टीवी के लिए वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर एक आवश्यक उपकरण है जो आपके टेलीविजन को बिजली के उतार-चढ़ाव से बचाने में मदद करता है। ये वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर्स आपके टीवी पर वोल्टेज आपूर्ति को स्वचालित रूप से विनियमित करके काम करते हैं, जिससे एक सुसंगत और स्थिर पावर इनपुट सुनिश्चित होता है।

यह उन क्षेत्रों में विशेष रूप से महत्वपूर्ण है जहां बिजली की आपूर्ति अनियमित है या वोल्टेज में उतार-चढ़ाव की संभावना है। क्योंकि वोल्टेज में अचानक वृद्धि या गिरावट आपके टीवी के नाजुक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक घटकों को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है।

वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइज़र का उपयोग करके, आप अपने टीवी का जीवनकाल बढ़ा सकते हैं और वोल्टेज अनियमितताओं के कारण होने वाली किसी भी संभावित क्षति को रोक सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर्स स्वच्छ और स्थिर बिजली आपूर्ति प्रदान करके आपके टीवी की समग्र तस्वीर और ध्वनि की गुणवत्ता में भी सुधार कर सकते हैं।

अपने मूल्यवान इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण की सुरक्षा और आने वाले वर्षों के लिए इष्टतम प्रदर्शन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अपने टीवी के लिए एक उम्दा वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइज़र में निवेश करना एक बुद्धिमान निर्णय है।

☼ 1.50A Sunka Voltage Stabilizer

इस सुनका वोल्टेज स्टैबिलजियर की सबसे बड़ी खासियत है 5 साल तक की वारंटी। तो अगले 5 साल तक निफक्र रहेंगे इस टीवी वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर के साथ।

आगे इसकी बिल्ड क्वालिटी भी टॉप क्लास की है। बस एक चीज नहीं पसंद आया मुझ वह है इसका मेटल बॉडी। इस तरह के इलेक्ट्रिक मशीन का बॉडी प्लास्टिक का ही होना चाहिए। बहुत लोग मेटल बॉडी को अच्छा बात मानते होंगे, लेकिन वह है नहीं। मेटल बॉडी से शॉक का खतरा रहता है। वैसे मेटल बॉडी कोई इशू नहीं है, बस आपके जानकारी के लिए है।

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वर्किंग वोल्टेज रेंज बेहतरीन है इस सुनका वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर का। यह आपके बड़े स्क्रीन के स्मार्ट टीवी को बेहतरीन सुरक्षा देगा। लौ वोल्टेज पर भी काम करेगा। कम वोल्टेज को बढ़ा कर देगा। इनपुट 100V को 130V बना कर देगा।

इस प्रकार आल गुड है सुनका ब्रांड के इस शानदार वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर के साथ। यहाँ आपके नए स्मार्ट टीवी का सही बिजली से सुरक्षा साथी होगा। इसके बारे में विस्तार से जानने क लिए देखें हमारी वीडियो समीक्षा।

Price ₹1990 ► Buy Online
Features Working Voltage-Range: 100V to 280V | Rated Capacity: 1.5 Amp | Ideal Load: 120 Watts | Time Delay: 10 secs | Coil: 100% Copper | Warranty: 5 Years


☼ 2.25A V-Guard Effino 2.25 Stabilizer

वी-गार्ड ब्रांड के एफिनो 2.25 टीवी स्टेबलाइज़र के साथ आप अपने बड़े स्क्रीन वाले स्मार्ट टीवी को बिजली से बेहतरीन सुरक्षा दे सकते है। 2.25-एम्पियर लोड क्षमता के साथ, यह 300W तक लोड ले सकता है सही वोल्टेज है स्थिति में, जो इसे 55 इंच तक के टीवी के लिए आदर्श बनाता है।

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गर्व से भारत में निर्मित, यह बाजार में सबसे अच्छे टीवी स्टेबलाइजर्स में से एक माना जाता है। इसकी उन्नत सुविधाएँ जैसे निम्न और उच्च वोल्टेज कट-ऑफ सुरक्षा, स्वचालित वोल्टेज विनियमन और थर्मल ओवरलोड सुरक्षा आपके टीवी के लिए निर्बाध बिजली आपूर्ति और सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करती हैं।

