Are headphones safer than earphones? Both are harmful to ears. However, here Headphones have an edge if you want to know which one is less harmful. Headphones, because the design creates a sound zone on-the-ear and around-the-ear whereas earphones deliver audio into the ear. The point to focus here is the distance between eardrum and speaker. In the case of earphones, speakers are very close to your eardrum, on headphones, one the other hand, speakers are a bit far. Therefore, Headphones are the best choice compared to earphones, if you want to enjoy your favorite collection without disturbing others and yet maintain a good hearing ability until your last breath.

Music players can produce 100-dB sound. Scientifically proven fact is, if you listen to 100-dB audio for 15-minutes on a pair of earphones, you will lose your natural hearing ability. Similarly, when your ears are exposed to 85-dB sound for eight hours continuously, you will become deaf.

A proven trick to listen to high-quality audio from a music system and through a pair of headphones/earphones or on a speaker system is 60/60. Most speaker system and music player produce the best sound when their volume is set at 60% of their max volume. Set the audio output of your music player at 60 or less than 60%. If your headphones set has a volume control, set that too to 60 or less than 60%. With this setting listen to music continuously for 60-minutes only. Take at least 10-minutes of a break between two 60-minutes of music listening sessions.

Which is the best headphone under 5000 Rupees? Here you read about the best-selling headphones from 4000 to 5000 Rupees range in India market from top brands JBL, Philips, Sony, boAt, and others.

इस बात का कोई वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण नहीं है कि हेडफोन पहनने से बाल झड़ने लगते हैं। बालों का झड़ना एक जटिल स्थिति है जो आनुवंशिकी, हार्मोनल असंतुलन, चिकित्सा स्थितियों और कुछ दवाओं जैसे विभिन्न कारकों से प्रभावित होती है। हालांकि लंबे समय तक टाइट या भारी हेडफोन पहनने से सिर की त्वचा पर दबाव पड़ सकता है, लेकिन इससे बालों के तेजी से झड़ने की संभावना नहीं है।

पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों में बालों के झड़ने का प्राथमिक कारण एंड्रोजेनिक एलोपेसिया है, जिसे आमतौर पर पुरुष या महिला पैटर्न गंजापन के रूप में जाना जाता है, जो एक वंशानुगत स्थिति है। अन्य कारणों में तनाव, पोषण संबंधी कमी, ऑटोइम्यून विकार और कुछ हेयर स्टाइल शामिल हो सकते हैं जो बालों की जड़ों को मजबूती से खींचते हैं। इसलिए, यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि हेडफ़ोन के उपयोग से कभी-कभी दबाव के कारण असुविधा या खोपड़ी में जलन हो सकती है, बालों के झड़ने के बारे में चिंताओं को केवल हेडफ़ोन को दोष देने के बजाय अन्य संभावित अंतर्निहित कारणों को संबोधित करने की ओर निर्देशित किया जाना चाहिए।

🔥40MM Noise Airwave Max 5 Headphone

नॉइस ब्रांड के इस हैडफ़ोन को लेकर मिक्स्ड रिएक्शन है। इसे क्रय कर निरंतर सुनने वालों में से ज्यादातर को यह बहुत भाया। लेकिन ऐसे भी यूजर है जिसे बिलकुल बेकार लगा। पैसे की बर्बादी लगी। जहाँ तक मेरी बात है मुझे बढ़िया लगा नॉइस Airwave Max 5 हैडफ़ोन। लोगों यही राय है Airwave Max 4 के लिए, जो की है इस हैडफ़ोन सीरीज का पिछला संस्करण।

अगर इस नॉइस हैडफ़ोन ने अपने साउंड और फीचर्स से आपका दिल जीता तो फिर आप रख लेना, नहीं तो बिना किसी देरी किये वापस कर देना। लेकिन इसे क्रय जरूर करें, अगर आप खोज रहे है एक उम्दा हैडफ़ोन 5000 रुपए से कम मूल्य में।

  Soundbar Home Theaters under ₹10000

नॉइस Airwave Max 5 हैडफ़ोन से सुनने को मिलता है HD साउंड, सराउंड साउंड इफ़ेक्ट के साथ। ऑडियो क्वालिटी जबरदस्त है इस हैडफ़ोन की। आसपास के नॉइस को कट करने के लिए है अडाप्टिव नॉइस रिडक्शन फीचर। वहीं उत्कृष्ट कालिंग एक्सपीरियंस के लिए दिया गया है चार माइक, ENC के साथ। साथ ही बैटरी बैकअप भी इस वायरलेस हैडफ़ोन का एक्सीलेंट है।

