Inasmuch as people aren’t that choosy when it comes to sewing machines, reading such a review can save you a lot of trouble that comes with learning from experience. Few people are interested in knowing about sewing machines and end up buying sewing machines just for the sake of it. Some (when prompted by their businesses to buy a sewing machine) are attracted by pretty features such as LCDs, design, and paintwork. Such fellas only realize later that they would have done better with their money if only they had taken time to consider important factors such as sewing speed and compatibility with presser feet.

This sewing machine review article covers the top sewing machines in the Indian market from the price range of 5000 to 10000 Rupees. The suggested best sewing machines for home use are also ideal choices for tailor shops. However, if you a novice in using a sewing machine, then I would suggest — you first start with a primary sewing machine. For instance, Singer Simple and Usha Prime (Prima) are two ideal basic sewing machines to learn how to operate an electric sewing machine.

सिलाई मशीन की सुइयां सभी मशीनों में फिट नहीं होतीं। सिलाई मशीन की सुइयां विभिन्न आकारों और प्रकारों में आती हैं, और सटीक सिलाई के लिए आपकी मशीन के लिए सही सुई ढूंढना महत्वपूर्ण है। आवश्यक सुई का आकार और प्रकार विभिन्न कारकों पर निर्भर करता है, जैसे कि सिलने वाला कपड़ा, धागे की मोटाई, और इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली सिलाई तकनीक। इन विविधताओं को समायोजित करने के लिए सुइयों की मोटाई, लंबाई और सुझावों के आकार अलग-अलग होते हैं। हालांकि कुछ घरेलू सिलाई मशीनें सुई के विभिन्न आकारों के साथ काम कर सकती हैं।

गलत सुई का उपयोग करने से टांके छूटने, धागा टूटने और कपड़े या मशीन को नुकसान होने जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। इसलिए, इष्टतम प्रदर्शन और सिलाई की गुणवत्ता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आपकी सिलाई मशीन में फिट होने वाली उपयुक्त सुई का चयन करना आवश्यक है।

☼ 20-Pattern Chillaxplus SM-617 Sewing Machine

क्या आप एक बहुमुखी सिलाई मशीन की तलाश कर रहे हैं जो आपकी सभी क्राफ्टिंग परियोजनाओं को आसानी से संभाल सके? Chillaxplus SM-617 सिलाई मशीन देखें!

पिको और फॉल बीडिंग सहित 20 बिल्ट-इन पैटर्न के साथ, इस सिलाई मशीन में वह सब कुछ है जो आपको अपने क्राफ्टिंग विचारों को जीवंत करने के लिए चाहिए। इसमें अतिरिक्त सुविधा के लिए कढ़ाई की क्षमता और रिवर्स सिलाई फ़ंक्शन भी है।

  Hammer Drills under ₹10000

बिल्ट-इन नीडल एलईडी लाइट किसी भी रोशनी में आपकी सिलाई को देखना आसान बनाती है, और टिकाऊ मेटल बॉडी यह सुनिश्चित करती है कि यह मशीन आने वाले वर्षों तक चलेगी।

एक साधारण सिलाई मशीन से संतुष्ट न हों – Chillaxplus SM-617 में अपग्रेड करें और अपनी क्राफ्टिंग को अगले स्तर पर ले जाएँ! इस सिलाई की मशीन के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखें इसकी समीक्षा हमारे टीम द्वारा।

Price ₹7999 ► Amazon
Features Electric Sewing Machine with Foot Paddle | Stitch Pattern: 20 | Reverse Sewing | Pico, Fall Beading, Embroidery | Free-Arm Sewing | Thread Cutter | Warranty: 1 Year


☼ 2-Pattern Brother JA20 Sewing Machine

सिलाई सीखना चाहते है एक इलेक्ट्रिक सिलाई मशीन के साथ? ब्रदर ब्रांड JA20 सिलाई मशीन मॉडल सिलाई सीखने के लिए और सिलाई की शुरुवात करने वालों के लिए एक उत्तम विकल्प है।

आसान डिज़ाइन और किफ़ायती कीमत दो सबसे बड़ी खासियत है Brother JA20 सिलाई मशीन का।  चाहे आप अपनी पैंट की हेमिंग करना चाहते हों या कस्टम कपड़े बनाना चाहते हों, इस मशीन में वे सभी सुविधाएँ हैं जिनकी आपको शुरुआत करने के लिए ज़रूरत है।

