300V के वोल्टेज रेंज में काम करने के लिए।
सैमसंग RR24D2Z23CU फ्रिज इन्वर्टर पावर के अनुकूल भी है, जो इसे निर्बाध शीतलन के लिए सौर ऊर्जा या इन्वर्टर पर चलने की अनुमति देता है। इस प्रकार नॉन-स्टॉप कूलिंग मिलता है इस फ्रिज से।
टिकाऊ निर्माण गुणवत्ता और नवीन सुविधाओं के साथ, यह रेफ्रिजरेटर उन घरों के लिए एक विश्वसनीय विकल्प है जो विशाल और ऊर्जा-कुशल शीतलन समाधान की तलाश में हैं।
चीजों को रखने के लिए इस सैमसंग रेफ्रीजिरेटर में है 14 सेक्शन। एक माध्यम वर्गीय परिवार में इस्तेमाल होने वाले सभी चीजें रख सकते है इसमें।
Price | ₹18400 ► Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 205L+18L = 223L | Compressor: Digital Inverter | 2024 Power Rating: 3-Star | Yearly Burning: 172 units | Stabilizer-Free {100V-300V} | Door Lock | Height: 152 CM | Door Opens on Left | Amazon Return: 10 Days |
🔥189L Samsung RR21D2H259U Refrigerator {5-Star}
सैमसंग ब्रांड का RR21D2H259U रेफ्रिजरेटर एक सिंगल डोर उपकरण है जिसकी कुल क्षमता 189L है। 20000 रुपए से कम कीमत में यह एक बेस्ट सेल्लिंग मॉडल है। इसी प्राइस में ज्यादा क्षमता का, लेकिन 3 स्टार पॉवर रेटिंग वाला रेफ्रीजिरेटर उपलब्ध है सैमसंग ब्रांड से। वस्तुतः यह रेफ्रीजिरेटर मॉडल 5 स्टार ऊर्जा रेटिंग से सुसज्जित है, जिसके कारण इसका पॉवर कंसम्पशन काफी कम है।
रेफ्रिजरेटर में एक डिजिटल इन्वर्टर कंप्रेसर है, जो विश्वसनीय और शांत संचालन सुनिश्चित करता है और साथ ही बिजली की लागत बचाने में भी मदद करता है। सैमसंग ब्रांड दे रही है 20 साल तक वारंटी डिजिटल इन्वर्टर कंप्रेसर के लिए।
दरवाज़े का ताला और दरवाज़ा अलार्म अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा और मन की शांति प्रदान करता है, खासकर छोटे बच्चों वाले परिवारों के लिए। इसके अलावे इस रेफ्रीजिरेटर में दिया गया है टच कण्ट्रोल पैनल दरवाजे पर, जो LED नोटिफिकेशन के द्वारा वर्तमान स्थिति को दर्शाता है।
आगे, बेस ड्रॉअर फलों, सब्जियों और अन्य वस्तुओं के लिए सुविधाजनक भंडारण स्थान प्रदान करता है जिन्हें ताजा और आसानी से सुलभ रखने की आवश्यकता होती है। यह रेफ्रीजिरेटर सिर्फ 189 लीटर, उससे ज्यादा क्षमता का है।
कुल मिलाकर, सैमसंग RR21D2H259U रेफ्रिजरेटर एक व्यावहारिक और उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल उपकरण है जो आधुनिक घरों की जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए ऊर्जा दक्षता के साथ कार्यक्षमता को जोड़ता है। 20 साल तक की वारंटी आपको मानसिक सुकून देगा।
Price | ₹18000 ► Buy Online |
Features | Capacity: 171L+18L = 189L | Compressor: D. Inverter | 2024 Power Rating: 5-Star | Yearly Burning: 131 Units | Stabilizer-Free {100V-300V} |Inverter-Power Compatible | Amazon Return: 10 Days | Made in Bharat |
🔥183L Voltas RDC215B Refrigerator
क्या आप एक नया रेफ्रिजरेटर खरीदने की सोच रहे हैं 15000 रुपए तक की कीमत में? अपने छोटे परिवार के लिए बहुत कम मेंटेनन्स वाला फ्रिज की तलाश हैं आपको? वोल्टास RDC215B से बेहतर कोई विकल्प नहीं है!