Price ₹4690 ► Buy Online
Features Dynamic Driver: 40-mm | Spatial Audio: 3D Sound | Special Feature: LDAC | Adaptive ANC: up to 50 dB | Bluetooth v5.4 | 100% Charging: 1.5 Hours | Max Run Time: 80 Hours | Warranty: 1 Year


🔥32MM JBL 510BT Headphone

जेबीएल ट्यून 510BT वायरलेस हेडफोन उल्लेखनीय विशेषताओं वाला एक असाधारण ऑडियो डिवाइस है, जो इसे संगीत प्रेमियों के लिए एक शीर्ष विकल्प बनाता है। 3000 रुपए से कम कीमत में यह सबसे उम्दा विकल्प है फिलहाल।

अपने 32-मिमी ड्राइवरों के साथ, यह 20 हर्ट्ज से 20 किलोहर्ट्ज़ तक की आवृत्ति रेंज को कवर करते हुए स्पष्ट ध्वनि पैदा करता है। हेडफोन में स्पीकर की सेंसिटिविटी 103.5 डीबी है, जो स्थापित करता है कि यह हैडफ़ोन काफी तेज आवाज पैदा कर सकता है।

​इस जेबीएल ​​वायरलेस ब्लूटूथ हैडफ़ोन की वायरलेस क्षमताएं ब्लूटूथ 5.0 तकनीक ​​पर आधारित है, जो एक स्थिर और निर्बाध वायरलेस कनेक्शन की गारंटी देती है। अंतर्निर्मित माइक्रोफ़ोन सुविधा और कार्यक्षमता प्रदान करते हुए आसान हैंड्स-फ़्री कॉलिंग की अनुमति देता है।

  Men's Shaver Trimmer under ₹5000

​आगे इसमें एक प्रभावशाली दमदार बैटरी है, जो 40 घंटे तक का संगीत प्लेबैक या टॉक टाइम प्रदान करता है। जबकि टाइप सी पोर्ट के माध्यम से पूर्ण रिचार्ज के लिए केवल 2 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है। अपनी दमदार बैटरी और टिकाऊ बनावट के बावजूद, जेबीएल ट्यून 510BT हल्का और आरामदायक है, इसका वजन सिर्फ 160 ग्राम है। ये हेडफ़ोन बेहतर ध्वनि गुणवत्ता, सुविधा और शैली चाहने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति के लिए एकदम सही विकल्प हैं।

Price ₹2899 ► Buy Online
Features 32-mm Driver | FR Range: 20Hz – 20kHz | Sensitivity: 103.5 dB | Impedance: 32 ohm | JBL PURE Bass Sound | Bluetooth 5.0 | Charging Time: 2 Hours | Music Playback backup: 40 hours | Weight: 160 grams


🔥40MM realme TechLife Studio H1 Headphone

रियलमी ब्रांड का TechLife Studio H1 हेडफ़ोन अत्याधुनिक तकनीक और बेहतरीन साउंड क्वालिटी के साथ सुनने के अनुभव को फिर से परिभाषित करते हैं। शक्तिशाली 40 mm ड्राइवर की विशेषता वाले ये हेडफ़ोन समृद्ध, इमर्सिव ऑडियो प्रदान करते हैं जो संगीत प्रेमियों को आकर्षित करते हैं। हाई-रेज़ ऑडियो सर्टिफिकेशन सुनिश्चित करता है कि हर नोट और बारीकियों को ईमानदारी से पुन: पेश किया जाता है, जिससे आपका ऑडियो आनंद नई ऊंचाइयों पर पहुंच जाता है।

Studio H1 की सबसे खास विशेषताओं में से एक इसका 360° स्पैटियल ऑडियो-इफ़ेक्ट है, जो एक ऐसा साउंडस्टेज बनाता है जो आपको संगीत के दिल में ले जाता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, LDAC ऑडियो-कोडेक मोड बेहतर वायरलेस ऑडियो स्ट्रीमिंग प्रदान करता है, जो ब्लूटूथ कनेक्शन पर भी हाई-डेफ़िनेशन साउंड क्वालिटी की अनुमति देता है।