  Microphones under ₹10000

नीचे जोड़े गए वीडियो में हम आपको Brother JA20 के विभिन्न भागों और कार्यों के बारे में बताएँगे, साथ ही आपको इस मशीन का पूरी क्षमता से उपयोग करने के लिए कुछ सुझाव और तरकीबें भी बताएँगे। इसलिए अगर आप अपनी सिलाई की यात्रा शुरू करने के लिए तैयार हैं, तो Brother JA20 से बेहतर और कुछ नहीं है! और इस सिलाई मशीन के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए हमारी समीक्षा वीडियो पूरा जरूर देखें।

Price ₹8390 ► Amazon
Features Electric Sewing machine | With Foot Pedal | Stitch Patterns: 2 | Best Sewing Machine for Beginners | Metal build | Warranty: 2 Years


☼ 1-Pattern Usha LockStitch Overlock Sewing Machine

भारतीय बाजार में सिलाई के मशीन के लिए सबसे बड़ा नाम है उषा फिलहाल। क्या आप ओवरलॉकिंग सिलाई करने वाला मशीन खोज रहे है। उषा का लॉकस्टिच ओवरलॉक सिलाई मशीन एक बहुमुखी और कुशल उपकरण है जो 3000 का उच्च एसपीएम प्रदान करता है। अतः यह पेशेवर और व्यक्तिगत उपयोग दोनों के लिए एकदम सही है।

  Tablets under ₹10000

3-थ्रेड सुई थ्रेडिंग सिस्टम के साथ, यह मशीन आसान सेटअप और संचालन सुनिश्चित करती है। सिलाई की लंबाई को 3.2 मिमी तक समायोजित किया जा सकता है, जिससे मौजूदा प्रोजेक्ट के आधार पर अनुकूलन की अनुमति मिलती है। इसके अलावा, सिलाई की चौड़ाई 2.5 से 4.0 मिमी तक भिन्न हो सकती है, जो विभिन्न प्रकार के कपड़ों के लिए अलग-अलग आकार के टांके बनाने में लचीलापन प्रदान करती है।

अपने विश्वसनीय प्रदर्शन और उपयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल सुविधाओं के साथ, उषा लॉकस्टिच ओवरलॉक सिलाई मशीन उन लोगों के लिए एक टिकाऊ और सक्षम विकल्प है जो अपने सिलाई कौशल को बढ़ाना चाहते हैं या नई परियोजनाओं को आसानी से निपटाना चाहते हैं।

Price ₹6499 ► Amazon
Features 3000 SPM | Single Needle | Needle Threading: 3 Thread | Stitch Length: 3.2 mm | Stitch Width: 2.5 – 4.0 mm | Bed: Cast Iron | Made in Bharat


☼ 20-Pattern Akiara YUME STITCH Sewing Machine

अकायरा ब्रांड का यह सिलाई की मशीन, सिलाई सीखने वालों और सिलाई सीखे अनुभवी लोगों के लिए एक बेहतरीन विकल्प है। क्योंकि इस सिलाई की मशीन में बहुत सारी खूबियां। और यह इस्तेमाल में बहुत आसान है। साथ ही अकायरा ब्रांड उपलब्ध करवाती है विस्तृत प्रोडक्ट मैन्युअल और टूटोरियल यूट्यूब पर। इसलिए 10000 रुपए से कम कीमत में फिलहाल सबसे बेहतर सिलाई की मशीन है

अकायरा यूमे स्टिच सिलाई की मशीन मॉडल में है 20 स्टिच पैटर्न। इसकी अधिकतम सिलाई की गति है 700 टांके प्रति मिनट। बड़े आसानी से सिलाई की गति को नियंत्रित कर सकते है और सिलाई के पैटर्न को भी बदल सकते है इस सिलाई के मशीन पर।

इस अकायरा सिलाई की मशीन की बनावट काफी बढ़िया है। एल्युमीनियम ढांचा होने के कारण यह सिलाई की मशीन काफी हल्का है। अतः इसे एक जगह से दूसरे जगह ढोना बहुत आसान है।

  Sewing Machines under ₹15000

अकायरा ब्रांड के इस सिलाई की मशीन के बारे में विस्तार से जानिए हमारे वीडियो समीक्षा में। लिंक जोड़ा गया है नीचे।

Price ₹7498 → Amazon
Features Patterns: 20 | SPM: 700 | Metal body | Warranty: up to 2 Years


☼ 4-Pattern Rajesh Smarteee Sewing Machine

The Rajesh brand makes sewing machines with more features at affordable prices. Hence, you can't go wrong with the models from Rajesh if you're looking for a straight-stitch sewing machine.

