Which is the most popular wall fan under 5000 rupees? Our article covers the best-selling wall fans between 1000 and 5000 rupees. Wall fans recommended in this article are manufactured by reliable Indian brands, such as Usha, Havells, Bajaj, Orient, and Crompton, among others.

The suggested wall fans are energy-efficient and come equipped with a number of features for users' convenience. They are also available in a variety of colors and designs to match any home décor. All wall fans listed in this article are budget-friendly and come with long warranties.

☼ 60W Crompton Wave Plus Wall Fan

क्या आपको एक शक्तिशाली दीवार पंखा चाहिए जो आपको ठंडा रख सके और आपके कमरे की शोभा भी बढ़ा सके? क्रॉम्पटन वेव प्लस वॉल फैन एक बेहतर विकल्प है 2000 रुपए तक के कीमत में। 60W कॉपर मोटर के साथ, यह पंखा 85 CMM की एयर डिलीवरी देता है, जो इसे बाजार में सबसे शानदार शक्तिशाली वॉल फैन में से एक बनाता है।

और सबसे अच्छी बात? यह अपनी उच्च वायु डिलीवरी के साथ अत्यधिक कुशल है, और चुपचाप चलता है, इसलिए आप बिना किसी शोर के ठंडी हवा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।

  Air Coolers under ₹5000

लेकिन यह केवल प्रदर्शन के बारे में नहीं है, क्रॉम्पटन वेव प्लस एक स्लीक और प्रीमियम डिज़ाइन के साथ भी आता है, जो किसी भी कमरे में लालित्य का स्पर्श जोड़ता है। इसका सुपर बिल्ड स्थायित्व और दीर्घायु सुनिश्चित करता है, जो इसे आपके घर या कार्यालय के लिए एकदम सही बनाता है।

आज ही अपनी कूलिंग सेटअप को अपग्रेड करें क्रॉम्पटन ब्रांड के इस शानदार वॉल फैन के साथ। और इस वॉल फैन के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखिये इसकी वीडियो समीक्षा।

Price ₹1900 ► Amazon
Features Regular Motor: 60W | 100% Pure Copper Coil | Max RPM: 1330 | Motor Cooling Design | Air Flow: 85 CMM | Oscillation | Tilting | Motor Warranty: 2 Years


☼ 28W Havells Platina BLDC Wall Fan

क्या आप एक शक्तिशाली लेकिन ऊर्जा-कुशल दीवार पंखे की तलाश में हैं? हैवेल्स प्लेटिना BLDC वॉल फैन पेश है आपके लिए!

इस अभिनव पंखे में 28W BLDC मोटर। आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दूँ की BLDC मोटर वाले बहुत कम वॉल फैन है बाजार में। मोटर में है शुद्ध कॉपर कएल। और मोटर की अधिकतम स्पीड है 1350 आरपीएम।

  Ceiling Fans under ₹2000

अपने 400 मिमी ब्लेड और 65 CMM एयर डिलीवरी के साथ, यह पंखा किसी भी कमरे में कुशलता से हवा प्रसारित कर सकता है। यह ऑसिलेशन और टिल्टिंग सुविधाओं के साथ भी आता है, जिससे हवा के प्रवाह को उस जगह निर्देशित करना आसान हो जाता है जहाँ आपको इसकी सबसे अधिक आवश्यकता होती है।

हैवेल्स प्लेटिना BLDC वॉल फैन के साथ अपने घर को अपग्रेड करें और न्यूनतम ऊर्जा खपत के साथ शांत और आरामदायक जीवन का आनंद लें। इस उम्दा वॉल फैन के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखें हमारी वीडियो प्रस्तुति।

Price ₹3400 ► Amazon
Features BLDC Motor: 28W | Ball Bearings: Single | 100% Pure Copper Coil | Max RPM: 1350 | 400-mm Blade: 3 | Air Flow: 65 CMM | Remote Controller


