With the rising cases of related respiratory diseases, efforts have been made to reduce air pollution. Among these efforts include the stringent measures that are being taken on industries which are guilty of violating pollution laws. Motor vehicle manufacturers are being coerced to build vehicles with low carbon emission, as well as incorporate hybrid technology in vehicles. Even so, the governments alone can’t be able to curb pollution to a 100% capacity. For this reason, it is a wise move to get a personal air purifying device.

In urban areas, where, air pollution is at its worst, an air purifier is not something that you can ignore. In India for example, more and more companies and offices have come to embrace this new technology by purchasing large-scale air purifiers for their staff. Those living in areas surrounding urban areas in India have also been sensitized to purchase air purifying equipment for their homes.

Which is the best air purifier under 10000 Rupees? This air purifier review article covers the top air purifiers from 5000 to 10000 Rupees range. The suggested air purifiers are currently the favorite of buyers from the price segment.

☼ 355 Sq-Ft Coway AirMega Aim Professional Air Purifier

10000 रुपए से कम कीमत में फिलहाल सबसे उम्दा एयर प्यूरीफायर है कोवे एयरमेगा ऐम। यह एप्लायंस सुनिश्चित करता है स्वच्छ और सुरक्षित हवा की निरंतर उपलब्धता। इस उन्नत प्यूरीफायर में अल्ट्रा फास्ट प्यूरीफिकेशन, सुपर साइलेंट ऑपरेशन और रियल-टाइम एयर क्वालिटी मॉनिटरिंग जैसी विशेषताएं हैं।

इसकी 7 साल की वारंटी के साथ, आप इस टॉप-ऑफ़-द-लाइन प्यूरीफायर की स्थायित्व और प्रभावशीलता पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं। भारतीय बाजार में ऐसा कोई दूसरा एयर प्यूरीफायर नहीं है जो दे 7 साल की वारंटी।

  Non-Contact Thermometer under ₹5000

अशुद्धियों को अलविदा कहें और कोवे एयरमेगा ऐम वॉटर प्यूरीफायर के साथ क्रिस्टल साफ़ हवा का आनंद लें। इसकी अद्भुत विशेषताओं और यह आपको और आपके परिवार को कैसे लाभ पहुँचा सकता है, इसके बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए नीचे जोड़ा गया समीक्षा वीडियो देखें। अपने पीने के पानी की गुणवत्ता से समझौता न करें – आज ही कोवे एयरमेगा ऐम वॉटर प्यूरीफायर चुनें।

Price ₹9999 ► Amazon
Features Ideal for: up to 355 sq-ft | Clean Room-Air in 10-mins | Purification: up to 99.99% | Captures Particles: 0.1 µm | Purification Stages: 3


☼ 500 Sq-Ft Qubo Q500 Air Purifier

क्या आप मोटर बाइक वाले हीरो ग्रुप को जानते है? क्यूबो हीरो ग्रुप की कंपनी ही। तो क्यूबो ब्रांड के उत्पाद पर वैसा ही भरोसा कर सकते है जैसा करते है हीरो के मोटर बाइक पर।

10000 रुपए से कम कीमत में हीरो क्यूबो ब्रांड का एक शानदार एयर प्यूरीफायर मॉडल है मार्किट में। क्यूबो Q500 एयर प्यूरीफायर एक शीर्ष श्रेणी का उपकरण है जो 500 वर्ग फुट तक के बड़े स्थानों के लिए बिल्कुल उपयुक्त है। केवल 10 मिनट में, यह शक्तिशाली शोधक हवा से 99.97% अशुद्धियाँ दूर कर सकता है, जिससे यह सुनिश्चित होता है कि आपके घर या कार्यालय में हर समय स्वच्छ, ताज़ा हवा हो।

  जल शोधक: ₹3000 - ₹5000

अपने उन्नत निस्पंदन सिस्टम के साथ, क्यूबो Q500 धूल, पराग, पालतू जानवरों की रूसी और अन्य एलर्जी सहित 0.3 माइक्रोमीटर तक छोटे कणों को पकड़ने में सक्षम है। 350 सीएम के सीएडीआर के साथ, यह प्यूरीफायर अत्यधिक कुशल है और किसी भी कमरे में हवा की गुणवत्ता में तेजी से सुधार कर सकता है।

यदि आप एक विश्वसनीय और प्रभावी वायु शोधक की तलाश में हैं जो बड़ी जगह को संभाल सके, तो क्यूबो Q500 एक उत्कृष्ट विकल्प है। इसके बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखिए हमारी वीडियो प्रस्तुति।

Price ₹8990 ► Amazon
Features Ideal for: up to 500 sq-ft | Purification Stages: 4 | Captures Particles: 0.3 µm | CADR: 350 CMH | Modes: 4 | Touch Control-Panel | DC Motor: 45W | Filter Life: Up to 9000 hrs.


☼ 463 Sq-Ft Xiaomi AP4 Lite Air Purifier

10000 रुपए से कम कीमत में अभी सबसे उम्दा एयर प्यूरीफायर है शाओमी ब्रांड का। AP4 Lite मॉडल शाओमी का अपने बड़े कवरेज एरिया, फ़ास्ट प्यूरिफिकेशन, पोर्टेबल डिज़ाइन, और साइलेंट रनिंग के कारण अभी सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाला होम यूज एयर प्यूरीफायर है।

  Epilators: ₹5000 - ₹10000

शाओमी बॉन्ड के इस एयर प्यूरीफायर के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखिये हमारा वीडियो प्रेजेंटेशन। वहां इस एयर प्यूरीफायर पूरी जानकारी मिल जाएगी।

Price ₹9999 ► Amazon
Features Purification up to 99.97% | Coverage Area up to 463 sq-ft | CADR: 360 CMH | Filter Layers: 3 | Captures: 0.3 microns | Air Quality Indicators | Long Filter Life | Super Silent Operation | Power Consumption: 33W | Warranty: up to 1 year


☼ 672 Sq-Ft Philips AC1217 Air Purifier

The Philips brand of air purifiers is the most reliable on the Indian market, just as it is with many other home appliances. All Philips air purifier models are top selling in their price category.