The Rajesh Smarteee Straight Stitch Sewing Machine is designed for sewing enthusiasts. This sewing machine model only does straight stitches and comes with four built-in stitch patterns. It works at 550 SPM, so it's perfect for quick, efficient sewing.

This machine is durable and long-lasting because of its metal body. It, therefore, makes a good choice if you want a machine that handles heavy use.

A big plus with the Rajesh Straight Stitch sewing machine is that it comes with an extension table. With the extension table, this machine gives you more workspace, so you can handle more complex projects. Moreover, the foot pedal allows hands-free operation, and the machine's intuitive design makes it easy for beginners.

  प्रोजेक्टर​: ₹5000 - ₹10000

Overall, the Rajesh Smarteee Straight Stitch Sewing Machine is an exceptional option for anyone looking for a reliable and versatile machine that can handle a wide variety of projects. It is a great buy for sewers of any level with its impressive features, durability, and affordable price.

Price ₹6000 → Amazon
Features Speed: 550 SPM |  Reverse Sewing | Stitch Patterns: 4 | Power: Electric | Adjust Thread Tension | Automatic Thread Winding | Easy Thread Cutter | Extension Table | Free Arm Sewing | Full Metal Body


☼ 1-Pattern Singer Universal Umbrella Sewing Machine

Want to go professional with a budget and entry-level sewing machine? If yes, then the Singer Umbrella sewing machine is here for you. You can buy it for the price of 6500 Rupees from Amazon. You could operate it by hand or use a motor to run it.

The black background gives the whole machine a sleek finish. It has a cast iron compact body. The wheel for manual adjustment of the needle is made of stainless steel. The gross weight is 11 kg approx.

On top of everything is the sewing speed of this machine. In contrast to the average 800 SPM of electric sewing machines, the Singer umbrella can make 1800 stitches in one minute. Wow! For that speed, however, this machine has to run by a motor, whose power capacity should be around 60W.

  Epilators: ₹5000 - ₹10000

The Singer Universal Umbrella Sewing Machine can sew only straight and in the reverse direction, too. And, it can sew 5 to 25 stitches per inch.

Price ₹6900 → Amazon
Features Max Sewing Speed: 1800 SPM | 5 to 25 Stitches Per Inch | Manual Operation/60W Motor Required | Cast Iron Body | Stainless Steel Manual Wheel for Needle Adjustment | Made in India | ISI Mark


☼ 14-Pattern Usha Dream Sewing Machine

Home-based tailor works are on the rise in India. It is a good thing that today’s homemakers are looking for opportunities to become self-dependent. These days you can find home-based tailor shops run by smart women almost in every area.

Generally, people think that tailor work does not offer wide scope, which is incorrect. Trust me, nowadays finding a career in tailoring has become a wiser decision. One can start designing and selling clothes online by mastering tailor skills and using inherent creativity.

The brand Usha has designed the Dream sewing machine model with many convenient features. This makes it more suitable for beginners. Its controls are not much difficult to understand. It is equipped with just a single control knob that is used for selecting the stitch patterns. This knob offers a much more comfortable feel and clicks right into the position without any struggle.

  Sewing Machines under ₹5000

Although it is an entry-level product that does not mean its features are limited. This sewing machine is equipped with all those features that are necessary to turn any kind of imagination into reality. It allows the users to select from eight inbuilt stitch patterns. On the top, you can find a dial that is used to change the stitch length.

Price ₹9790 | Amazon
Features Patterns: 14 | Speed: 550 SPM | Bobbin-System: Auto Tripping | Sewing Light | Needle Threading: Manual | Stitch-Width: 5-mm | Reverse Stitch | Free-Arm | Lace Fixing | Quilting | Smoking | Rolled Hamming | Warranty: 2-Year


☼ 14-Pattern Singer M1155 Sewing Machine

The Singer sewing machine is another best-selling sewing machine under 10000 Rupees after the Brother JA1400 sewing machine. Currently, both are traded at the same price, which is ₹8500. So, which one to buy?