  Headphones under ₹30000

चाहे आप अपने पसंदीदा ट्रैक सुन रहे हों या फ़िल्में देख रहे हों, Realme TechLife Studio H1 हेडफ़ोन एक बेजोड़ श्रवण अनुभव प्रदान करता है जो आराम और स्टाइल के साथ उन्नत तकनीक को जोड़ता है। अपने आप को ध्वनि की ऐसी दुनिया में डुबोएँ जो वास्तव में हर पल को यादगार बनाती है।

Price ₹4999 ► Buy Online
Features Speaker Driver: 40-mm | Hi-Res Audio Certification | 360° Spatial Audio-Effect | LDAC Audio-Codec Mode | Game Mode: 80ms Low Latency | 43dB Hybrid ANC: 3 Modes | 100% Heavy-Deep Bass | Warranty: 1 Year


🔥32MM JBL 500BT Bluetooth Headphone

JBL and boAt are currently the two most favorite brands in the Indian market for headphones, which can produce loud & clear sound with true bass. JBL Tune 500BT headphone is the best-selling headphone in the 3000 to 4000 Rupees price range at present.

This JBL wireless Bluetooth headphone has an impressive build and design. It features a powerful 300-mAh battery, which takes about 2 hours in charging, then renders excellent 16 hours of music playback backup. Even if you use this JBL Bluetooth headphone for two to three hours every day, one full charge will last for a week almost. Isn’t it awesome?

A wireless headphone having a powerful battery means it could be having a high weight. Here JBL's excellence in headphone design proves its depth by limiting the gross weight of JBL Tune 500BT to just 155 grams, despite a powerful battery onboard.

  Sewing Machines under ₹5000

Thus, JBL TUNE 500BT is the cordless headphone with MIC you need to consider if your budget for your new headphone falls between 3000 to 4000 Rupees range. This JBL wireless Bluetooth headphone offers total value for its current market price.

Price ₹3200 ► Buy Online
Features Wireless Music-Streaming | JBL Pure Bass Sound | Mic for Hands-Free Calling
Sound Speaker-Driver → 32-mm | Impedance → 32-ohm | FR Range → 20Hz to 20KHz
Battery 300-mAh Li-ion Battery | Battery Backup: Up to 16-Hours | Charging Time: 2-Hours | Charging-Speed → 5-Minutes Charging = 1-Hour Music Playback-backup
Build Lightweight | Comfortable | Foldable | Multi-Point Connections | Built-in Siri & Google Now | Onboard Controls | Weight: 155-Grams


🔥40MM Philips SHL3175 Headphones with MIC

The pair of headphones is capable of producing a sound that would leave the listener awestruck. The magnet placed in their speakers is Neodymium, and the driver size is 40 mm. Further, the magnet placed in the speakers also ensures that every time they are plugged in, the sound produced is entirely balanced and there is no room for any errors related to it. Philips has also set the maximum volume level on these headsets for a safe and sound hearing experience.

The ear shells of the headphones are padded with a cushion made out of soft material. With the soft cushion on ear-pads, these headphones are comfortable for an extended musical session. Moreover, the earpads also cut the ambient noise around you and let you enjoy the music as it is.

The headphone is named BASS+. Does it have clear BASS in the audio produced? What I love about these headphones is that despite being affordable – sound very natural. Thus, when there is BASS in the audio, you hear clear Bass. When there is no BASS, you do not get machine-generated BASS. This makes sense. When the music producer created the audio file with lower BASS, why do you want to hear it with machine-produced BASS? Philips SHL3175 headphone is one of the best closed-back Bass headphones under 1500 Rupees you could buy currently.

  Microphones under ₹5000

Also, these headphones are super light in weight for comfortable wearing. Also, the design of these headphones is on-ear which makes them pretty stylish to look at.

The looks of the headphones are something, which all your friend would appreciate and not get bored of very quickly. The bass of the headphones is rather enjoyable. You are unlikely to face any issues related to fit and sound quality, withal. The SHL3175 model is the best Philips headphone under 1300 Rupees. It is, therefore, worth going for and would even make up for an ideal present to gift someone.

For those looking to buy a fantastic set of headphones within a budget and without compromising on quality, Philips SHL3175 BASS+ headphone is the perfect option to go for. It hardly has any major shortcomings, and it passes with good marks on every safety test.

