It is a misconception that Indian Curd and Western Yogurt are the same.  Both are the same in many ways, yet they are different. Look, color, test-wise Indian curd, and Western Yogurt are the same, but a distinct separation is in the steps followed to prepare them. Besides, their nutritious properties are also opposed. Based on Nutrition values, Nutritionists often suggest Western Yogurt over Indian Curd. I, however, failed to connect with such an opinion in the absence of a credible, sensible, and unbiased study.

I leave this discussion at this point because this article is not about which one is best in Curd and Yogurt. Instead, this article is about which is the best electronic curd marker to prepare delicious sweet curd/Yogurt at home.

Before I move to discuss the best curd makers in the Indian market, let me share with you the right way to eat curd. Never mix salt in your curd. That kills all nutritious properties. Indian curd with Jaggery is the best and most profoundly nutritious, and one must have it daily for good health.

☼ 1.0L InstaCuppa Automatic Yogurt Maker

क्या आप घर पर ही स्वादिष्ट, मलाईदार दही बनाना चाहते हैं? InstaCuppa ऑटोमैटिक योगर्ट मेकर से बेहतर कोई विकल्प नहीं है 1000 रुपए से कम कीमत में!

यह अभिनव उपकरण दही बनाने की परेशानी को दूर करता है, और आपको कुछ आसान चरणों में ताज़ा, घर का बना दही बनाने की सुविधा देता है। केवल 24 घंटों में 3 लीटर तक दही बनाने की क्षमता के साथ, यह उन लोगों के लिए एकदम सही समाधान है जो अपने आहार में अधिक स्वस्थ, घर का बना विकल्प शामिल करना चाहते हैं।

  Nutri Blenders under ₹10000

ग्रेड 304 स्टील कंटेनर हर बार परफेक्ट दही के लिए समान गर्मी वितरण सुनिश्चित करता है। वहीं दिया गया 15W का पीटीसी हीटर शानदार क्वालिटी का है।

तो स्टोर से खरीदे गए दही को अलविदा कहें और InstaCuppa ऑटोमैटिक योगर्ट मेकर के साथ एक स्वस्थ, स्वादिष्ट विकल्प को अपनाएँ।

Price ₹899 ► Amazon
Features Curd in All-Weather | In 24 Hours: 3 Liters | Ready to Eat Curd: 8 hrs. | Temperature: Auto Set | Warranty: 1 Year


☼ Prestige Yogurt Maker {PYM 01}

You need an electric curd maker as it will get you hotel-style thick curd in all weather conditions. You can easily get a decent quality electric curd maker in 500 Rupees price range. However, the curd maker will not be from a known brand. It will be a China import. Apparently, there is no branded curd maker below 1000 Rupees on the market presently. Your budget must be above 1000 Rupees for a reliable curd maker from a known brand.

Prestige brand does not require any introduction. It is one of the best Kitchen appliance brands in India market. This Indian brand also sells curd makers. You need to spend only 1450 Rupees to get its curd maker delivered to your address.

The Prestige curd and yogurt maker can prepare 1.4-Liter curd in 7 Flavors in one go.  The process to make curd in this electric curd make is simple. Nicely boil the milk. Let its temperature settle to the hand-hot stage. Now add some curd. Use a spoon to mix it well. Now fill the mixture in the bottles. If you want, you can add color, flavor, and nuts to the jars. Now transfer the pots to the Prestige curd maker. Switch ON the machine and go to sleep. The next day morning, remember to switch off the machine. Your thick curd in 7 flavors is ready.

  Egg Boilers under ₹2000

Everything is excellent about this Prestige Yogurt Maker. It makes thick delicious curd. However, I would have rated it best had it the timer function with an automatic switch option. Still, it is one of the best curd makers under 1500 Rupees.

Price 1450 Rupees
Feature 1.4-Liter Curd in 7 Flavor in One Go | 6-Hours Processing Time
Sales Box Curd Maker Machine | 7 Glass Jars with Lid | Recipe-Book | Documents


☼ HSR Plastic Automatic Yogurt Maker

The brand HR Plastics fittingly advertises its curd maker as the best choice for Kitchen neophytes. It comes with the efficiency that requires minimum setting yet it prepares thick, testy curd. It is one of the best curd makers under 1000 Rupees. Yes! This yogurt maker operates on a minimum setting. Therefore, I would rate it as a top pick.

The curd maker has a plastic build with a 1-liter stainless-steel container to hold milk for curd. The process to make curd is simple. Pour fresh milk (not boiled, fresh raw milk) and add some yogurt, and set the machine to ON. After 8 to 9 hours, you get fresh, thick curd of the same quality as hotels sell.

  डीप फ्रायर: ₹1000 – ₹5000

Reasonably priced and the manufacturer's unbelievable commitment to customer satisfaction is the best reasons you should give a buy call to this curd and yogurt maker. Primarily for students and bachelors, I recommended HSR Plastic automatic curd maker under 1000 Rupees as the best choice.

Price ₹650 ► Amazon
Features Curd in All-Weather | In 24 Hours: 3 Liters | Ready to Eat Curd: 8 hrs. | Temperature: Auto Set | Warranty: 1 Year