अस्थिर बिजली से अपने टीवी को नुकसान पहुंचाने का जोखिम न उठाएं, आज ही वी-गार्ड एफ़िनो 2.25 टीवी स्टेबलाइज़र प्राप्त करें! और इसके बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखें हमारी वीडियो समीक्षा।

Price ₹2678 ► Buy Online
Features Input Voltage: 90V – 290V | High-Voltage Protection | Low-Voltage Protection | Power Spike Protection | 6-Amp × 2 Sockets | ABS Body + LED Notification | Amazon Return: 7 Days


☼ 1.30A V-Guard Effino Stabilizer

The V-Guard voltage stabilizer model has one more variant with a load capacity of 2.25 amps. My focus here is on the variant capable of carrying 1.3 amps. Made in India, it comes with a two-year brand warranty and a seven-day Amazon return policy.

Up to a 43-inch smart TV can be connected to this V-Guard voltage stabilizer. The 1.3-Amp rating implies a load capacity of around 100W. A 32-inch smart TV with any screen quality can be easily supported with that load capacity. You can choose from OLED, QLED, or a regular 4K LED TV with a screen size of up to 32 inches. The screen resolution of your smart TV must not be greater than Full HD if it measures 43 inches diagonally. To summarize, let me give you a quick rundown. If the screen size is 32 inches, then all types of screens are supported, but if the screen size is 43 inches, only full HD is supported.

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With its impressive security features, the V-Guard smart TV voltage stabilizer is a good choice. A microprocessor controls it. With this voltage stabilizer, you can rest assured that irregular electricity won't harm your costly smart TV.

In our video review, we explore the V-Guard Effino TV Stabilizer in more detail. You can find all the essential information about it there.

Price ₹1785 ► Buy Online
Features Load Capacity: 1.3-Amp ► 100W | Ideal for 32-Inch → All Screen Sizes | Ideal for 43-Inch → up to Full HD | Warranty: Up to 2 Years


☼ 2.00A AXVOLT Aura Stabilizer

The AXVOLT Aura is currently the most affordable voltage stabilizer for a 55-inch TV. Its max load capacity is 2-Amp which means at 160V input voltage it will take a load of up to 256W and at 200V input voltage it will take a load of up to 320W. The supported input voltage of this cheap voltage stabilizer is 160V to 290V. With the built-in voltage booster and voltage bucking features, the low input voltage will be increased by up to 40V and the high input voltage will be decreased by up to 50V.

  Smart TVs under ₹10000

Despite being so cheap the AXVOLT Aura Voltage Stabilizer for TV has an impressive build quality. It comes with a 100% real copper transformer. Therefore, it is the voltage stabilizer you need to bet on if you want to protect your big-screen TV from an abnormal power supply within a budget of 1500 Rupees.

Price ₹1090 ► Buy Online
Features Max-Load: 2-Amp | Supported Input Voltage: 160V to 290V | Voltage Booster: 40V | Voltage Bucking: 50V | Warranty: Up to 3-Year | Output Socket: 2 × 5-Amp


☼ 2.25A V-Guard Voltino Digi Stabilizer

The voltage stabilizer from V-Guard is perfect for protecting smart TV with a screen size of up to 50-Inch. At an input voltage of 120V, V-Guard Voltino Digi TV Stabilizer will take a load of up to 216W whereas, at 200V, it will take a load of up to 360W. The Ampere capacity of any voltage stabilizer is linked with the input voltage. Moreover, you must know that the power consumption of a 50-Inch TV is in the range of 100W.

  Smart TVs under ₹20000

V-Guard brand gave the TV stabilizer two unique features to combat low and high input voltage. The built-in voltage booster adds 40V to the input voltage whereas voltage bucking reduces up to 48V from the input voltage. Although the supported voltage range of the Smart TV stabilizer is 90V to 290V.

