Can a laptop be assembled? The answer is YES. You can make a custom laptop as per your requirement. Laptop cabinet price in the Indian market is in the range of 2000 to 6000 Rupees. Next, you need a Laptop motherboard, RAM, Graphics Card(optional), SSD (or HDD), DVD RW (optional), screen, battery, and charger. The total cost of all these things will come to around the same amount, in which you can buy a best-selling HP laptop with a similar configuration. That is why the assembled laptop is not in trend.
हां, एक लैपटॉप बिना बैटरी के तब तक चल सकता है, जब तक वह एसी एडाप्टर के माध्यम से पावर स्रोत से जुड़ा हो। स्मार्टफोन या टैबलेट के विपरीत, लैपटॉप को बैटरी के साथ और उसके बिना दोनों तरह से उपयोग करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।
जब किसी विद्युत आउटलेट में प्लग किया जाता है, तो लैपटॉप बैटरी को पूरी तरह से दरकिनार करते हुए सीधे दीवार सॉकेट से बिजली खींचता है। यह उपयोगकर्ताओं को अपने लैपटॉप का उपयोग जारी रखने की अनुमति देता है भले ही बैटरी ख़राब हो, क्षतिग्रस्त हो या पूरी तरह से हटा दी गई हो।
एसी एडाप्टर दीवार सॉकेट से उच्च वोल्टेज को कम वोल्टेज में परिवर्तित करता है जो लैपटॉप के घटकों के लिए उपयुक्त है। हालाँकि, यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि बैटरी के बिना, लैपटॉप की बिजली आपूर्ति पूरी तरह से विद्युत आउटलेट या पावर स्रोत की स्थिरता पर निर्भर हो जाती है। यदि बिजली आपूर्ति में कोई उतार-चढ़ाव होता है या यदि लैपटॉप गलती से अनप्लग हो जाता है, तो इससे तत्काल शटडाउन हो सकता है और संभावित डेटा हानि हो सकती है।
🔥15.6-Inch HP fc0031AU AMD Laptop
50000 रुपए से कम कीमत में एचपी ब्रांड का लैपटॉप मॉडल fc0031AU एक उम्दा विकल्प है। इस लैपटॉप मॉडल का परफॉरमेंस बेहतरीन है। बिल्ड क्वालिटी शानदार है।
एचपी के इस लैपटॉप में है विंडोज 11 ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम, लाइफटाइम लाइसेंस के साथ। इस लैपटॉप में एमएस ऑफिस भी है लाइफटाइम लाइसेंस के साथ।
एक प्रोफेशनल लैपटॉप में जो भी खासियत होनी चाहिए, वह सब है एचपी ब्रांड के लैपटॉप मॉडल fc0031AU में. इसमें है बैकलिट कीबोर्ड, फिंगरप्रिंट रीडर, TPM सपोर्ट, और अलेक्सा के भी फीचर।
क्या आप एक मेटल बॉडी लैपटॉप खोज रहे है? एचपी fc0031AUशानदार परफॉरमेंस वाला एक मेटल बॉडी लैपटॉप है।
एचपी ब्रांड के लैपटॉप fc0031AU के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखिये हमारा वीडियो प्रेजेंटेशन। वहां आपको इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिल जाएगी।
Price | ₹49990 ► Amazon |
Features | 16GB RAM | 512GB SSD | AMD Ryzen 5 7520U CPU | IPS Screen | 15.6-Inch | Metal Body | Backlit Keyboard | Fingerprint Reader | Warranty: 1 Year |
🔥14-Inch MSI C12M-444IN Laptop
35000 से कम कीमत में सबसे बढ़िया लैपटॉप की तलाश है? MSI C12M से बेहतर कोई विकल्प नहीं है फिलहाल! यह शक्तिशाली लैपटॉप 16GB RAM और नवीनतम Intel 12th Gen CPU से लैस है, जो इसे मल्टीटास्किंग और सुचारू प्रदर्शन के लिए एकदम सही बनाता है। बैकलिट कीबोर्ड भी है इस एमएसआई लैपटॉप में, और इसकी स्क्रीन क्वालिटी काफी बेहतरीन है। साथ ही बिल्ड क्वालिटी भी मिलिट्री ग्रेड की है।
नीचे दिए गए वीडियो में, हम MSI C12M लैपटॉप मॉडल के डिज़ाइन, स्पेक्स और विशेषताओं पर करीब से नज़र डालेंगे और जानेंगे कि बजट के प्रति जागरूक लैपटॉप खरीदारों के लिए यह सबसे बढ़िया विकल्प क्यों है। साथ ही, हम इस लैपटॉप के साथ अपने व्यक्तिगत अनुभव के आधार पर इसकी समीक्षा साझा करेंगे। अभी देखें कि MSI C12M 35000 से कम कीमत में सबसे बढ़िया लैपटॉप क्यों है!