My favorite is the Brother sewing machine. Why? Because in terms of features and functions, it is almost similar to the Singer sewing machine, however, if we go by the list of accessories that Brother provides with the JA1400 model, it is a clear winner.

  Soundbars under ₹10000

The Singer M1155 is an excellent sewing machine for home use. It could be an ideal choice for a tailor shop as well. It can do a lot with its built-in 14-stitch patterns and a total of 19 stitch functions. On this Singer sewing machine, you can do PICO, RAFU, and stitch fall on a saree as well. More you will learn more about it in our video presentation, which is linked below.

Price ₹8500 | Amazon
Features Patterns: 14 | Functions: 19 | Speed: 800 SPM | Needle LED Light | Reverse-Sewing | Warranty: 2-Years


☼ 14-Pattern Brother JA1400 Sewing Machine

The Brother JA1400 model is an ideal sewing machine for homemakers and beginners. Provided instructional DVDs in the sales of this sewing machine make it perfect even for those who inspire to be a dress designer but have never touched a sewing machine before.

  Sewing Machines under ₹50000

Features that set the Brother electric sewing machine apart from the available top sewing machines under 10000 Rupees are built-in 14 stitch patterns, 750 SPM sewing speed, excellent build, provided foot paddle, automatic stitch length & width, and lots of other features that we covered in detail in our review presentation, which is listed below.

Alternatives of the Brother JA1400 sewing machine are Usha Dream, Singer 1408, Singer 1304, Brother JA20, and Usha Marvela. Although they are not as excellent as this Brother automatic sewing machine. Hence go for it.

Price ₹8500 | Amazon
Features Patterns: 14 | Speed: 750 SPM | Built-in Needle LED Light | Reverse-Sewing | Warranty: 2-Years


☼ 32-Pattern Singer 8280 Sewing Machine

The Singer electric sewing machine not simply succors you to sew somewhat torn garments, but also cherishes your stitching experience and embroidering flair. It arrives along with a swarm of stitch patterns to make your work smoother. Most of all, it is lightweight and movable, and comfortable to set up. It is a simple yet, dependable sewing machine that won't overpower you with too many gongs and extras.

Singer 8280 sewing machine covers the whole kit and caboodle from fashion to home-based ornate sewing, and you can pick from seven available stitch patterns by just rotating a dial. Likewise, you get 24 diverse stitch functions to try out many innovative projects and put your imaginative thoughts and designs to come out with delightful conceptions. The machine as well lets you simply alter the needle position for various projects such as top-stitching, cording, or implanting zips.

  Sewing Machines under ₹12500

This sewing machine devours a heavy-duty inner metal frame along with a dominant motor to effortlessly hem through numerous layers of colossal cloth. The detachable arm lets you stitch manacles, sleeves, and lapels simply while offering access to convenient stowage inside. The space is flawless for firmly holding your device accessories and sewing fundamentals.

Thus, the Singer electric sewing Machine lets you be artistic with needles. Encumbered with a swarm of stitch functions and patterns, this machine is planned to make your work smoother. Along with a built-in motor and Oscillating Shuttle Mechanism, its 8 built-in stitch patterns, 24 stitch functions, and 5-mm maximum stitch width offer the springiness of picking your favorite pattern. It is one of the best sewing machines for under 10000 Rupees.

Price ₹9500 | Amazon
Features Sewing Speed: 800 SPM | Embroidery Feature | Automatic Bobbin Winding | Extra-High Presser Foot Lifter | Automatic 4-Step Button-Hole | 24-Months Warranty | 2 Free Demo from Singer Brand
Stitch Simple Stitch Selection | 8 Built-In Stitches | 24 Stitch Functions | Reverse Stitch | Adjustable Stitch Length & Zigzag Width | Max Stitch Width: 5-mm | Blind-stitching | Picot | Hemming | Over-edging
Needle Variable Needle Positions | Needle LED Light
Thread Easy Threading | Adjustable Thread Tension | Automatic Thread Cutter
Build Heavy-Metal Frame | Free Arm for Circular Stitching | Accessories Compartment | Metal Bobbin
Sales Box Sewing Machine | 4 Snap-on Presser Feet (All Purpose, Zipper, Buttonhole, Button Sewing) | Seam Ripper/Lint Brush | Edge/Quilting Guide | Needles | Bobbins | Spool Holder | Screwdriver | Darning Plate | Spool Pin | Spool Pin Felt | Power Cord/Foot Control | Soft-Sided Dust Cover | Documents


☼ 12-Pattern Singer 1412 Sewing Machine

The Singer Promise sewing machine is the latest sewing machine of the Singer brand in the Indian market. This sewing machine has 12 built-in stitch patterns and 18 stitch functions. It can also sew in reverse order.