यह टाटा वोल्टास रेफ्रीजिरेटर 183L क्षमता और 4 स्टार ऊर्जा रेटिंग के साथ, छोटे परिवार की ज़रूरतों के लिए एकदम सही है। लेकिन इसके आकार से भ्रमित न हों! इस प्रीमियम डिज़ाइन वाले रेफ्रिजरेटर में 11 सेक्शन है और अतिरिक्त स्टोरेज के लिए नीचे एक दराज भी है।
स्लीक और विशाल वोल्टास RDC215B रेफ्रिजरेटर के बारे में पूरा जानने के लिए देखें हमारी वीडियो समीक्षा। हमारे वीडियो समीक्षा के द्वारा आपको इस वोल्टास फ्रिज के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिल जाएगी।
Price | ₹14990 ► Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 167L+16L = 183L | Compressor: Regular | Ice in 4 to 5 hours | Power Rating: 4-Star | Stabilizer-Free | Voltas Warranty: Up to 10 Years |
🔥190L Haier 202RS Refrigerator
हायर ब्रांड का यह रेफ्रिजरेटर मॉडल 190L की क्षमता वाला एक शीर्ष उपकरण है 12000 रुपए के रेंज में। इसका पॉवर रेटिंग है 2 स्टार और यह इस साल का मॉडल है। इसमें एक शक्तिशाली नियमित कंप्रेसर है जो कुशल शीतलन और ऊर्जा बचत सुनिश्चित करता है।
2 ग्लास शेल्फ आपके सभी जरुरी खाने पीने के सामान के लिए पर्याप्त भंडारण स्थान प्रदान करते हैं, जबकि 2L बोतल रैक आपके पेय पदार्थों को व्यवस्थित रखता है। और दूसरे जरुरी रैक और डोर पॉकेट्स भी दिए इस रेफ्रीजिरेटर में।
सुविधाजनक डोर लॉक सुविधा आपको अपने खाद्य पदार्थों को सुरक्षित रूप से संग्रहीत करने की अनुमति देती है इस हेयर रेफ्रीजिरेटर के मदद से। ऊंचाई है इसकी 115.8 CM और वजन है 31 kg।
भारत में निर्मित, यह रेफ्रिजरेटर स्थायित्व और विश्वसनीयता का दावा करता है। 10 साल की वारंटी के साथ, आप भरोसा कर सकते हैं कि यह हायर रेफ्रिजरेटर आपकी रसोई में लंबे समय तक चलने वाला सामान होगा, जो आपको और आपके परिवार के लिए वर्षों तक भरोसेमंद सेवा प्रदान करेगा।
Price | ₹12490 ► Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 174L+14L = 190L | 2024 Power Rating: 2-Star | Yearly Burning: 194 Units | Compressor: Regular | Defrosting: Manual | Glass Shelf: 2 | 2 Liters Bottle Section: Yes | Door Lock | Door Opens: Right | Made in Bharat | Amazon Return: 10 Days |
🔥184L Whirlpool 205 WDE PRM 2S SAPPHIRE BLOOM-Z Refrigerator
The Whirlpool refrigerator comes with many features and functions that are not common on refrigerators available below 15000 Rupees. It is this year’s model and comes with a 2-star electricity rating.
The power rating of a cooling appliance becomes less relevant in the presence of an inverter compressor. Such smart compressors by operating dynamically maintain even cooling and consume less electricity.
Moreover, its 184-liter gross capacity means this Whirlpool refrigerator is ideal for small families. Whirlpool brand provides up to 10 years of warranty for it.
You will not have to buy a voltage stabilizer for the Whirlpool refrigerator. The built-in resistance system can absorb power shocks, spikes, and fluctuations. This Whirlpool inverter refrigerator will work even if the input voltage drops to 130V.
Up to 9 hours of cooling retention is a premium feature, surprisingly available on this Whirlpool refrigerator, which costs below 15000 Rupees. This means continuous power cuts will not affect you much. Because of this very reason, I recommend it for shops and businesses also.
Other features of the Whirlpool 184 liters fridge are glass shelves, fast ice making, big bottle space, egg tray, moisture lock fruits and vegetable basket, and removable anti-bacterial gasket. This 184-liter fridge is rich in terms of features and functions.
Price | ₹12990 → Amazon |
Features | 184 Liters | 2-Star (Rated Annual Power Consumption: 190 units) | Inverter Compressor | Door Lock | Glass Shelves | 2 Liters Bottle Section | Built-in Stabilizer (130V – 300V) | Warranty: Up to 2 Years |
🔥184L Samsung RR20C2412RH Refrigerator
As a top-of-the-line refrigerator that has a two-star rating, the Samsung RR20C2412RH refrigerator is a great appliance. In the Indian market, it is currently the cheapest Samsung fridge. Its gross capacity is 184L gross capacity, 166L net fridge area capacity, and 18 liters freezer compartment capacity. Once a week you will have to manually defrost the refrigerator.