☼ 90W Crompton SStorm2 Wall Fan

क्या आप शक्तिशाली प्रदर्शन वाले एक विश्वसनीय दीवार पंखा की तलाश में हैं? क्रॉम्पटन SStorm2 वॉल फैन के अलावा और कहीं न देखें! इस मेटल वॉल फैन की एयर डिलीवरी दमदार है। क्रॉम्पटन ब्रांड का उत्पाद होना ही सत्यपित करता है कई यह पंखा एक उम्दा बनावट गुणवत्ता लिए है। 5 साल से ज्यादा बड़े आराम से चलेगा यह।

90W का कॉपर मोटर है इस क्रॉम्पटन वॉल फैन में। मोटर की अधिकतम गति 1350 आरपीएम तक की है। यह पंखा अपने 450 मिमी ब्लेड के साथ और दमदार मोटर के दमपर 100 सीएमएम का उच्च गति वाला वायु प्रवाह प्रदान कर सकता है। दूर तक हवा के झोंके चाहिए से इस मेटल वॉल फैन पर भरोसा कीजिये।

  Angle Grinders under ₹5000

क्रॉम्पटन SStorm2 वॉल फैन का टिकाऊ धातु ब्लेड अधिकतम दक्षता और दीर्घायु के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं। और इस पंखे में आसान संचालन के लिए एक पुल कॉर्ड सिस्टम भी है। लेकिन रिमोट नहीं मिलता इसके साथ।

इस क्रॉम्पटन मेटल वॉल फैन के साथ पूरे वर्ष ठंडा और आरामदायक रहें। इस दीवार पंखा के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखें हमारी वीडियो प्रस्तुति।

Price ₹4200 ► Amazon
Features Motor Power: 90W | Motor Coil: Copper | RPM: 1350 | Speed Levels: 3 | Blade Length: 450 mm | Air-Flow: 100 CMM | Oscillation | Tilting | Amazon Return: 10 Days


☼ 70W USHA Colossus Metal Wall Fan

Those looking for a reliable, powerful wall fan can't go wrong with the USHA Colossus. The performance and reliability of this Usha wall fan are excellent due to a 70-watt copper motor that reaches 1320 rpm. With high air delivery and a powerful motor, this fan is ideal for cooling large rooms or open spaces. If you are looking for a wall fan to install in a public place, consider it. Usha brand provides a 2-year warranty on the Colossus wall fan model.

The fan's special feature is its high-quality aluminum blades. The blade system is made of metal instead of plastic, which is a special feature since most wall fans have plastic blades. The well-designed blades with a high-speed copper motor produce uniform, soothing airflow, resulting in an excellent cooling experience.

The Usha wall fan can deliver 92 CMM of air, which is quite impressive. With such a high air delivery rate, the Usha Colossus Wall Fan delivers plenty of air movement, making it suitable for hot and humid climates. Besides, the fan's uniform oscillation ensures cool air is distributed evenly throughout the room, providing comfort in every corner.

  Pressure Booster Pumps under ₹5000

Overall, the USHA Colossus Wall Fan is a highly recommended product perfect for anyone looking for a reliable and powerful fan. Not only is it a powerhouse, but the fan also has an eye-catching design. Furthermore, the fan is easy to install and use, making it an excellent choice for both commercial and residential applications.

Price ₹2900 → Amazon
Features 70W Copper Motor (1320 RPM) | Air Delivery: 92 CMM | Warranty: 2 Year | Blade: Aluminum | Body: Solid ABS Plastic


☼ 54W Crompton SDX Black Gold Wall Fan

Crompton is one of the best brands for wall fans in the Indian market. Wall fans of this Indian brand are cheap but they have a durable build and a decorative design. Even if they do not have a remote controller with them, they are among the best wall fans in the Indian market because of their superior build quality.

Recently the Crompton brand introduced a wall fan variant of its fan model the SDX Black Gold. This wall fan has a 54W motor, a 400-mm long blade, and a total metal body. It is a low power consumption but a high-speed wall fan. Its blade can rotate 1360 times in one minute.

The whole body of this Crompton wall fan is made of metal including its blade which is made of Aluminum. Plus, the motor of this wall fan has over-heat protection. So, this Crompton wall fan will last more than 5 years for sure. No doubt about it.

