ओवन टोस्टर ग्रिल, जिसे आमतौर पर OTG के नाम से जाना जाता है, एक बहुमुखी रसोई उपकरण है जो एक ओवन, टोस्टर और ग्रिल की कार्यक्षमता को जोड़ता है। यह उन लोगों के लिए एक लोकप्रिय विकल्प है जो आसानी से खाद्य पदार्थों को बेक, टोस्ट या ग्रिल करना चाहते हैं।

OTG का कॉम्पैक्ट आकार इसे छोटी रसोई के लिए या उन लोगों के लिए एकदम सही बनाता है जिनके पास पारंपरिक ओवन के लिए जगह नहीं है। इसके समायोज्य तापमान सेटिंग्स और विभिन्न खाना पकाने के तरीकों के साथ, यह खाना पकाने की प्रक्रिया पर सटीक नियंत्रण की अनुमति देता है।

OTG कई तरह के व्यंजन तैयार करने के लिए आदर्श है, जिसमें कुकीज़ और केक बेक करना, ब्रेड और सैंडविच को टोस्ट करना और सब्ज़ियाँ और मीट को ग्रिल करना शामिल है। इसकी सुविधा और दक्षता इसे किसी भी घरेलू रसोइए के लिए एक ज़रूरी उपकरण बनाती है जो अपने पाककला के प्रदर्शन को बढ़ाना चाहता है।

☼ 20L Warmex MB20L Oven Toaster Grill

क्या आप एक बहुमुखी रसोई उपकरण की तलाश में हैं? वार्मेक्स MB20L ओवन टोस्टर ग्रिल आपकी सभी खाना पकाने की ज़रूरतों के लिए एकदम सही विकल्प है। 5000 रुपए से कम कीमत में यह सबसे उम्दा ओवन टोस्टर ग्रिल है फिलहाल।

20 लीटर की क्षमता और 1280W की शक्ति के साथ, यह ओवन सब कुछ कर सकता है – ग्रिलिंग, बेकिंग, रोस्टिंग और यहां तक कि रोटिसरी भी। संवहन तकनीक समान और कुशल खाना पकाने को सुनिश्चित करती है, जबकि उपयोग में आसान सेटिंग्स इसे शुरुआती लोगों के लिए एकदम सही बनाती हैं।

  कंप्यूटर मॉनिटर: ₹1000 - ₹5000

नीचे जोड़ा गया वीडियो देखें कि कैसे वार्मेक्स MB20L ओवन टोस्टर ग्रिल आपके खाना पकाने के अनुभव को बदल सकता है। हमारे समीक्षा वीडियो के द्वारा आपको इस OTG के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिल जाएगी।

Price ₹4000 ► Amazon
Features Cooking Capacity: 20L | Power Capacity: 1280W | Temp Range: 100°C – 250°C | Grill, Bake, Roast, Rotisserie, Convection | Warranty: 1 Year


☼ 25L Midea 25BEX1 Oven Toaster Grill

The Midea OTG is a genuine alternative to a convection oven. How? Because it can bake, grill, and toast. You could bake it cake and biscuits. That is possible thanks to its advanced controls. The build quality of this Midea 25-liter OTG is excellent as well. Though it is a made-in-China product.

The Midea 25BEX1 OTG, by having a 25-liter cooking space inside, can cook almost 8 to 12 kg of ingredients in one go. That much food should be sufficient for at least 8 to 12 people. High power capacity means faster cooking. That is why the 1500W power capacity of this OTG for small families helps it cook fast.

  Electric Curd Makers under 5000

This Media Oven Toaster Grill appliance has three control knobs on its front side. The first is for temperature selection. You could set anything between 70°C to 230°C. The second control knob is for heating element selection. As per the cooking requirement, choose one of these three modes: Bottom ON, Top ON, and Bottom-Top ON. The last control knob is for timer setting in the range of 2-minute to 60-minute range.

Price ₹3800 | Amazon
Features 25-Liter | 1500W | Temp {70°C – 230°C} | Heating Elements {Bottom-ON, Top-ON, Bottom-Top-ON} | Timer {2-min – 60-min} | LED Light Inside | Warranty: 1-Year


☼ 22L Bajaj Oven Toaster Griller

This Bajaj OTG is capable of baking, grilling, and toasting. Its 22-liter capacity means it is ideal for a family of 2 to 6 members. Its 1200-watt power capacity is not the best, however. There are other brands’ OTG under 5000 Rupees have a more powerful heating system. A more powerful heating system speeds up the cooking process.

Bajaj is not a new kitchen appliances brand in India market. Most Indian are well-aware of its product quality. Still, Bajaj brand offers 10 days replacement warranty and 24 months of service warranty on this 5000 Rupees OTG. If you are from a small town, give priority to Bajaj products since its authorized service centers are in almost every district of India.

The build and design of this Bajaj OTG are excellent. Its body is made of stainless steel and door has a high-quality see-through glass. While your chicken being grilled inside, you can monitor cooking progress from outside.  With this OTG, Bajaj brand provides almost all the required accessories. Therefore, you can start cooking as soon as delivery is completed.

Price 4990 Rupees
Ideal for Students | Bachelors | Home Use | Backing | Grilling | Toasting | Make Cup Cake to Tandoori Chicken
Features 1200-Watt Power Capacity | Temperature Range: 100 to 250 °C | Warm Mode
Body Stainless Steel Body | See-Through Glass Door | Strong Feet | 4 Heating Elements (2 at Top + 2 At Bottom) | 3 Control Knobs {Temp Control + Heater Selection (4 Modes) + Timer Selection}
Warranty 10-Days Return | 24-Months Service
Sales Box OTG | Backing Tray | Backing Tray Tong | Crumb Tray | 4 Skewer Rods | Wire Grill Cum BBQ Tray | 1 Rotisserie Fork | 2 Rotisserie Forks | Rotisserie Tong


☼ 10L Koryo Big Bazaar Oven Toaster Grill

Koryo is Big Bazaar brand, and its oven toaster grill is presently the best OTG under 2000 Rupees. With 10-Liter cooking capacity, it is a perfect oven toaster grill for students, bachelors, and small families.

This oven toaster grill machine can make grill chicken and also bake biscuit, bread, and other items. Its built-in heating system emits 800W heat that will cook anything in a few minutes. Moreover, its max cooking time in one cycle is 60 minutes. The heat selecting knob of this Koryo Big Bazaar OTG has three levels. That allows cooking a food item with the right temperature. So, the outcome is always crispy from outside and juicy from inside.

In spite of being so cheap, this Koryo OTG has a robust build and an attractive design. Its body is made of stainless steel, and the door is frame is also made of stainless steel with see-through glass. For generating power heat inside, there are two highly efficient quartz heating elements. Moreover, thanks to see-through door glass and interior light, the user can monitor the cooking process inside.

Honestly, this Koryo Big Bazaar oven toaster grill is very affordable. Considering its cooking performance and build quality, its market price should have been in 3000 Rupees range. So, what are you waiting for? Order this grill chicken maker OTG before it becomes OUT OF STOCK.

Price ₹1700 | Amazon
Make Grill Chicken | Bake biscuit, Bread, Pizza
Build Stainless Steel Body | Stainless Steel Door | Door with See-Through Glass | 800W Power Output | Control: {Heat & Timer} | 3 Heat Levels | 60-Minute Max Cooking Cycle | 12-Months Warranty