This refrigerator is made in India and has many useful features such as a door lock, deodorizer, and stabilizer-free operation. Buying this Samsung refrigerator means you save money on a voltage stabilizer for a 200-liter refrigerator.
Further, it also has a unique inverter compressor which ensures consistent temperature maintenance. Samsung brand provides up to 20 years of inverter compressor warranty.
Additionally, this refrigerator has four shelves that are adjustable to allow for customization and organization of the contents. The deodorizer feature keeps the refrigerator smelling fresh and hygienic even after prolonged use.
Overall, the Samsung RR20C2412RH is a reliable and durable refrigerator suitable for any household. It is also energy-efficient and comes with a 1-year warranty, ensuring long-term value. Plus, its sleek and modern design makes it an excellent addition to any kitchen.
Price | ₹12990 → Amazon |
Features | 184 Liter | 2 Star | Stabilizer-Free {100V – 300V} | Inverter Compressor | Warranty: up to 20 years |
🔥200L Lloyd GLDF214SBWS2PB Refrigerator
Under the leadership of Havells, Lloyd nowadays makes better products and provides better home service. Moreover, Lloyd products are cheaper compared to alternatives from other brands.
Lloyd brand has an excellent model if you need a refrigerator for 15000 Rupees. With a gross capacity of 200 liters, the model GLDF214SBWS2PB is currently the best option in the budget. Its power rating is 4-star. And its compressor type is the inverter, whose performance is dynamic in nature. The gross storage capacity and inside space management perfect this Lloyd refrigerator for small families.
The build and design of the Lloyd Refrigerator are very appealing. In addition to being spacious inside, this fridge also looks premium outside. Adjustable racks, fruits & veg buckets, a base drawer for onion & potato, and multiple door pockets are the features of the interior.
Why should you buy the Lloyd refrigerator? The inverter compressor, spacious design, 200-liter storage capacity, four-star power rating, and premium design are just a few of the factors that make it a top choice. You will learn more about this Lloyd fridge in our video presentation, which is linked below.
Price | ₹15000 → Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 200-liter {180-liter Fridge + 20-Liter Freezer} | 4-Star Power Rating | Stabilizer-Free | Inverter Compressor | Fast Ice Making | Made in India | Gross Warranty: 1-Year | Compressor Warranty: 10-Year |
🔥200L Godrej RD EDGE 215D Refrigerator
The Godrej fridge is currently the only 200-liter refrigerator below 15000 Rupees with an inverter compressor and 4-Star rated power system. It is very spacious and its interior is fully designed to keep almost all those essential things that are ideally required for small families.
There are several reasons why the Godrej RD EDGE 215D refrigerator is a perfect choice for those who are looking for a long last, silent, and less power-consuming cooling machine for their home. 200-liter capacity, inverter compressor, 4-star rated power system, and up to 10 years warranty are some of the key features that make it a total value for money option.
Price | ₹14990 | Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 200-Liter (188-Liter) | 4-Star | Inverter Compressor | Adjustable Shelves | 20-Liter Fruits & Vegetables Basket | Base Drawer |
🔥188L LG B191 Refrigerator
The LG single-door refrigerator is smart, silent, and fast. Its working is Smart, so no manual intervention is required. Most of the things it manages automatically! Its operation is Silent thanks to the inverter compressor. And, it comes with Fast ice-making technology. These features and functions make this LG fridge a more perfect choice over its available alternatives from the price range where it is placed on the market.
The gross capacity of this LG inverter refrigerator is 188-liter whereas its actual storage capacity is 178-liter only. With such storage capacity, it is a perfect refrigerator for small families and bachelors.
Better interior design makes the LG refrigerator more spacious and thereby more useful. It has a total of 13 sections and if the given ice tray is included, then the total count of the separate sections becomes 14. The 9.6-liter veg basket will keep fruits and vegetables fresh for more than a week. Plus, the adjustable shelves of this LG fridge can be adjusted to fit a tall birthday cake or utensils.
Price | ₹13990 | Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 188-Liter (178-Liter) | 3-Star | Smart Inverter Compressor | Fast Ice-Making | Adjustable Shelves | 9.6-Liter Fruits & Vegetables Basket |
🔥190L Godrej Single-Door Refrigerator
This Godrej refrigerator is a fantastic solution for those who live in a small town or village, or in an area with troubled electricity distribution. Its compressor is an inverter compressor, known for saving power by dynamic performance. Its power system is 4-Star BEE rated and can run smoothly even when the input voltage is as low as 140V. In case of a power cut, your home inverter will be able to power up this Godrej inverter.
