क्या आप एक उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले किचन एप्लायंस की तलाश कर रहे हैं जो आपकी सभी ब्लेंडिंग, पीसने और जूस बनाने की ज़रूरतों को बिना ज़्यादा पैसे खर्च किए पूरा कर सके? 5000 रुपये से कम कीमत वाले मिक्सर ग्राइंडर जूसर में निवेश करने पर विचार करें।

यह बहुमुखी रसोई गैजेट एक कॉम्पैक्ट मशीन में कई कार्यों की सुविधा प्रदान करता है, जो इसे छोटी रसोई या व्यस्त घरों के लिए एकदम सही बनाता है। शक्तिशाली ब्लेड और कई स्पीड सेटिंग्स के साथ, 5000 रुपये से कम कीमत वाला मिक्सर ग्राइंडर जूसर आसानी से बर्फ को कुचल सकता है, मसाले पीस सकता है और फलों और सब्जियों को मिलाकर चिकना, स्वादिष्ट जूस बना सकता है। कुछ मॉडल आटा गूंथने या क्रीम फेंटने जैसे कार्यों के लिए अतिरिक्त अटैचमेंट के साथ भी आते हैं।

चाहे आप जल्दी से स्मूदी बनाना चाह रहे हों या करी के लिए अपने मसाले पीसना चाह रहे हों, 5000 रुपये से कम कीमत वाला मिक्सर ग्राइंडर जूसर आपकी सभी रसोई की ज़रूरतों के लिए एक बहुमुखी और किफ़ायती समाधान है।

☼ 1000W Kenstar OMEGA PRO Mixer Grinder

Kenstar ब्रांड का OMEGA PRO मिक्सर ग्राइंडर सबसे ज़्यादा बिकने वाले किचन अप्लायंस में से एक है। इसे बहुमुखी ब्लेंडिंग और ग्राइंडिंग कार्यों के लिए विशेष रूप से डिज़ाइन किया गया है।

एक मज़बूत 1000W मोटर द्वारा संचालित, यह मिक्सर ग्राइंडर कुशल प्रदर्शन सुनिश्चित करता है। इस प्रकार यह नौसिखिए और अनुभवी रसोइयों दोनों के लिए एक विश्वसनीय विकल्प है।

इसका 100% कॉपर कॉइल स्थायित्व को बढ़ाता है और बेहतर ऊर्जा दक्षता को बढ़ावा देता है, जिससे निर्बाध संचालन की अनुमति मिलती है। बिल्ट-इन टाइमर फ़ंक्शन का समावेश सुविधा को बढ़ाता है, जिससे उपयोगकर्ता बिना किसी चिंता के अन्य पाक कार्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकते हैं।

  Sandwich Makers under ₹5000

अलग-अलग साइज़ के तीन जार के साथ, Kenstar OMEGA PRO मसालों से लेकर स्मूदी तक विभिन्न सामग्रियों को समायोजित करता है। यह विविध पाक आवश्यकताओं के लिए एक आदर्श फ़ूड प्रोसेसर है।

चाहे झटपट चटनी तैयार करना हो या मसाला पीसना हो, यह मिक्सर ग्राइंडर सटीकता और शक्ति प्रदान करता है, जो आपके खाना पकाने के अनुभव को आसानी और दक्षता से बदल देता है। इस केंटस्टार मिक्सर ग्राइंडर के बारे में विस्तार से हमारे वीडियो समीक्षा के द्वारा जानें।

Price ₹4199 ► Buy Online
Features Motor: 1000 Watts | 100% Copper Coil | Timer: up to 5 mins | No of Jars: 3 | Made in Bharat | Warranty: Up to 5 Years


☼ 1000W Philips HL7713 Mixer Grinder

क्या आप एक शक्तिशाली और विश्वसनीय मिक्सर ग्राइंडर की तलाश में हैं? फिलिप्स HL7713 मिक्सर ग्राइंडर एक शानदार विकल्प है 5000 रुपए से कम कीमत में।

शक्तिशाली 1000W पावरप्रो मोटर वाला यह मिक्सर ग्राइंडर आपकी सभी पीसने की ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।  हैवी-ड्यूटी मोटर, जिसमें है टिकाऊ कॉपर कॉइल, के साथ यह फिलिप्स मिक्सर ग्राइंडर हर तरह के खाने योग्य सामिग्री को पीसने या मिक्सिंग करने के कार्य को आसानी से संभाल सकता है। 30 मिनट तक लगातार चलने की क्षमता के साथ, आप आसानी से अपनी सामग्री को पीस और ब्लेंड कर सकते हैं।