Being a V-Guard voltage stabilizer user for more than 5 years, I can say with surety that the voltage stabilizers of this brand are more accurate, reliable, and long-lasting. That is why paying extra money for them is not a loss-making deal. Hence go for this V-Guard Voltage Stabilizer for Smart TV without a second if it meets your requirement.

Price ₹2750 ► Buy Online
Features For TV up to 55-Inch | Load Capacity: 2.25-Amp {@120V → 216W | @200V → 360W} | Voltage Booster: 40V | Voltage Bucking: 48V | Thermal Overload Protection | Spike Protection | Warranty: 2-Year


☼ 4.00A V-Guard Voltino Grand Digi Plus Stabilizer

The V-Guard brand voltage stabilizer is perfect for TVs with a screen size of up to 80 inches. It has a load capacity of 4 amps, which is 640W at 200 volts. Typically, a TV as large as 80 inches consumes up to 450 watts of power. So, this V-Guard Voltino Voltage Stabilizer can protect one more thing besides protecting your big-screen TV. It comes with two 6-Amp power sockets, hence.

  स्मार्ट टीवी: ₹25000 - ₹30000

The V-Guard Voltino Grand DG Plus Voltage Stabilizer has a nice, sleek design. The body is made of high-quality ABS plastic. It is a wall-mountable device. Two output sockets are provided, and each can take a load of 6 amps. Input and output voltage are visible on this voltage stabilizer.

This V-Guard stabilizer for TV comes with Voltage Booster and Voltage Bucking Features. The booster will increase the input voltage by 40V and the Bucking will reduce it by 48V. For example, an input voltage of 110V will become the output voltage of 150V, and, the 340V input voltage will be reduced to 292V on this V-Guard Voltino voltage stabilizer.

Price ₹4290 ► Buy Online
Features Load Capacity: 4-Amp (640W @ 200V) | Voltage Booster (+40V) | Voltage Bucking (-48V) | Thermal Overload Protection | Spike Protection | Warranty: 2-Year


☼ 2.50A Everest ECC 100 LCD Stabilizer

Which voltage stabilizer is the best for big LED TVs below 2000 Rupees? The ECC 100 LCD voltage stabilizer model from the Everest brand is currently the best voltage stabilizer under 2000 Rupees for big-screen LED TVs. It can take up to an 850W load. So, it is fit for LED TVs of screen sizes up to 72 Inches. Together with a LED TV, it can give smooth power output to the DTH box, home theater, and media player as well. It comes with four output sockets, and you could connect with it up to four systems.

What are the key features of the Everest ECC 100 voltage stabilizer? It works in the voltage range of 90V to 290V. When the input voltage power in your home will be below 90V the output will be cut off. And, when the input voltage in your home will be above 290V then also the output will be cut off. These are low and high-voltage protections for the connected appliance.

  • Latest German Technology
  • 40% Power Saving
  • Noise-Free
  • Intelligent Time Delay
  • Up to 5-Year Warranty

Price ₹1500 ► Buy Online
Features Max-Load: 2.5-Amp (850W) | Connect Up to 4 Systems (Up to 72-Inch LED TV, Home Theater, Media Player, Setup Box) | Working Voltage Range: 90V to 290V | Warranty: 5-Year


☼ 3.00A V-Guard CRYSTAL PLUS Stabilizer

The V-Guard voltage stabilizer is a must-have protection for your big-screen LED TV. It is armed with up-to-date IC technology for efficient and consistent operation. This 3-Amp voltage stabilizer is the solution If there are consistent voltage variations in your area. It can work on the main power supply as well as the generator power supply.

This automatic voltage regulator allows you to guard your machines against hitches such as over-voltage, under-voltage, and power spikes. Its coil cut laminations, as well as copper wound transformers, certifies smooth operation. The MS cabinet of the stabilizer is powder coated which makes it scratch-resistant. For your ease, it has a heavy power cord. Besides, it supports an intelligent delay system that confirms improved performance.