With a 190-Liter capacity, this Godrej fridge is a perfect solution for regular Indian families with 2 to 5 members. It is spacious from the inside and comes with a Multi-Air Flow system that evenly distributes the cold air in all the sections. Therefore, your food will stay fresh for a longer duration in all compartments of this Godrej single-door inverter refrigerator.
Further, this Godrej refrigerator comes with many safety and convenience features. According to the brand, unlike other refrigerator models, this Godrej refrigerator with an inverter compressor does not emit CFC, HCFC, and HFC. It is a 100% environment-friendly refrigerator. Buying it, therefore, means you will be contributing your part in saving the most critical ozone layer around the earth that absorbs 97 – 99% of the sun's high-frequency ultraviolet light.
Price | ₹13990 | Amazon |
Features | Runs on Home Inverter | Inverter Compressor | Temperature Control | Door Lock | 100% Environment-Friendly | Warranty: {1-Year on Product | 10-Years on Compressor} |
Cooling | Multi Air Flow | 24 Hrs. Freshness | Direct Cool Deforesting |
Power | Built-in Stabilizer (Min Voltage 140V) | 4-Star Rated Power System |
Interior | Anti-bacterial Gasket | Toughened Glass | Store 2.5L Bottles in Aqua Space | 20L Vegetable Basket | Keep 5 1-Liter Bottles in Chiller Tray | Deodorizer | Interior Light |
Sales Box | Refrigerator Machine | Documents |
🔥43L LG M051RSWB Mini Refrigerator
क्या आप एक कॉम्पैक्ट और कुशल मिनी रेफ्रिजरेटर की तलाश में हैं? और आपका बजट है 10000 रुपए से कम! LG M051RSWB से बेहतर कोई विकल्प नहीं है फिलहाल। 10000 से कम कीमत पर, यह बाजार में मौजूद सबसे बेहतरीन मिनी रेफ्रिजरेटर में से एक है।
43L की क्षमता वाला यह मिनी फ्रिज बैचलर्स या छोटे घरों के लिए एकदम सही है। जो बात इसे सबसे अलग बनाती है, वह है LG का भरोसा और गुणवत्ता के लिए प्रतिष्ठा। साइलेंट कूलिंग फीचर यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि आपका खाना और पेय पदार्थ बिना किसी परेशानी के ताज़ा रहें।
शोर करने वाले रेफ्रिजरेटर को अलविदा कहें और LG M051RSWB की सुविधा को अपनाएँ। और इसके बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखिये हमारी वीडियो समीक्षा।
Price | ₹9990 ► Amazon |
Features | Gross Capacity: 43L | Power Rating: 1-Star | Annual Burning: 190 units | Temperature Control | Made in Bharat | Compressor Warranty: 10 Years |
🔥45L Hisense Mini Refrigerator
Hisense's mini refrigerator is the best in its price range below 10,000 rupees. Exactly how? Compared to other options, it is the cheapest. Additionally, it has a four-star power rating. This model was introduced by the Hisense brand in year 2023. The machine runs quietly and has enough space to cater to the needs of a family of one to two members.
A 2-star power rating was previously available for this Hisense mini refrigerator. However, the current model is rated at 4 stars. An annual electricity bill of about 1000 rupees will be incurred to run it. Monthly power costs will be less than 100 rupees.
I am very impressed with the build quality of the Hisense refrigerator. A stainless-steel sheet makes up its body. In spite of the fact that this model comes with a regular compressor, it is very quiet when running.
Despite its limited capacity, the Hisense mini refrigerator comes with a well-organized interior. There are two sections separated by a glass shelf. The door side has room for a 2L bottle, canes, and mid-size bottles.
The 45L mini refrigerator has a freezer section but isn't convertible. The right side of the fridge has a chiller box that allows items to be frozen quickly. It is even possible to set the temperature between a low, a medium, and a high setting.
Price | ₹8990 ► Amazon |
Features | 46L (45L) | Fridge + Chiller Box | One Glass Shelf | Store Fruits and Vegetables | Store 2L Bottles | Temperature Control | Thick Metal Sheet Body | Annual Power Burning: 145 units | Warranty: up to 10 years |
🔥165L Haier 171RS Refrigerator
As far as refrigerators go in the Indian market under 10000 Rupees, the Haier fridge is undisputedly the best. Despite 165 liter capacity, it is cheap because its power rating is just 1-star. That does not mean you will have to spend a lot of money to power it up. Its annual power consumption, as estimated by the brand, is only 215 units. Furthermore, the Haier brand offers up to ten years' warranty if you have any issues.