  Portable Speakers under ₹5000

Thus, Crompton SDX Black Gold Wall Fan is an excellent option for you to consider if you are looking for a durable and fast wall fan. It is one of the best wall fans under 4000 Rupees in Indian market currently. Go for it.

Price ₹2900 | Amazon
Motor 54-Watt | Max-Speed: 1360 RPM | 100% Copper-Coil | Over-Heat Protection
Blade Metal-Blade | Length: 400-mm | Air-Delivery: 77-CMM
Build Metal Body | Metal Guard | Metal Stand


☼ 55W Bajaj Victor Wall Fan with Remote

Bajaj is one of the most trusted brands in the Indian market for ceiling fans, wall fans, pedestal fans, and table fans. Recently this Indian home electronic brand launched its newest wall fan model Victor.

The Bajaj Victor wall fan is a smart fan. It comes with a remote controller. And, it has a useful timer function. Once the set timer is completed, the wall fan will stop automatically. This feature is very handy if you want faster cooling in your room by combining a wall fan with an air conditioner.

Set a timer of 30 minutes because your room air conditioner will take about 30 minutes to make the room desirably cool. While the room temperature is slowly falling because of the air conditioner, the Bajaj Victor wall fan will ensure air freshness in the room. You don’t need to bother about switching it off after 30 minutes because the set timer will automatically make it off.

  Ceiling Fans under ₹10000

Besides the timer, other features that make the Bajaj Victor wall fan a recommended wall fan under 5000 Rupees are a uniquely designed blade system for large and longer air throw, over-heat protection, and of course its superior build & design. Trust in the Bajaj brand is certainly one of the factors as well.

Price ₹2600 | Amazon
Features High Air Throw | Silent Operation | Swing: Left – Right Only | Best for Air Conditioners | Warranty: 2-Years
Remote Functions: {On, Off, Speed-Control, Swing (Automatic/Fixed), Timer, Wind}
Motor 55W | 100% Copper Coil | Over-Heat Protection | Speed-Levels: 3
Blade 3 Blades | Material: Acrylic | Size: 400 MM
Body Material: Aluminum | Installation Kit: Provided by the brand


☼ 50W Havells Swing Wall Fan

Havells is one of the best brands for fans in the Indian market. Therefore, it makes sense to check what it has to offer in the segment of wall fans.

Havells Swing is the best-selling wall fan for under 3000 Rupees. Amazon has certified this model with an “Amazon Choice” rating for its outstanding build quality.

Havells Swing Wall Fan

The 50W motor of this Havells wall fan at its full capacity can rotate the wings system 1350 times in 60 seconds. To protect the motor from burning there is a built-in thermal overload protection device.

Control knob switch and pull cord are two ways you can control this Havells wall fan. One pull cord is for speed, and another pull cord is for oscillation ON-OFF.

For better Air delivery across the room, Havells Swing Wall Fan has some exciting features. This Havells fan can move its face from left to right and right to left automatically. Also, its face can be adjusted upward and downward direction as per requirement. The blades of this wall fan are aerodynamically designed, withal.

  Refrigerators under ₹30000

Thus, the Havells Swing fan has all the essential Wall Fan features. Being a Havells product itself is a certification that its build quality is durable. Therefore, it is one of the best wall fans under 3000 Rupees in the Indian market. Buy it with confidence!

Price ₹2200 | Amazon
Features Oscillation up to 60° | Adjustable upward and downward tilt mechanism | 24-Months Warranty
Motor 50W Motor | Thermal Overload Protection | Speed Levels: 3 | 1350 RPM | 72CMM Air Delivery
Blade 400-mm Blade | 3 Blades | Aerodynamically designed blades | 120 Ribs Guard
Control Pull cord Control for speed | Pull cord Control oscillation On-Off | Control Knob
Sales Box Motor | Mounting Accessories kit | Blade | Guard set | Guard ring | Guarantee card


☼ 55W V-Guard Esfera Wall Fan with Remote

Premium design, high-speed motor, and high air delivery are some of the reasons why this V-Guard Fan is currently one of the best-selling wall fans in the Indian market.

V-Guard Esfera is not a full metal body wall fan. Most of its body part is made of hard plastic. But it comes with a fully-functional remote. With that controlling its operation is super easier. You will get high air on demand without having to move from your position.