Bobbin feeding is one of the functions that determine how easy it is to work with a sewing machine. The singer 1412 sewing machine has front-loading bobbin, metal bobbin winder, and auto bobbin winding.

The list of stitch patterns includes 5 basics, 3 stretches, and 3 decorative. You can adjust the stitch width and length. With that, you could make more than a hundred stitch designs. How many — that depends on your ability of creative thinking. Not all sewing machine allows modification in stitch length and width together. Such expertise is rare in sewing machines under 10000 Rupees. Therefore, priced in the 9000 Rupees range, Singer Promise 1412 is an excellent choice if you want to do dress designing from home.

  Sewing Machines under ₹20000

The build of this Singer electric sewing machine is of top call, whereas its design is super user-friendly. All its controls are either on the user side or on the top. Therefore, working on it will be a pleasant experience always.

Dress designing and sewing our creative work. Nothing is final until stitching is completed. Hence, the entire focus of your mind should be on improving the design, not on how to use the sewing machine. With Singer 1412 automatic sewing machine, you will give maximum focus to the design. Your subconscious mind will operate the machine.

Price 9000 Rupees
Features 18 Stitch Functions | 4-Step Buttonhole | Variable Zigzag Stitch | Twin-Needle Function | Easy Threading | can do PICO | 2-Years Warranty
Sewing 12-Stitch Patterns {5×Basic | 3×Stretch | 3×Decorative} | Reverse Sewing | Snap-On Presser Feet | Auto Bobbin Winding | Adjust Stitch Length | Adjust Stitch Width | Interlocking
Build Heavy-Duty Metal Frame | Free-Arm Design | Built-in Storage | Front Loading Bobbin | Metal Bobbin Winder
Sales Box All-purpose foot | Zipper foot | Buttonhole foot | Button sewing foot | Beading Foot | L-Screwdriver | Seam ripper/brush | 2×Spool pin felt | 3×Pack of needles | Edge/quilting guide | 3×Bobbins | Darning plate


☼ 6-Pattern Singer 1306 Sewing Machine

The Singer Fashion Maker sewing machine lets your imagination turn out to be a reality. By way of its plentiful exclusive features, it will grow your ingenious sewing likelihoods. Priced at 6942 Rupees, it is the best sewing machine for beginners under 7000 Rupees.

The fast and casual threading diagrams let you set it up in no time.  The Snap-On pressure feet and additional high-pressure foot lifter offer comprehensive control and enhance suppleness to your stitching.

  Ceiling Fans under ₹10000

Design that is Paramount for Beginners: The Singer 1306 sewing machine is flawless for novices and connoisseurs. It devours 6 sewing patterns together with a 4-step buttonhole and an LED lighting display. This Led indicator brightens the complete functioning area and prevents you from damaging your eyes. Three pressure feet (zipper foot, buttonhole foot, and all-purpose foot) offer comprehensive control over your sewing.

Patterns: Along with 6 built-in stitches, Singer 1306 Fashion Maker sewing machine has a 4-step buttonhole to make sewing a lot cooler for you. The dual spool pins for twin needle sewing will let you sew analogous rows for stitching or adding an attractive dash to your clothes. You won’t need to tune width or length as it has them fixed and predetermined.

Price 8900 | Amazon 
Features 3 Presser Feet | 2-Years Warranty | 2 Free Demo from Singer | Foot Controller Support
Sewing Speed: 700 SPM | Patterns: 6 | Functions: 4 | 4-Step Button-hole | Thread Tension Adjustment | Easy-Threading | Automatic Bobbin Winding | Automatic Thread Cutter | Embroidery | Blind-stitching | Picot | Hemming | Over-edging | Reverse-Stitch | Free-Arm Stitching
Build LED-Light | Stitch-Selection Knob | Accessories Storage | Heavy-Metal Frame | Metal Bobbin

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