  Heat Sealers under ₹5000

पैकेज में 3 स्टेनलेस स्टील जार शामिल हैं – 1.5L, 1.0L, और 0.4L.  ये तीनों स्टेनलेस स्टील जार आपकी सभी पीसने की ज़रूरतों के लिए एकदम सही हैं।

बेहतरीन बिल्ड क्वालिटी लंबे समय तक चलने वाला प्रदर्शन सुनिश्चित करती है। 2 साल की वारंटी के कारण भी आप इस मिक्सर ग्राइंडर की टिकाऊपन और गुणवत्ता पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं।

तो इंतज़ार क्यों? आज ही फिलिप्स HL7713 मिक्सर ग्राइंडर के साथ अपनी रसोई को अपग्रेड करें! फिलिप्स नाम के ब्रांड पर भरोसा करें।

Price ₹4998 ► Amazon
Features Motor Power: 1000W | Copper Coil: 100% | Max RPM: up to 22000 | Continuous Run: 30 mins | Steel Jar: 1500 ML, 1000 ML, 400ML | Warranty: 2 Years


☼ 1000W Havells Hydro Plus Mixer Grinder

क्या आप अपने रसोई के कामों को आसान और तेज़ बनाना चाहते हैं? अगर आपका बजट के नए फ़ूड प्रोसेसर के लिए 5000 रुपए है तो प्रस्तुत है हैवेल्स यह 1000W मिक्सर ग्राइंडर।

हैवेल्स हाइड्रो प्लस मिक्सर ग्राइंडर को इसके शक्तिशाली 1000W मोटर और बड़े आकार के जार के साथ छोटे से लेकर बड़े आकर के परिवार के लिए एकदम सही है। यह आपकी रसोई में सभी मिक्सिंग, ग्राइंडिंग, और ब्लेंडिंग के की ज़रूरतों को आसानी से पूरा कर सकता है। साथ ही बड़े आकार का चटनी जार के द्वारा आप बड़े मात्रा में मसाला पेस्ट बना पाएंगे।

  Wall Fans under ₹5000

अपने आकर्षक डिज़ाइन और शक्तिशाली प्रदर्शन के साथ, हैवेल्स हाइड्रो प्लस मिक्सर ग्राइंडर हर रसोई के लिए ज़रूरी है। आज ही अपना मिक्सर ग्राइंडर खरीदें और इस शीर्ष रेटेड मिक्सर ग्राइंडर की सुविधा और दक्षता का अनुभव करें!

Price ₹4899 ► Amazon
Features Copper Motor: 1000W {22000} | Motor with Ball-Bearings | Made in Bharat | Jars: 1750 ML, 1300ML, 700ML | Warranty: Up to 5 Years


☼ 1000W Wipro Elato FMG204 Mixer Grinder

Trying to find a heavy-duty food processor? Wipro's FMG204 mixer grinder is an excellent choice if you have a budget of 5000 rupees. This unit is powered by a copper motor rated at 1000W. The machine is therefore capable of processing a wide variety of consumable materials.

  Air Fryer Ovens under ₹10000

With the FMG204 mixer grinder model, Wipro provides three jars. Large grinder jar has a capacity of 1.5 liters. 1.2L is the capacity of the mixer jar. The chutney jar holds 0.5L. Each of these jars has sharp blades. Additionally, I am very pleased with the jar quality!

Watch our video review to learn more about the Wipro FMG204 mixer grinder. All the details can be found there!

Price ₹4649 ► Amazon
Features 10000W | 4 Jars | 1.2L Juicer Jar | 1.5L Grinder Jar | 1.2L Mixer Jar | 0.5L Chutney Jar | Warranty: Up to 5 Years


☼ 750W Borosil Aro Mixer Grinder Juicer

The brand Borosil requires no introduction. It makes long-lasting appliances and sells them at affordable prices. Recently Borosil introduced a 750W mixer grinder with four jars. Those who bought it have recommended it to others because of the high product quality, impressive look, and smooth performance.

A 750W copper motor powers the Borosil Aro food processor. The motor body, made of ABS plastic, has proper ventilation to keep the motor cool while running continuously. Considering that it is a perfect food processor for processing a large number of food materials.

Borosil Aro MG machine comes with four jars for mixing, grinding, blending, and juicing works. Three are made of high-quality stainless steel and have a flow-breaker twist in the design for effective food processing. These jars have a multi-leaf hard-steel sharp blade system as well. The size of the chutney jar is small, though, only 0.4-liter. I expected it to be 0.5 liters according to the price of the mixer grinder machine. The size of other jars is a 1.5-liter juicer, 1.5-liter blender, and 1.0-liter mixer.

Further, the Borosil brand provides a 2-year of service warranty on the Aro Mixer Grinder Juicer Machine. And seven days of replacement warranty if you buy it on Bororil's official website.