Price ₹1900 ► Buy Online
Features Driver: 40-mm | Built-in MIC | Weight: 190-grams | FR-Range: 8Hz – 23.5KHz | Sensitivity: 104 dB | Cable: 1.2-Meter | Inline Control for Hands-Free Call & Music | Fully-Foldable


🔥40MM Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Headphone with MIC

The Mi Bluetooth headphone is one of the best-selling headphones under 2000 Rupees, currently. The main reason for its popularity is the Xiaomi brand name and its specifications. However, does it worth it? Can it produce crystal clear sound with powerful bass?

If you are a Xiaomi brand fan, then go ahead, and buy this wireless headphone. Because it is tough to convince a real Xiaomi fan. However, if you care about sound quality, wearing comfort, and durability factor, then read carefully what I am going to say about this Mi headphone.

The Mi Bluetooth headphone is very impressive on paper. Its performance, however, is not what it is on paper. Its 40-mm speaker driver does not deliver sound like a real 40-mm driver. Also, the audio clarity is not as impressive as one would expect from a brand like Xiaomi. The bass in the audio is not well balanced, withal.

As far as build quality is concerned, this MI wireless headphone looks excellent. It comes with a powerful battery, which has 20 hours of epic battery life. Also, its Bluetooth version is 5.0. Will it remain intact after 6 months, even if it is used with care? I don’t think so. It has been proven again and again that the average life of Xiaomi products is around 6 months.

  Top Earphones under ₹3000

If not this Xiaomi Mi headphone, then what? In my opinion, Sony X450 is the best headphone under 2000 Rupees. It, however, is a wired headphone, not a wireless headphone. If you are sure that you need a wireless headphones under 2000 Rupees, then this Mi Bluetooth headphone is indeed a fantastic choice.

Price ₹1700 ► Buy Online
Features Connectivity: Wired/Wireless | Bluetooth 5.0 with 10-meter Range | with MIC for Hands-Free Calling | Voice-Control
Speaker 40-mm Driver | Impedance: 32-ohm
Battery 20-Hours Battery Life at 80% Volume | 200-Hours Standby | 2-Hours Charging Time
Build Weight: 150-Grams | Micro-USB Charging Port | On-Board Control Buttons | Pressure-less Ear-Muffs


🔥32MM JBL 510BT Wireless Headphone

Are you looking for wireless headphones below 3000 rupees? Look no further than the JBL 510BT Bluetooth wireless headphones! It comes with a premium lightweight build, solid sound, and long battery life.

The JBL 510BT headphones boast a 32-mm dynamic driver in its speakers. Humans can hear all the frequencies produced by those drivers. The sensitivity of 103.5 dB confirms that this JBL headphone is very loud. However, the 32-ohm impedance is negative!

With this headphone from JBL, you can enjoy loud, clear sound with deep bass. JBL's signature technology JBL PURE BASS SOUND adds richness to the audio. Hence, whether you listen to these JBL Bluetooth headphones at high volume or ultra-low volume, the sound will match the source quality.

  वाशिंग मशीन: ₹1000 - ₹5000

The JBL 510BT headphone's build quality is mind-blowing. Both sides of the ear cushions are very soft, preventing ambient noise from reaching the eardrums.

Batteries are included in Bluetooth wireless headphones for wireless use. Built-in battery adds to the headphone's weight. This JBL headphone weighs only 160 grams, though.

Lightweight build means poor battery life! Isn’t it? The JBL wireless headphones come with 40 hours of music playback. Incorporated type-C fast charging fully charges the battery in about 2 hours.

The JBL 510BT headphones come with other features. We covered them in our video presentation, below.

Price ₹2899 ► Buy Online
Features 32-mm Driver | FR Range: 20Hz – 20kHz | Sensitivity: 103.5 dB | Impedance: 32 ohm | JBL PURE Bass Sound | Bluetooth 5.0 | Charging Time: 2 Hours | Music Playback backup: 40 hours | Weight: 160 grams


🔥40MM Boult ProBass Thunder Bluetooth Headphone

The Boult Audio headphone looks promising. Its audio quality is good, but the build quality is so-so. Actually, 1100 Rupees, which is the price of the ProBass Thunder model, isn't sufficient for high-quality wireless headphones. You must have at least 3000 Rupees in your pocket as per the current market trend.

The brand spent its manufacturing costs wisely. In comparison to the build, more money was spent on the speaker driver. That is indeed a good thing.

The Boult Audio Bluetooth headphone has a 40-mm speaker driver on both sides. Because of its big size and top-heavy design, the speaker driver generates crisp, clear sound with extra bass. I can assure you that either you will love the audio quality or you will not dislike it. You will not hate the audio for sure.

