आज के समय में, एक विश्वसनीय टॉर्च हर किसी के लिए एक आवश्यक उपकरण है। भारतीय बाजार में विभिन्न प्रकार की एलईडी टॉर्च उपलब्ध हैं, जिनमें प्रत्येक की अपनी अनूठी विशेषताएं और कीमतें हैं। 

यह लेख आपको भारत में उपलब्ध सर्वश्रेष्ठ एलईडी टॉर्चों के बारे में मार्गदर्शन करेगा। इस हैंड टॉर्च समीक्षा लेख के जरिए आप क्रय कर पाएंगे कम कीमत में उत्कृस्ट गुणवत्ता वाला हाथ वाला फ्लैशलाइट।

🔥iBELL FL8350S Rechargeable Flashlight

दोस्तों आईबेल ब्रांड का यह रिचार्जेबल फ्लैशलाइट एक टिकाऊ समाधान है कम मूल्य में और कम खर्च में इंस्टेंट यानि तुरंत लाइट के लिए। इसकी रोशनी काफी दूर तक जाती है। अपने मजबूत निर्माण और रिचार्जेबल बैटरी के साथ, यह फ्लैशलाइट सुनिश्चित करता है कि आपको झकाझक रोशनी मिले जब भी जरुरत हो।

इसमें कई लाइट ब्राइटनेस सेटिंग्स हैं। आप अपनी आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार प्रकाश की तीव्रता को कम ज्यादा यानि की समायोजित कर सकते हैं इस टॉर्च पर। इसके अलावे दिया गया LED बल्ब न केवल बहुत ज्यादा रोशनी पैदा करती है, बल्कि पारंपरिक बल्बों की तुलना में इसका लंबा जीवनकाल भी सुनिश्चित है।

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USB चार्जिंग पोर्ट की बदौलत इस आईबेल फ्लैशलाइट को रिचार्ज करना सच में आसान है। आप अपने फ़ोन के टाइप-सी चार्जर से भी इसे चार्ज कर सकते है। यह LED टॉर्च काफी कम ऊर्जा खपत करती है। तो एक बार 100% चार्ज करने पर कई हफ्तों तक इसे उपयोग सकते है।

इस प्रकार iBELL FL8350S रिचार्जेबल फ्लैशलाइट एक विश्वसनीय और कुशल विकल्प के रूप में सामने आता है। कार्यक्षमता, स्थायित्व और सुविधा का इसका संयोजन इसे उन सभी लोगों के लिए ज़रूरी उपकरण बनाता है जो एक विश्वशनीय विकल्प खोज रहे है।

Price ₹841 ► Buy Online
Features LED Bright Light | Torch Modes: 3 | Aluminum Body | Waterproof Build | Battery: 1600 mAh | Charging Port: USB-C | Warranty: up to 1.5 Years


🔥20W RDR White Led Torch

दूर तक रोशनी फेंकने वाले टॉर्च की बड़ी डिमांड है। वहीं भारतीय बजार में ऐसा LED टॉर्च जिसकी रोशनी एक किलोमीटर से आगे तक जाये और वह सही मूल्य में मिले, इसकी बहुत कमी है। लोगों के कमेंट आते रहते है, तो हमलोग भी अच्छे उत्पाद की लगातार तलाश में रहते है।

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काफी खोजबीन के बाद मुझे RDR ब्रांड का यह LED टॉर्च भाया। इसकी बनावट बेहतरीन प्रतीत होती है। दिया गया है 5000 mAh की लिथियम बटेरी। 5000 mAh बहुत ज्यादा होता है। और इसका रन टाइम, रिचार्जिंग टाइम से लगभग तिगुना है। एक और बढ़िया बात की चार्जिंग के लिए दिया गया है टाइप सी पोर्ट। आपके फ़ोन चार्जर और 25W 45W वाले फ़ास्ट चार्जर से भी चार्ज हो यह टॉर्च।

बारिश में भी इस टॉर्च का उपयोग कर सकते है। खासकर के यह खूबी मुझे बहुत भायी और इसे मेरा पसंदीदा बनाया। आज के समय में टॉर्च का सबसे ज्यादा उपयोग बारिश के दौरान ही होता है। क्योंकि बारिश के समय ही बिजली कटती है।

Price ₹1290 ► Buy Online
Features Max LED Power: 20W | Light Reach: up to 1.5 KM | Battery: 5000 mAh | Battery Type: Lithium | Charging: Up to 6 Hours | Backup: Up to 15 Hours | Free Belt & Case | Returnable: 10 Days


🔥Bajaj Raftaar Jumbo LED RC Torch

No introduction is necessary for the Bajaj brand. This Indian electronics brand is known for its durable and affordable products. Handheld torches are also available from the Bajaj brand. You can purchase the Bajaj Rafter Jumbo LED torch for ₹650. It is a handheld torch with a rechargeable battery. Its gross weight is 175 grams.