The Philips AC1217 model is the most recommended on Amazon if your budget for a new air purifier is below 10000 Rupees. This model purifies the air fast, runs silently, and is easy to use. Philips provides up to 5 years warranty on this model.

  Air Fryers under ₹10000

The Philips air purifier is an electronic machine that keeps the room free from air pollution by automatically regulating the air quality. It detects PM2.5 Levels in the room and accordingly speeds up the Air Purification Process. The Advanced NanoProtect HEPA Filter removes particles as small as 0.003 um from the air in the room.

The alert system of the Philips AC1217 air purifier is impressive. One look at them will give you an instant idea of how good or bad the air is around you. You won't have to remember when to replace filters because the machine will remind you.

I am sure you must be impressed with the features and functions of the Philips AC1217 air purifier model. Go for it without hesitation if you have the budget for it.

Price ₹9000 → Amazon
Features Ideal for Room Size: up to 672 sq ft | Night Sensing Mode {Quieter and Constant Clean Air Delivery} | VitaSheild | Auto Purification Mode {Detects PM2.5 Levels and accordingly speeds up Air Purification Process} | 2-Years Guarantee + 3-Year Extended Warranty
Purification Advanced NanoProtect HEPA Filter | CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate): 260 m3/h | Can Remove particles as small as 0.003 um | Filters: {Solid Particles, Germs, 99.9% Bacteria, 99.9% Viruses, Harmful Gas (TVOC, odor)}
Build Air Quality Indicator {Blue (<35) → Best, Purple (<75) → Good, Pink (<115) → Moderate, Red (>115) → Worst} | Fan Speed Indicator {1, 2, 3, Turbo} | Filter Change Alert | Touch-Panel | Digital-Display | Child-Lock | Power Cord: 1.8-meter | Dimensions (LWH): 541×325×211 mm
Maintenance Philips FY1410 NanoProtect Filter @ 1750 Rupees | Philips FY1413 Activated Carbon Filter @ 1700 Rupees | Filter-Life: Up to 24 Months


☼ 500 Sq-Ft Bepure B1 Air Purifier

Bepure is an Indian brand for air purifiers and water purifiers. Its B1 air purifier model is currently the best option for instant purification of a room up to 500 sq-ft. No other air purifier can match the Bepure B1 air purifier model in terms of build, design, performance, and other traits. This Bepure air purifier comes with a remote controller for operating it wirelessly.

The Bepure B1 air purifier can freshen up the air quality of a remote in less than 10 minutes. Three-stage purification of this air purifier makes the air up to 99.97% pure. There are three filters, of which one is a True HEPA filter. Together these filters capture as small as 0.1-micron particles, such as mold, hair, pet dander, dust, smoke, pollen, bacteria, germs, and allergens.

Maintenance of this Bepure air purifier will not be cumbersome. The total cost of the three filters is 1499 Rupees. You only have to change the filters once a year, and changing them will not require any special skills.

  Hammer Drills under ₹10000

Thus, the Bepure B1 air purifier is for you if your budget for a new air purifier machine is less than 10000 Rupees. At the price of 6000 Rupees, Bepure provides features and functions that other brands do not even offer in their air purifiers that cost more than 8000 rupees.

Price ₹5990 → Amazon
Features For 500 sq-ft Area | Three-Stage Purification {Primary Filter → True HEPA filter → Activated Carbon Filter} | Filter-Cost: 1499/- | Power-Consumption: 40W | Warranty: 1-Year


☼ 390 Sq-Ft Glen 6033 Air Purifier

The Glen 6033 model is currently the most affordable branded air purifier in India market. Its five-stage air purification system is fast and accurate. When you switch on the air purifier, you will immediately notice a difference in the room. Its build quality is excellent, too. Glan brand provides up to 2 years warranty.

The Glen air purifier can maintain up to 99.99% air purity in a large room. In addition to three purification modes, this Glen purifier has three fan modes as well. Furthermore, you could set up 8 hours of timer with the timer function.

This Glen air purifier removes solid particles from the air and bad smells & harmful gas as well. Plus, the ionizer and UV functions effectively reduce germs, bacteria, and viruses.

  Sewing Machines under ₹10000

Thus, despite being a low-cost machine, the Glen 6033 air purifier is excellent for healthy air in your bedroom or study room. Buy it fast because it is now pricier than it used to be six months ago.

Price ₹6990 → Amazon
Features Max Room Coverage Area: {27 to 30-meter square / up to 390 square foot} | Mode: {Auto, Sleep, 3 Fan Modes} | Up to 8 Hours Timer | 2-Years Warranty
Purification Clear Air Delivery Rate:  230-meter cube per hour | 5-Stage Purification System | Pre-Filter + HEPA Filter → Activated Carbon Filter → Cold Catalyst Filter → Ionizer → UV
Build Air Quality Indicator | Filter Replacement Indicator | Remote | Power Consumption: 45W

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