Coming to its build, this wire-free headphone seems fragile and hence easily breakable. That becomes even more evident with its weight, which is just 200 grams.

The Boult Audio ProBass Thunder Bluetooth wireless headphone is described here in terms of their sound quality and build quality. It has more features, though. You will know them in our video presentation, which is linked below.

  SMPS under ₹5000

I would recommend the Boult Audio ProBass Thunder headphone for 1100 Rupees, but not for 1500 Rupees. Buy it if still available at its current market price.

Price ₹1100 ► Buy Online
Features 40-mm Driver | Battery-Life: Up to 10 Hours Playtime | Battery-Standby Time: Up to 48 Hours | Bluetooth 5.0 | Aux-in | On-Board Controls | Mic for Hands-Free Calling and Voice Assistant | Amazon Replacement: 7-Day


🔥40MM MuveAcoustics Impulse2Pro Headphone

MuveAcoustics is one of the best headphone brands in India market. This brand sells superior sounding headphones with a durable build quality at affordable prices. The Impulse2Pro wireless Bluetooth headphone model of this brand is one of the top headphones under 1500 Rupees currently on the market. Those who have bought it and being entertained by it regularly have rated it with an average of 4.6-Point. That is indeed an incredible rating for a low cost, cheap headphones whose current market price is just 1290 Rupees.

MuveAcoustics Impulse2Pro headphone is an excellent choice for listening to songs. It may not be the right headphone model if you want your new headphone to excel also in hands-free calling.

  Multimedia Speakers: ₹10000 - ₹15000

The build quality of this wireless Bluetooth headphone is outstanding and its design is very impressive. Also, it looks very stylish. Its gross weight is disappointing, though. I personally prefer lightweight headphones.

MuveAcoustics Impulse2PRO Wireless Headphone is moderately overweight due to its large battery. I must bring to your notice that despite the price of this headphone, its battery quality is outstanding. The 300-mAh battery quickly fuels up, reaches to 100% in less than 2-Hours.

Price ₹1290 ► Buy Online
Features Wireless Music-Streaming | Portable-Design | Bluetooth-4.2 with 10-Meter Range
Sound 40-mm Speaker Driver | Passive-Noise Isolation | FR Range: 20Hz to 20KHz | Sensitivity: 105-dB at 1-kHz | Impedance: 30-ohm | Signal-To-Noise Ratio: >94-dB
Battery Battery-Type: 300-mAh | Up to 15-Hours Battery Life | Charging Method: Micro-USB | Charging-Time: less than 2-Hours
Build Weight: 295-Grams | Adjustable-Headband | Foldable | On-Board Control


🔥40MM Motorola Escape 200 Wireless Headphone

No doubt about it that boAt Rockerz 400 is the best headphone under 1500 Rupees. This Indian brand headphone has so far recorded more than 1.5-Lakh ratings at Flipkart. With that many ratings, its current rating stands at 4.3. That is indeed incredible.

The headphones from Motorola are also highly recommended options from 1000 to 1500 Rupees range currently. Their design and ability to produce loud sound with balanced bass have been appreciated by the users.

The latest Motorola wireless headphones under 1500 Rupees are Motorola Escape 200 and Escape 210. These are Bluetooth headphone with MIC. Having Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa built-in means they can be controlled by voice commands as well.

Escape 200 is an over-the-ear headphone, whereas Escape 210 is an on-the-ear headphone. These Motorola Bluetooth headphones are though similar in terms of build quality, sound quality, and performance. Also, they feature the same 40-mm speaker driver for generating loud and clear sound with balanced bass.

What I like the best about these Motorola headphones is that they can produce the audio the way it should be. No frequency level is over-pronounced or under-pronounced. You will hear crisp, clear, loud sound with balanced bass.

  Portable Speakers under ₹10000

The build quality of these Motorola Bluetooth headsets is not impressive, however. Apparently, it is an issue not just with these two wirelesses headphone models, but also with Motorola smartphone, and other products on sale.