Price | ₹34990 ► Amazon |
Features | Windows 11 OS | Backlit Keyboard | 53.8 Wh Battery | 65W Charger | Military Grade Build | 16GB RAM | Intel i3 12th Gen CPU | 512GB SSD | Warranty: 1 Year |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fq5186TU Laptop
क्या आप एक तेज़ और भरोसेमंद लैपटॉप की तलाश में हैं जो आपके बजट को भी कम करे? 40000 रुपए तक में बजट में HP fq5186TU लैपटॉप एक किफायती कीमत पर ठोस प्रदर्शन और मजबूत निर्माण प्रदान करता है। यह एचपी लैपटॉप उन लोगों के लिए एकदम सही है जो कम बजट में या एक भरोसेमंद रोज़मर्रा के डिवाइस की तलाश में हैं। एचपी ब्रांड इस लैपटॉप मॉडल के लिए एक साल की सर्विस वारंटी देती है।
इसकी क्रिस्टल क्लियर स्क्रीन के साथ, आप जीवंत दृश्यों और एक सहज कंप्यूटिंग अनुभव का आनंद ले सकते हैं। 15.6 इंच का स्क्रीन साइज इस लैपटॉप को हर तरह के इस्तेमाल करने वालों के लिए के उत्तम विकल्प बनाता है।
चाहे आप छात्र हों, पेशेवर हों या बस एक नए कंप्यूटर की ज़रूरत हो, HP fq5186TU लैपटॉप आपके लिए एकदम सही विकल्प हो सकता है।
हमारे साथ जुड़ें क्योंकि हम इस प्रभावशाली लैपटॉप की विशेषताओं और क्षमताओं पर करीब से नज़र डालते हैं। इस एचपी इंटेल मल्टीटास्किंग लैपटॉप के बारे में विस्तार से जानने के लिए देखें हमारी वीडियो समीक्षा।
Price | ₹38999 ► Amazon |
Features | Windows 11 OS: Licensed | MS Office 2021: Licensed | Keyboard: Backlit | Li-ion Battery: 41 Wh | Fast AC Charger: 65W | 50% Fuel in 45 mins | Dual Speaker: Loud Sound | Active Microphone | Webcam: HD (720P) |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fq5327TU Laptop
HP ब्रांड का लैपटॉप मॉडल fq5327TU एक शक्तिशाली और विश्वसनीय उपकरण है जिसे आधुनिक उपयोगकर्ताओं की जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। नवीनतम विंडोज़ 11 ओएस पर चलने वाला यह लैपटॉप एक सहज और कुशल उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव प्रदान करता है। Office 2021 के शामिल होने से, उपयोगकर्ता आसानी से दस्तावेज़, स्प्रेडशीट और प्रस्तुतियाँ बना और संपादित कर सकते हैं।
जरुरी सारी खासियतें दी गई है इस एचपी लैपटॉप में। बैकलिट कीबोर्ड कम रोशनी की स्थिति में आसान टाइपिंग की अनुमति देता है, जबकि 41 Wh बैटरी पूरे दिन लंबे समय तक चलने वाला प्रदर्शन सुनिश्चित करती है।
डुअल स्पीकर से लैस, यह लैपटॉप एक शानदार मल्टीमीडिया अनुभव के लिए स्पष्ट ऑडियो प्रदान करता है। नॉइज़ कैंसलेशन खूबी से सुसज्जित माइक्रोफोन के साथ यह लैपटॉप वीडियो कालिंग और मीटिंग के लिए भी उम्दा प्लेटफार्म है।
Intel i3 1215U CPU और 8GB RAM द्वारा संचालित, HP fq5327TU लैपटॉप मल्टीटास्किंग और उत्पादकता कार्यों के लिए तेज़ और प्रतिक्रियाशील प्रदर्शन प्रदान करता है। इस लैपटॉप के वर्किंग स्पीड को और बढ़ाता है दिया गया 512GB अल्ट्रा फ़ास्ट SSD.