Price ₹4900 → Borosil
Features Wet & Dry {Grinding, Mixing, Blending} and Juicing | Service Warranty: 2-Year | Replacement: 7-Day | Free Shipping
Motor 750W | 100% Copper Coil | 1.5-Meter Power Cord | Air Ventilation to keep Motor Cool | 4 Speed Levels {Reverse, 0, 1, 2, 3} | Four Feet with Anti-Slip Shoes | Overload Protection
Jar Stainless Steel Jars {1.5L 1.0L 0.4L, Aluminum Base, Hard Steel Blades, Flow-Breaker Design} | Juicer Jar {1.5L, Polycarbonate Body}


☼ 900W Sujata MegaMix Blender for Juice Shop

This Sujata blender machine is for juice shops, not for home use. For domestic use, Sujata has two popular models: Dynamix and Supermix. Although to use the Sujata MegaMix for personal use, you will have to buy a chutney jar at least.

The MegaMix model has the same 900W heavy-duty motor that powers all Sujata food processors. There are three main reasons why the motor has been very successful: 900W power capacity, double ball bearings, and 100% copper coil. This copper motor can continuously run for 90 minutes. That is called actually heavy-duty performance. Because of the double ball bearing, Sujata’s 900-Watt motor makes less sound and can take more load.

  Headphones under ₹5000

The current market price of the Sujata MegaMix Blender Juicer is 4500 Rupees. Given the quality of Sujata's food processors, I wouldn't consider the MegaMix model to be more expensive. Sujata sells chutney and mixer jars separately for all its food processors. They are available on Amazon. Thus, you could make a complete mixer grinder juicer set to meet your requirement with the MegaMix blender juicer machine.

Price ₹4800 → Amazon
Features 900W Copper Motor {22000 RPM} {Double Ball Bearing} {Class I Double Insulated} | Speed Levels: 4 | Power-Cord: 2.15-Meter | Blender Jar: 3-Liter | Gross Weight: 5-Kg | Warranty: 2-Year


☼ 1000W PlatinaGold Venue Mixer Grinder

PlatinaGold is a new brand in the food processor market in India. At present, this Indian brand has only one mixer grinder model on the market. But the model is a top preference of those who prefer high-quality products. The reason is a better design, powerful motor, high-quality jars, and silent operation of the mixer grinder machine.

At present, the MG model comes in three different power capacities: 750W, 1000W, and 1200W. Moreover, you could also choose the number of jars from the available set of three, four, and five jars. Each variant has a different price tag from the 4000 to 6000 Rupees range.

  Nutri Blenders under ₹10000

As per the current market, all the available variants of the PlatinaGold Mixer Grinder model are cheaper than alternatives from established brands. And yet PlatinaGold brand provides a high-quality product and commits to a hassle-free two years of either service or replacement warranty. What more would one want?

Price ₹4500 → Amazon
Features Power: 1000W | Copper Motor | Four Jars: {1.25-Liter Blender, 1.00-Liter Mixer, 0.40-Liter Chutney Jar, Bullet Blender| Warranty: 2-years {Service/Replacement}


☼ 300W Black-Decker M700 Hand & Stand Mixer

Which is the best stand mixer under 5000 Rupees? You have to choose from these five options if your budget for a new stand mixer is below 5000 Rupees: Black Decker 300W stand mixer, Bosch 350W stand mixer, Panasonic 200W Stand Mixer, Nova 300W Stand Mixer, and Nova 200W Stand Mixer. Besides these five, the 6th most affordable and high-rated stand mixer in the Indian market is from the Indian brand Inalsa. It is currently priced at 9000 Rupees. This Inalsa stand mixer is powered by a 1000W copper motor and the capacity of its stainless-steel bowl is 5-liter.

The Black & Decker stand mixer has a superior build and an impressive design. Operating it by the given controls is very easy. It features a 300W copper motor and the capacity of its bowl is 3.5-liter. Black & Decker brand provides two sets of hooks with its stand mixer: beater hooks and dough hooks. Given six speed levels on this Black & Decker stand mixer allows the user to process dough with more perfection to set it at the required consistency.

  Spiral Binder Machine under 5000

How many years the Black & Decker M700 Stand Mixer will last? If you use it with care then it might last more than 5 years without any issues. Don’t worry about its plastic bowl, because the plastic used to manufacture the bowl is of high quality. I have many appliances with a container of plastic. I haven’t faced any issues despite using them almost every day for many years.