This Haier refrigerator comes with a normal compressor. You can't expect an inverter compressor on a 10000 rupee fridge. The normal compressor on this Haier refrigerator, however, is powerful, effective, and reliable.
It has a gross capacity of 165 liters, but the fridge section has a capacity of 150 liters, which will provide ample storage space for your perishables. The remaining 15 liters are in the freezer section.
Using the express freezing mechanism, you can quickly freeze food and drinks. This feature comes in handy when you need to chill beverages quickly, saving you time and ensuring you serve cold drinks to your guests. Other nifty features are the interior LED light and Door Lock.
I liked the Haier 171RS refrigerator a lot. It is a true value-for-money product. Get yours today and enjoy a dependable refrigeration unit that handles all your cooling needs. Check out our video review in Hindi to get a full overview of the features of the Haier 171RS refrigerator. Watch now to see why this is an excellent choice for your refrigeration needs and why it's worth every penny.
Price | ₹9990 → Amazon |
Features | 165L {150L+15L} | Normal Compressor | 1-Star | Annual Power Consumption: 215 Units | Instant Freezing | Steel Body with Rust-Free Paint | Warranty: Up to 10 Years |
🔥30L Godrej TEC Qube 30L HS Q103 Mini Fridge {SD}
In a way, the Godrej mini fridge is a revolutionary product. Its maintenance expenses are almost zero, and power consumption is only 20W in active mode. Don't buy a refrigerator, go for it if you stay alone.
Unlike the regular refrigerator, the Godrej Qube Mini Fridge has no compressor and hence uses no refrigerant. Therefore, there is no ice formation, and routine defrosting does not require. A chip that employs a unique technology called “Advanced Solid State” (ASST) manages its cooling system. This chip-based cooling system is reliable and long-lasting. When the ambient temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius, the inside temperature of the Godrej Qube Mini Fridge will be around 8 degrees Celsius. The inside temperature remains in the range of 8 to 15 degrees Celsius.
5-CM thick PUF insulation maintains the inside temperature for up to three hours in the event of power failure. Not all refrigerator models of even 15 to 20 thousand rupees budget have this cooling retention feature.
The build of the Godrej Qube Mini Fridge is solid, whereas the design is so-so. The outer body is made of stainless steel, whereas the inner part is made of aluminum. There are two sections, and each has a LED light.
Zero maintenance, negligible power consumption, cooling retention of up to 3 hours, portable design, and silent operation make the Godrej Qube Mini Fridge a revolutionary product at its current market price. Also, it is a Made in India mini cooler. Hence consider it without a doubt.
Price | ₹7200 → Amazon |
Features | 30L Capacity | Sections: 2 | LED Light in Both Sections | Power Consumption: 20W | Made in India | Warranty: 1-Year |
🔥180L Avoir ARDG1902WB Refrigerator {SD}
Any budget below 10000 Rupees is too less for a conventional regular-size refrigerator. However, the new home appliance brand in the Indian market Avoir makes it possible. This Indian home appliance brand recently introduced its 180-Liter single-door fridge under 10000 Rupees. The refrigerator model is available with a 2-star, and 3-star rated power system. They come with a built-in stabilizer, too. So, you will not have to buy a voltage stabilizer if you have this Avoir refrigerator.
You have only one option to consider If your budget for a regular-size fridge is below 10000 Rupees. That is this 180-Liter Avoir fridge. If you want to see some options to choose the right refrigerator model, increase your budget to at least 12000 Rupees.
Those who have bought the Avoir refrigerator and using it presently — rate it with more than 4 stars. What they suggest is that the fridge generates proper cooling, its operational noise is minimal, and the interior is spacious with compartments for essential daily use items.
Avoir brand offers a 1-year warranty for the whole unit and extra 4 years of warranty for the compressor. Thus, everything is right about this Avoir 180L refrigerator. It is the best refrigerator for 10000 Rupees for small families in the Indian market presently.
Price | ₹9500 → Amazon |
Cooling | Deforesting Type: Direct Cool |
Interior | Moist Balance Crisper | Toughened Glass | Big Bottle Section | Egg Tray | 2 Ice-Tray |
Power | Stabilizer-Free | 3-Star Power System |
Build | Anti-Bacterial Gasket | Reciprocatory Compressor | Height: 112-CM | Depth: 70-CM | Weight: 59-CM |