Price ₹1400 ► Buy Online
Features Inline-Remote | Foldable | No-Sound Leakage | Voice-Command with {Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant} | Super-Comfortable to Wear | Noise-Cancellation | 1-Year Warranty
Sound 40-mm Speaker-Driver | Deep-Balanced-Bass
Power Requires 3 Li-Po Batteries | 15-Hours Music Playtime (8 to 12 Hours of Backup Certain)
Connectivity Wireless/Wired | Bluetooth | Audio-Jack
Build Weight: 177-Grams | With MIC


🔥32MM Creative Sound Blaster Jam Headphone

These days everyone likes listening to music while working out, walking, and traveling. A headphone should be lightweight, minimalistic, and equipped with wireless connectivity to be compatible with these activities. The Sound Blaster Jam headphone model from the house of speaker brand Creative is a solution for these requirements. That is why it is one of the best-selling headphones under 3000 Rupees currently.

The build and design of the Creative Sound Blaster Jam headphones are very impressive. It is an On-Ear headphone with powerful batteries and the latest wireless connectivity options. As claimed by the brand, once fully charged this headphone becomes fit for 12 hours of active usage. Having Bluetooth and NFC both the connectivity options mean it can with almost all the old, latest, and coming soon audio producing system if they have either one of both connectivity options.

  Portable Speakers under ₹20000

This Creative headphone comes with rather small 32-mm driver units. Still, its audio quality is super impressive. Bass and treble levels are appreciable. It also sports a special bass enhancement button that can be pressed to amplify the lower frequencies.

Incredible Sound Quality, boost button, Excellent Battery Life, and Lightweight Build are the four big reasons why Creative Sound Blaster Jam must be on your list of best wireless headphones for 3000 Rupees. Go for it!

Price ₹3000 ► Buy Online
Features Connectivity: {Bluetooth with 15-Meter Range, NFC} | Hands-Free Calling | Bass-Boost on Demand | Onboard Control {Play, Pause, Volume, Answer Call} | 1-Year Warranty
Sound Stereo Sound | 32-mm Neodymium-Driver | Maximum-Bass Response
Battery 200-mAh (3.7V) Battery | Charging Time: 3 to 4 Hours | Playback Time: Up to 12-Hours
Build Built-in Omni-Direction Microphone | One-Tap Button for Bass-Boost | Earpieces with ear-friendly soft cushion | Not-Foldable | Super-Lightweight


🔥30MM Sony XB550AP Extra-Bass Headphone

The Sony Extra Bass headphone is one of the best headphones on the market currently. If your budget for a new pair of headphones is around 3000 Rupees, the Sony MDR-XB550AP is the best option. There is no better headphone than this one at present in the market.

I recommend this wired headphone with MIC not because of its ability to produce extra bass instead of natural sound. You will agree with me that when comes to natural digital sound, Sony is the most favorite brand globally.

  Earphone: ₹1500 - ₹2000

The build, and design of this Sony Headset are outstanding. The grand construction is made of plastic. Beneath spongy headband has a stainless-steel frame. That is not too stiff, resulting in comfortable fitting over the user’s head and ears. Earpads on both sides have a leatherette cover.

The overall weight of a unit is only 180 grams. That is much less compared to its branded alternatives on sale. You would not feel it heavy on your head. Earpads on-ear would not bite instead provide much-needed comfort, required for an extended music session, withal. Tangle-free flat cable is just completing this best Sony headphones.

I prefer to listen to music on earphones than on a pair of headphones. Headphones are often bulky and have a stiff headband that gives me a headache within a short span of use. However, that was not the case with this Sony Headphones while I was testing it. I must mention this here.

Powerful Speakers with 30-mm Driver: The 24-ohm impedance of this Sony Headsets tells it is compatible with even low-grade audio-producing devices. Moreover, the low impedance also means this Sony Headphones require less input to produce louder audio. 30-mm driver in the speakers asserts the point, too. Thus, if you are looking for a pair of headphones that is capable of producing loud and clear sound with Extra Bass, consider this pair of Sony headphones with MIC.

The MDR-XB550AP is the best Sony headphones for music and static audio. It is one of the rare headphones that can satisfy all types of users, someone like me, who is more interested in realistic sound, and those who want extra Bass in the audio.

Price ₹2990 ► Buy Online
Build On-the-Ear Design | With MIC | 3.5-mm Audio-Jack | Flat-Cable | 1.2-meter Cord Length | Stylish matte Finish | Wired Connectivity | Foldable | Stainless-Steel Headband | 180 Grams Weight
Control Play | Pause | Call Control
Sound Extra-Deep Bass | 30-mm Driver | Dynamic-Driver | 24-ohm Impedance | Balanced Sound | Neodymium Magnet | Sensitivity: 102 dB/mW
Sales Box Headset | User Manual | Warranty Card
Warranty 12 Months

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