  Smart TVs under ₹100000

You must have this V-Guard Crystal PLUS voltage stabilizer to guard your TV and music system against voltage rise and fall. Thanks to its compact and ergonomic design, it will suit your home decor with no trouble. On top of that, it proposes a high voltage cut-off protection together with integral thermal overload protection. The working range of 90V-290V allows for maintaining the impeccably stabilized voltage.

Price ₹2900 ► Buy Online
Ideal for Up to 47-Inch LED TV | Speaker System | Other similar entertainment gadgets
Load 3A Stabilizer {Max-Load: 700W} | Practical-Load → {One 42-Inch TV + DTH Setup + Home Theater System} | LED TV
Pro Line-Noise & Spike-Protection | Primary-Switching technology | Generator-Compatibility | Output-Voltage correction without a break | Mains turn-on delay
Protection Overload Protection | Low & High Voltage Cut-off
Input Supported-Voltage-Range → 90W to 290V | Turn-On delay 4-6 seconds
Features ABS Body | 36-Months Warranty


☼ 6.00A V-Guard DIGI 200 Stabilizer

Which is the best voltage stabilizer for big-screen LED TV? V-Guard is the most reliable name in the Indian market for voltage stabilizers. The voltage stabilizer of this Indian electronics brand is currently the favorite for safeguarding big-screen LED TV against abnormal electricity supply.

For an LED TV with a screen size up to 42-Inch, the recommended V-Guard voltage stabilizer is V-Guard CRYSTAL PLUS. And, for an LED TV with a screen size up to 70-Inch, the ideal V-Guard voltage stabilizer is V-Guard DIGI 200.

V-Guard DIGI 200 voltage stabilizer is now available in two variants: DIGI 200 Smart & DIGI 200 Supreme. In terms of protection and performance, both variants are similar. Then what is the difference between them? V-Guard DIGI 200 Supreme voltage stabilizer has LED indicators for input, output, low voltage, high voltage, and high temperature. Which one should you buy?

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The price difference between both variants is just about 100 Rupees. And, the information about abnormal power supply does help in making the right decision at the right time. Therefore, you should consider buying the V-Guard DIGI 200 Supreme Voltage Stabilizer model.

Price ₹3900 ► Buy Online
Ideal for Television | DVD | DTH | Home-Theater | Digital Music System | Weighing Machine | Photostat Machine | Desktop | Printer | Medical Equipment | Treadmill
Load Capacity: 6A | Mini Load: 200W | Maxi Load: 1400W | Ideal Practical Load: {Up to 70-Inch LED TV + Setup Box + Speaker System/Home Theater}
Feature Supported Voltage-Range: 140V – 295V | Auto Output Voltage Correction | Generator Compatibility | Primary-Switching Technology | Main Turn-On Delay (4-Sec – 6-Sec) | 3-Years Warranty
Protection Line Noise/Spike | Low-Voltage | High-Voltage | Overload-Cutoff with Automatic Reset | Thermal-Overload
Build Shock-Proof ABS Plastic Body | 7-Segment LED | Wall-Mountable


☼ 1.00A V-Guard Crystal Nano Stabilizer

The V-Guard voltage stabilizer can safely handle up to 80W load. So, it is perfect for LED TVs of up to 43-Inch screen size. Generally, the power consumption of a 43-Inch LED TV is around 70W to 75W.

The supported voltage range of this V-Guard voltage stabilizer is 90V to 280V. If the input voltage is less than 90V, then the output will be cut off. Similarly, if the input voltage is more than 280V, then the output will be cut off automatically. However, when the input voltage is in the range of 90V to 280V, output power with either increased or decreased voltage will be provided to the connected system for healthy running.

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V-Guard Crystal Nano is a voltage stabilizer for TV {standard TV, LED TV, smart TV}. It, therefore, shouldn’t be used to protect any other type of equipment and appliance.

How to know whether this 1-Amp voltage stabilizer is perfect for my LED TV or not? First, check the power consumption of your LED TV. If it is less than 80W then it is 100% fit for your LED TV.

Price ₹1490 ► Buy Online
Features Max Load: 80W | Rated-Capacity: 1-amp | Voltage-Range: 90V to 280V | Warranty: 3-Year

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