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The Bajaj Jumbo torch's battery is 1200mAh. It will take around 6 hours to charge the battery fully. A fully charged battery will provide up to 4 hours of high beam. Therefore, one charge lasts more than a week.

Featuring three modes of lighting, this Bajaj LED torch is an excellent choice at a low price. You could use it as a handheld torch and mode. This torch serves both purposes: hand torch and emergency light.

Overall, the Bajaj Jumbo LED Torch is an excellent product that offers convenience and value for money. With its rechargeable battery, three lighting modes, and long-lasting battery, this torch is a great choice for those looking for a reliable handheld torch.

Price ₹650 ► Buy Online
Features 1200-mAh | Charging Time: Up to 6 Hours | Battery backup: Up to 4 Hours | Made in India


🔥3W Havells Pathfinder 30 Torch

In terms of longevity, the Havells LED torch should last between three and five years, depending on how it is used. Havells launched this model in 2017, and since then, it has been a top-selling torch under 500 Rupees. This rechargeable torch has been sold in lakhs over the past five years. The experience of those buyers with the Havells Pathfinder 30 torch is available. Therefore, we know for sure that it is a reliable product, built to last longer. The Havells Pathfinder 30 Torch will not fail within a year or two if used with care. In time, however, the battery quality will degrade, and so will the efficiency of the system and the LED bulb.

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The Havells rechargeable torch has a 3W LED bulb, and a 900-mAh battery powers it. For charging the battery, this torch has a 2-pin socket built-in. The battery charging time is close to 5 hours, and backup will be around 2 hours. The light of this Havells torch will reach up to 70 meters.

Price ₹300 ► Buy Online
Features LED Bulb: 3W | Battery: 900-mAh | Battery-Charging: 5 Hours | Battery-Backup: 2-Hours | Over-Charging Protection | Warranty: 6 Months


🔥5W Nippo Chamak LED Torch

Have you heard about the brand Nippo? Yes, this brand is known for pencil batteries. Nippo makes emergency lights and hand-held torches as well. Nippo's Chamak LED Torch model is currently a favorite of torch buyers under 1000 Rupees. It is not the best torch under 1000 Rupees, however. The Wipro Emerald Plus rechargeable torch is better than the Nippo Chamak torch. Our video presentation listed below covers a comparison of both rechargeable torches.

Powered by a 3000-mAh lithium-ion battery, the Nippo Chamak torch has a 5W LED bulb. It has two modes of lighting: High and Medium. In the high mode, the battery will last around 4 hours. The medium model will discharge the battery in 10 hours approx.

Cheap rechargeable LED torches do not usually come with overcharging protection. This protection on the Nippo Chamak torch ensures the battery remains juicy even after a few years of use.

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Still, the Wipro Emerald Plus rechargeable torch is a far better option. More powerful battery and being cheaper than the Nippo Chamak are the two primary reasons why I think so.

Price ₹790 ► Buy Online
Features LED Bulb: 5W | 3000-mAh battery | Charging Mode: 2 | Lighting Mode: 2 | Over-Charging Protection | Warranty: 6-Months


🔥Wipro Emerald LED Torch

In addition to being a handheld torch, the Wipro Emerald LED light is also an emergency LED light. Ten hours of continuous light can be expected after the light is fully charged in 6 to 8 hours. That means more than a week of usage in torch mode on a single charge.

This torch sports a 5-watt single LED inside the reflector which is quite efficient at producing 400 lumens of light. Tests have shown that this torch has a range of about 400 meters, which is sufficient for use on a farm, too. For domestic use, switch it to dim mode. Its rechargeable 3000-mAh lithium battery has an assured life cycle of 50000 hours, the brand claims, in addition.

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Further, the rechargeable LED Torch comes with 2 different brightness levels, both affect the battery level. The dim setting can last for up to 10 hours of usage. The strong light level, with a bright light fringe, allows it to last 2.5 to 3 hours without dimming.

