Motor power and cutting depth are the two key factors to consider while selecting a cutter machine. Whether you are looking for a chap saw, circular saw, or any other cutting machine, these two factors matter the most. They make the actual difference between the two cutter machines. Other factors are obviously secondary.

Which is the best metal-cutting machine in the Indian market? This review article covers the best-selling chop saw from the price range of 1000 to 20000 Rupees range. The suggested metal cutters are a top favorite of buyers because of their high motor power and ability to cut thicker and larger metal blocks.

☼ 2200W Stanley SSC22 Chop Saw

स्टेनली ब्रांड का SSC2 चॉप सॉ एक शक्तिशाली धातु काटने की मशीन है जो आपकी सभी काटने की जरूरतों के लिए बिल्कुल उपयुक्त है। इस लोहा काटने की मशीन पर काट सकते है सरिया, और दूसरे धातु। 2200W मोटर और 14 इंच ब्लेड के साथ, यह आरी विभिन्न धातु सामग्रियों को आसानी से काटती है।

सटीक कटाई करती है स्टैनले SSC2 मेटल कटर मशीन। इस मशीन पर 90° और 45° कोण पर कटाई होती है। उम्दा डिज़ाइन के कारण यह स्टैनले चॉप सॉ इस्तेमाल में भी काफी आसान है। अतः यह मशीन किसी भी कार्यशाला के लिए एक आवश्यक उपकरण बन जाता है।

  Kitchen Chimneys under ₹10000

स्टेनली SSC2 चॉप सॉ की विशेषताओं और लाभों के बारे में अधिक जानने, और इसे क्रियान्वित होते देखने के लिए नीचे दिए गए वीडियो जरूर देखें। वीडियो में इस मेटल कटर मशीन के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिलेगी।

चाहे आप पेशेवर मेटलवर्कर हों या DIY उत्साही हों, यह शक्तिशाली मेटल कटर आपको काम को कुशलतापूर्वक और प्रभावी ढंग से पूरा करने में मदद करेगा। अपनी कार्यशाला के लिए इस आवश्यक उपकरण को न चूकें।

Price ₹10000 ► Amazon
Features 2200W | Copper Motor | 3800 RPM | 14-Inch Blade | 90° Cut | 45°C Cut | Amazon Return: 10 Days | Warranty: 1 Year


☼ 2200W GIGAWATTS R-355C Chop Saw

The Gigawatts brand of power tools is an excellent choice if you are looking for affordable tools that last long. A high-power chop saw is available only from this brand for 5000 rupees. I refer to the model R-355C metal cutter machine. The Gigawatts chop saw is one of the best options on the market.

The Gigawatts chop saw has a 2200W motor with a maximum speed of 3800 RPM. In order to make this chop saw model suitable for continuous usage, the brand added cooling vents on the motor side. Therefore, you can use this 2200W chop saw continuously.

This Gigawatts metal cutter requires a 14-inch blade. There is an integrated blade guard to protect the blade.

This metal cutter machine cuts metal, plastic, wood, and multilayer aluminum frames. The machine also features a variable speed dial to adjust the cutting speed. The blade is reversible and can be replaced if necessary.

  Angle Grinder

Learn more about the 2200W metal cutter machine by watching our review video. Detailed information can be found here.

If it suits your needs, you should buy it. This power tool is good value for money.

Price ₹4990 ► Amazon
Features 2200W | Blade: 14-Inch | Cut Steel, Metal, Aluminum Frame, Wood | Warranty: 7 Days Return


☼ 2400W iBell CM35-24 Chop Saw

The iBell chop saw, powered by a 2400W copper motor with a top speed of 3900 RPM, is an efficient cutting tool designed to tackle challenging tasks. Its 14-inch blade effortlessly slices through various materials, such as metal sheets, rods, pipes, and steel. Those who bought it recommended it to others.

  Marble Cutter

The saw's height adjustment feature allows precise blade alignment according to material thickness for enhanced accuracy and control. Furthermore, its angle cut feature ensures accurate cuts at various angles to achieve desired results.

Ideal for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike, the iBell CM35-24 Chop Saw is an exceptional investment that offers reliable and efficient cutting performance to suit your needs. Go for it without second thoughts!

Price ₹8000 → Amazon
Features 2400W | 14-Inch Blade | Max Cutting Thickness: 100-mm | Height Adjustment | Warranty: 6 months


☼ 2200W Bosch GCO-220 Chop Saw

The Chop saw from the house of Bosch is currently the best metal cutting machine in the Indian market below 10000 Rupees. Why? Because it is the only branded chop saw machine below 10000 Rupees. But that does not mean it is a weak machine. Powered by a super reliable 2200W motor, whose max speed is 3800 RPM, and which is based on German technology for better efficiency, this Bosch Metal Cutter cuts metal blocks as smoothly as we cut a birthday cake with a knife.

  Best Jigsaws in India Market

The Bosch GCO 220 Professional Metal Cutting Machine can easily cut a metal block of up to 129 mm thickness. It can do Mitre cut and Bevel cut. And, this Bosch chop saw can metal blocks in pieces at 0° and 45° angles. Thus, it is perfect for professional work. Order it today if you need a master metal cutter in the 10000 Rupees range.

Price ₹9200 | Amazon
Features Motor: 2200W | Max-Speed: 3800 RPM | Blade-Diameter: 355-mm | Blade-Bore: 25.4-mm | Max Cutting-Depth: 129-mm


☼ 2600W Aimex Chop Saw

The Aimex cut-off machine can smoothly cut metal sheets, steel, aluminum, rod, wood, plastic pipe, and similar other things. That is why a machine like this one is also called a multipurpose saw machine.

  Circular Saw

In terms of power capacity, the Aimex chop saw is currently the best option below 10000 Rupees. Because of the 2600W motor, it is very powerful. That is why it cuts fast all types of metals almost. Cutting on this chop saw is fun. The required blade size for this 2600W chop saw is 14-Inch or 355 mm.

The build quality of the Aimex chop saw machine is impressive, too. If used with care, it will easily last more than 5 years. Changing its blade from time to time is what one has to do.

Price ₹6300 | Amazon
Features 2600W Motor | 14-Inch Carbide Blade | Up to 45° Angle Cut | Warranty 6-Months

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