वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइज़र एक आवश्यक उपकरण है जो आपके इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों को विद्युत प्रवाह में उतार-चढ़ाव से बचाने में मदद करता है। अगर आप एक वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइज़र खरीदने की सोच रहे हैं और आपका बजट 5000 रुपये के अंदर है, तो आपके पास कई अच्छे विकल्प हैं।
1000 से 5000 रुपये के बीच में कई वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइजर्स उपलब्ध हैं, जो न केवल किफायती हैं बल्कि विश्वसनीयता और गुणवत्ता भी प्रदान करते हैं। ये स्टेबलाइजर्स आपके टीवी, रेफ्रिजरेटर, कंप्यूटर और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण उपकरणों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करते हैं।
आपके लिए सही वोल्टेज स्टेबलाइज़र का चुनाव करना महत्वपूर्ण है ताकि आप अपने उपकरणों को लंबे समय तक सुरक्षित रख सकें। इस रेंज में उपलब्ध उत्पादों की विशेषताओं पर ध्यान दें, जैसे कि उनकी क्षमता, सुरक्षा फीचर्स और वारंटी अवधि। सही विकल्प चुनकर आप न केवल अपने उपकरणों की उम्र बढ़ा सकते हैं बल्कि बिजली के बिल को भी कम कर सकते हैं।
🔥15A V-Guard VM 500 Stabilizer for Oven
This V-Guard voltage stabilizer can protect heavy kitchen and home appliances against low-high voltage, voltage fluctuation, and power spikes. Buy it to safeguard a microwave oven, treadmill, washing machine, or any other heavy appliances against abnormal electricity supply. It does not cover all heavy appliances, only those with a power capacity of 1500W to 2000W.
The 15-Amp load capacity of this V-Guard voltage stabilizer means it can take 1800W load at 150V, 2040W at 170V, 2400W at 200V, and 2640W at 220V input voltage. Since voltage fluctuates, the power consumption of the connected appliance should be in the range of 1500W.
The supported input voltage range of the V-Guard VM 500 voltage stabilizer is 150V to 280V. No output when the input voltage is less than 150V or more than 280V to protect the connected appliance.
Further, this V-Guard voltage stabilizer has the feature of a voltage booster and bucking. 40V Voltage booster and 50V Voltage bucking! When the input voltage is 165V, V-Guard VM 500 Voltage Stabilizer will give 205V, and when the input voltage is 260V, it will provide a 212V output voltage.
V-Guard is the best brand for long-lasting and reliable voltage stabilizers. Specially voltage stabilizers of this Indian brand never fail. A failed voltage stabilizer could burn the connected appliance. Therefore, when buying anything that transports and manages electricity, pay extra for a solid product, like this V-Guard voltage stabilizer for heavy appliances.
Price | ₹2800 → Amazon |
Features | Capacity: 15-Amp | Voltage Booster (+40V) | Voltage Bucking (-48V) | For Heavy Appliances {Microwave Oven, Treadmill, Washing Machine} | Warranty: 3-Year |
🔥V-Guard VGSJW 50 Stabilizer for Fridge
The V-Guard voltage stabilizer works in the voltage range of 90V to 260V and it is designed to protect one refrigerator with a storage capacity of not more than 300-liter. The v-Guard brand provides up to a 5-years warranty on this model. This voltage stabilizer model comes with features to protect the connected appliance and then protect itself.
The VGSJW 50 voltage stabilizer for refrigerators comes with powerful features to protect the connected appliance. The first is a low voltage cut-off feature, which comes into action and cuts output when the input voltage is below 90V. The second is the high voltage cut-off feature, which will guard the fridge when the input voltage is above 260V. Spike protection and overload protection are two additional built-in features of this V-Guard voltage stabilizer.
Before you decide to buy the V-Guard Stabilizer for refrigerators, check our video presentation that covers all the details of it. Do not miss it!
Price | ₹2200 | Amazon |
Features | For up to 300-Liter Refrigerator | Voltage Range: 90V – 260V | Low-Voltage Cut-Off | High-Voltage Cut-Off | Spike Protection | Over-Load Protection | Warranty: 5-Year |
🔥8A Rahul Stabilizer for Water Pump 1HP
Which is the best voltage stabilizer for a 1HP water pump? The Rahul voltage stabilizer with 8 boosters is an excellent voltage stabilizer for water pumps. This voltage stabilizer, as the brand claims, can boost low voltage to the required voltage. Suppose the input voltage in your house is 110V, then this 2-kVA voltage stabilizer will give 200V output. All you have to do is that use the booster knob to boost the input voltage to the desired voltage.
How many loads this 2kVA voltage stabilizer can take? There are three factors to consider to determine how much load this voltage stabilizer can take. Use this online tool to calculate.
The first factor is the total power consumption of all the connected systems with the voltage stabilizer. The second factor is the present electricity voltage in your house. And, the third is the power factor, which is usually 0.8.
The rated power consumption of a 1HP water pump is 746W. Suppose the input voltage in your house is 120V. As per the online ampere calculator, the Amp value is 7.8, which is lesser than the 8-Amp capacity of this Rahul digital voltage stabilizer. So, it will work fine as a voltage stabilizer for a 1HP water pump.
Price | ₹3500 | Amazon |
Ideal for | 1HP Water Pump | Microwave-Oven | 2× Advanced Computer System | Laser-Printer | Up to 35 Ink-Tank Printer | Photo Copier | Hot Water-Dispenser | Espresso Coffee Machine |
Features | Manual 8 Levels of Voltage-Booster | Voltage-Stabilizer | Can Lower voltage {>240V → 240V} | Made in India | Warranty: {10-Days Return | 2-Year Replacement Warranty} |
Protection | High-Voltage Protection {280V} | Low-Voltage Protection {90V} | Power-Fluctuation |
Booster | Input (as low as) 90V → Use Booster Level 8 → Output 200V |
Build | Metal-Body | Copper-Winding | Built-in Voltage Booster |
🔥2A V-Guard VGSD 50 Stabilizer for Refrigerator
No second opinion about the fact that V-Guard voltage stabilizers are the most reliable options available on the market. To safeguard your refrigerator, therefore, I will suggest you a V-Guard voltage stabilizer.
For refrigerators of up to 300-liter capacity, V-Guard has a fantastic 2-Amp voltage stabilizer. I am referring to its model number VGSD50. The voltage range of the V-Guard VGSD 50 voltage stabilizer is 130V to 290V. So, there will be no power supply to the connected appliance when either the input voltage is below 130V or above 290V. The voltage required by the connected appliance or appliances will be ensured by this V-Guard fridge voltage stabilizer when the input voltage is within its range.
The V-Guard VGSD 50 voltage stabilizer can take up to a 2-Amp load. What is a 2-Amp load? OK! Let me simplify it for you. This V-Guard voltage stabilizer can take up to 200W load. The total rated power consumption of all the connected appliances or a single appliance to it — shouldn’t exceed 200W. If the power consumption of your refrigerator is 200W or less, then V-Guard VGSD 50 is the voltage stabilizer you need to buy.
Price | ₹1590 | Amazon |
Features | Max-Load: 2-Amp (200W) | Voltage-Range: 130V – 290V | Warranty: 5-Years |