This Wipro torch weighs 350 grams. Even young kids can handle it well. The handle is made to be ergonomic. The handle base is solidly filled. The diameter is less than enough to handle small hands conveniently and provides the perfect non-slippery grip.

Price ₹650 ► Buy Online
Features Rechargeable Battery Life: 50000-Hours | One-Button Control | Warranty: 6-Months
Light Bulb Type: 5W LED | Light Modes: Strong & Dim
Battery 3000-mAh | 2.5-Hours in Strong Mode | 10-Hours in Dim Mode | Charging Time: 6 to 8 Hours
Build Weight: 450 Grams | Body: Polycarbonate
Sales Box Wipro Emerald LED Torch | User Manual | Warranty Card


🔥iBELL Rechargeable Torch Flashlight

iBell is a popular and trustworthy brand for high-quality Made-in-China products at affordable prices. This brand primarily sells electronic products including well-made rechargeable LED torches. Because of the superior build quality of its long-range torch, they are currently the best-selling options on the market.

The build quality of the iBELL long-distance rechargeable LED Torch is outstanding. Its body is made of Aircraft Aluminum. So, it is light in weight but is very strong.

An LED flashlight or torch is looked for when there is no light. And, when there is no light then it is difficult to find the torch even it is nearby somewhere. That will not happen if you have this iBELL emergency light torch. It features a night glow band that illuminates in the dark. That helps to locate it easily.

Although the iBELL brand claims to light up to 2-KM with this LED torch model, it is just 400 to 600 meters in reality. Yet that proves the high caliber of this LED flashlight. Please note, there are various factors that disturb visibility.

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This iBELL torch without battery is very light thanks to its superior build quality. However, with the 1900-mAh battery, it weighs close to 500 grams. Indeed heavy! But the good thing is its battery life is excellent. That is close to 3 hours. An LED Torch flashlight is not an LED bulb. Thus, 3 hours of battery life means 3 to 4 days of usage of this iBELL LED torchlight before charging it again.

Price ₹1200 ► Buy Online
Light Bright Cool Daylight | Lumen: 460 | Beam-Range: Up to 2-KM | Zoom by Focus Adjustment
Battery Removeable-Chargeable Battery | 1900-mAh | Charger with Charging-ON Indicator | Charging Time: 3 to 4 Hours | Battery Life:  Close to 3-Hours
Build Body Material: Aircraft Aluminum | Unbreakable Front Cover Glass | Mirror-Finish Reflector | Water Resistant Body | Night-glow Band | Weight: 500-Grams | Length: 27.1-CM | LED Lamp Life: 100,000-Hours
Warranty 12-Month + 6-Month Extra for Online Registration


🔥Mr. Light Rechargeable LED Flashlight

Mr. Light brand, established in 2004 is also known as Moonway Group and is based in UAE. It has had a prominent role in the development of the lighting industry of the Arabian Gulf region for over 10 years. It even holds a genius world record for the world’s largest LED torch ever manufactured.

Most of the flashlights, when used in continuation, start to dim their light and slowly get weaker. This is one of the most common problems with any kind of torch, especially the unbranded ones. This does not happen with the flashlights produced by Mr. Light as they comprise the MC2 technology. If you are wondering what ‘MC2’ even means, it is an equation derived by Albert Einstein that represents the energy, speed, and mass of light.

The distance the light of this Mr. Light torch model goes is 1500 meters, which as a matter of fact is pretty good. Seeing 1.5 kilometers is something that ordinary flashlights do not possess, making this a plus point over others. Furthermore, this torch runs for at least 2.5 hours without dimming its light in proper continuation which I personally believe is a reasonable period.

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Concluding it all!!! This Mr. Light LED flashlight is something good and will not let you down if you invest in it. The company majors in flashlights. It even has a genius record for world’s biggest flashlight, gives the best quality you expect for the everyday usage flashlight, and has many happy clients too! Every person who bought this torch has been delighted with it — which is also adds up to its advantages.

Price ₹1600 ► Buy Online
Features Water-Resistant | Bright Cool Daylight Color Beam
Light-Range 1.5-Kilometer
Battery Backup: 2.5-Hours to 4-Hours | 1950-mAh
Build Aluminum Allow Body | 8-Inch Long
Warranty 1-Year International Warranty

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