Price ₹4600 | Amazon
Features Detachable to use as Hand mixer | Rotating Bowl | Warranty: 2-Years
Motor 350W | Copper-Coil | Speed Levels: 5 + Turbo
Build Bowl: 3.5-Liter | Lock & Eject Button for Hooks | Build-Material: Food-Grade ABS Plastic | Weight: 2.05-Kg


☼ 900W Sujata Powermatic Plus Juice Master

The Powermatic Plus from the house of Indian mixer grinder brand Sujata is not just a mixer grinder, but also a juicer. This juicer mixer grinder under 5000 Rupees has a powerful 900-Watt motor, and its build quality is outstanding. If you care about quality over beauty, then here is a juicer mixer grinder set, you need to order today.

Sujata brand provides only two jars with this juicer mixer grinder machine. The first is a regular 1-liter stainless-steel jar for mixing and grinding. The 1.75-liter polycarbonate blender, whereas, is for making juice even more testy and healthy by blending it with nuts, sugar, and ice. Sujata brand should also have given a chutney jar with this JMG machine. How many set one should buy to meet the kitchen’s requirements?

  डीप फ्रायर: ₹1000 – ₹5000

Sujata brand promises the use of efficient technology for extracting juice from all types of fruits and vegetables in the most ideal way. Besides, the use of a micro-mesh filter is making the juicer of this set much more desirable than what alternatives from other brands have to offer.

Price ₹4800 | Amazon
Ideal for Home | Hotel-Restaurant-Cafe | Wet & Dry Grinding Mixing and Blending
Make Smoothie | Carrot Juice | Soya Milk | Spinach Juice | Beetroot Juice | Make Juice from all types of fruits and Vegetables
Features Honeycomb filter mess for finer juice | Transparent HQ Juice Blender Jar | Shock-proof & Safe | Warranty: 24-Months
Motor 900-Watt | Double Ball-Bearing | Noiseless | Continuous-Running: Up to 90-min | Speed-Levels: 4 | Max-Spin: 22000 RPM | Over-Load Protection
Build Engineering-grade Plastic | 2.15-meter cord with 5-Amp 3-Pin Plug
Jar 1L Stainless-Steel Multipurpose Jar with SS Blades | 1.75L Polycarbonate Blender with SS Blades


☼ 900W Sujata Dynamix Mixer Grinder

In this day and time, mixer grinders have become really common in most Indian homes. This can be attributed to the fact that juicer mixer grinder prices have generally dropped. The entry of new electronics brands has seen manufacturers result in developing entry-level gadgets in order to accommodate users from the middle and lower classes. This way, such brands can keep up with the competition and record bigger sales. Sujata is one of the trusted kitchen brands in India.

Their all-new 900-Watt Dynamix Mixer Grinder is among the company’s bestselling kitchen gadgets. We happened to do a hands-on review of this device and here are our findings.

Supports both dry and wet grinding: The manufacturer built this product as a multi-function kitchen appliance. To make it more versatile, Sujata added a number of mixer grinder accessories to support both dry and wet grinding. These accessories include a chutney jar, a medium-sized hardy dry grinding jar, and a dome-shaped wet grinding jar. We, however, noted with concern that the manufacturer did not include a juicing jar.

All the same, after doing exhaustive research online we discovered that you can always buy an external juicing jar. The mixer grinder motor type on this device is compatible with most regular juicing jars. Additionally, you won’t need to change blades when performing different operations with this device.

Powerful 900-Watt motor: The Sujata Dynamix runs on a robust heavy-duty 900-Watt motor. Most mixer grinders in the same price range as the Dynamix run a 750-Watt motor. This means that they are slower and inefficient unless you upgrade their motors. From a professional point of view, upgrading your mixer-grinders motor is not exactly a smart decision.

  Weighing Scales under ₹5000

In most electrical repair shops, the mixer grinder motor price is usually exaggerated. Again, only a skilled electrician can perform the upgrade, so you need to factor in the cost of paying a specialist. Instead of going through all those hassles just buy the Sujata Dynamix and forget about weak motors.

Easy to use and shockproof: We did not experience any complications when using Dynamix for the first time. Actually, if you use it as a first-timer, you will note that the dash is very intuitive and the dials are all labeled well.

Also, remember that there’s no blade switching, so all you need to do is fix the jar you’re using on top of the motor and then turn the device on. The Dynamix’s entire body is shockproof, so you don’t have to worry about touching it with wet hands.

Price ₹4750 | Amazon
Feature Make Idly-Dosa Batter | Grind Nuts & Spices | Grind Dry Turmeric & Ginger | Vibration-Free Operation | Almost Silent
Motor 900-Watt | Double Ball-Bearing | Max Run Time: 90-Minutes | Speed-Levels: 4 | Max-Speed: 22000 RPM
Build Rotary Switch | Power-Cord: 2.15-Meter | Totally Shock-proof & Safe
Jar 1.5-Liter Blender with Lid-Lock | 1-Liter Dry Grinder | 400-ml Chutney Jar
Warranty 12-Months | Sujata Mixer Customer Care 1800-102-2758