Besides, this V-Guard wall fan has a timer function. Set a timer and forget. An energy-efficient high-speed copper motor powers it. Last but not least Esfera Wall Fan is a V-Guard product. This Indian brand is famous for its high-quality long-lasting voltage stabilizers and home electronics.

  Refrigerators under ₹35000

Air delivery and air coverage of the V-Guard Esfera Wall Fan are very impressive. Thus, considering everything it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is one of the best wall fans under 3000 Rupees. Those who have bought it have recommended it to others. This wall fan makes no noise, except unavoidable oblivious noise due to air cutting.

Price ₹2590 | Amazon
Features Wall Fan with Remote and Timer | Remote-Control: {On/OFF, Mode, Speed, Time, Oscillation} | Warranty: 2-Years
Cooling Speed-Levels: 3 | Tilting-Angle: 35° | Swing: 70° | Oscillation: {Horizontal → Auto | Vertical → Manual}
Motor 55W | 100% Copper Coil | Max-Speed: 1350 RPM | Thermal-Overload Protection
Build Blade-Length: 400 mm (16-Inch) | ABS-Plastic Body | Metal-Guard for Hard-Plastic Blades


☼ 100W Havells V3 Metal Wall Fan

Are you looking for a high-speed wall fan with more than 10 years of expected life? Bet on a Havells wall fan. I recommend the Havells brand because of my own experience with a Havells pedestal fan. A wall fan is nothing but a pedestal fan without a stand for height.

My father bought a Havells pedestal fan around 12 years before. That pedestal fan is still working well. This proves Havells pedestal fans (wall fans with a stand), especially full metal body Havells pedestal fans, last more than 10 years.

  Water Dispensers under ₹50000

Havells V3 wall fan is one of the best metal body wall fans in the Indian market for under 5000 Rupees. Its blade system consists of three 18-Inch long wings. To rotate such a large blade system at a high speed a powerful motor is required. This Havells metal wall fan comes with a 100W copper motor, which has enough power to rotate the blade system up to 1400 times in just 60 seconds, every second around 23 times. Wow!

Price ₹4000 | Amazon
Features Ideal for Large Rooms and Halls | 4 Side Air Throw | Warranty: 2-Year
Motor Capacity: 100W | Copper-Coil | Max Speed: 1400 RPM | Thermal Over-Load Protection
Cooling Air delivery: 110 CMM | Oscillation (60°): {Left-Right → Automatic | Up-Down: Manual} | Fan Speed Levels: 3
Build Blade-Length: 450-mm (18-Inch} | Blade-Material: Aluminum | Metal Blade Guard with 120 Spokes | Full Metal Body | Built-in Speed Control


☼ 90W Orient Tornado Metal Wall Fan

The Orient wall fan is a high-speed fan and it has a full metal body construction. Its blade, blade guard, and stand everything are made of high-quality metal, and to protect them from rusting, a rust-proof coating is applied to them.

  Sandwich Makers under ₹5000

The Orient Tornado wall fan is powered by a 90W copper motor. This motor has enough power to achieve a speed of 1325 RPM. Usually, wall fans have a blade system with 16-inch long wings. The wings of this Orient wall fan are 18-Inch long, though. A high-speed motor and longer blades mean super high air delivery and long air throw.  Orient Tornado Full Metal Wall Fan, therefore, is a perfect fan not just for home use, but also for animal shelters, hotel storerooms, restaurants, shops, showrooms, classrooms, and business centers.

Price ₹3690 | Amazon
Features Ideal for Large Rooms and Halls | 4 Side Air Throw | Pull Cord for ON/OFF and Speed Control | Onboard Speed Control | Warranty: 2-Year
Motor Capacity: 90W | Copper-Coil | Max Speed: 1325 RPM | Thermal Over-Load Protection
Cooling Air delivery: 6030 CMH | Oscillation: {Left-Right → Automatic | Up-Down: Manual} | Fan Speed-Levels: 3
Build Blade-Length: 450-mm (18-Inch} | Blade-Material: Aluminum | Full Metal Body | Chrome-Plated Metal Guard

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