चाहे आप प्रोजेक्ट पर काम कर रहे हों, फिल्में देख रहे हों या वेब ब्राउज़ कर रहे हों, यह लैपटॉप निश्चित रूप से आपकी ज़रूरतों को आसानी से पूरा करेगा।
Price | ₹37490 ► Amazon |
Features | Windows 11 OS: Licensed | MS Office 2021: Licensed | Keyboard: Backlit | Li-ion Battery: 41 Wh | Fast AC Charger: 65W | 50% Fuel in 45 mins | Dual Speaker: Loud Sound | Active Microphone | Webcam: HD (720P) |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fc0026AU Laptop
With a powerful processor and outstanding performance, the HP fc0026AU laptop meets all your computing needs. Its superior build and fast performance make it one of the best laptops under 50000 rupees on the Indian market.
The 15.6-Inch Full HD IPS display provides crystal-clear visuals with accurate colors and contrast. So, it is suitable for streaming videos or working on graphics-intensive projects. Anti-glare coating on the screen reduces reflections and makes it easier to view in bright environments. The thin bezel design provides an immersive user experience, allowing for maximum screen space in a compact footprint. The display also has 178° wide-viewing angles, ensuring colors remain vivid and consistent no matter the angle.
With a 512GB SSD and 8GB RAM, this laptop can handle multiple applications and heavy workloads with ease. It is powered by an AMD 7320U Quad Core CPU, which ensures fast and reliable performance.
The FHD Webcam is suitable for virtual meetings and online classes, providing clear video quality. The built-in microphone has an ambient noise reduction feature for accurate voice capture. To maintain privacy, this laptop comes with a MIC mute key and a camera privacy shutter.
Additionally, this laptop comes equipped with the latest wired and wireless connectivity options.
Overall, the HP fc0026AU Laptop is an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and powerful laptop that can handle all their computing needs.
Price | ₹39,990 → Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch (FHD, IPS) | Windows 11 OS | MS Office | 512GB SSD | 8GB RAM | AMD 4-Core CPU | FHD Webcam | Microphone with Noise Cancellation | Keyboard with Backlit |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fq2627TU Laptop
The laptop model fq2627TU is the latest HP laptop and is currently one of the best laptops under 40000 Rupees in the Indian market. It sports a 15.6-Inch SVA screen with full HD resolution. For better performance, HP equipped this model with 8GB DDR4 RAM and the Intel i3 Quad-Core Processor. Although this HP laptop is not for gaming as it does not come with dedicated graphics. Heavy Games like GTA and Free Fire won’t be played on it.
The performance of the HP fr1004tu laptop model is outstanding. So is its screen quality and build & design. Also, its sound quality is excellent. Above all is its battery backup, which, as per HP’s claim, will last up to 9 hours even if videos are played continuously. If the claim is true then this HP laptop will surpass in terms of battery capacity most of the premium laptops on the market, not just budget laptops.
Should you buy the HP fq2627TU Laptop or not? Would it be a good choice at the current market price? What are the features that separate it from the ceiling fan of other brands? Not only these three questions but many more are answered in our video presentation, which covers a complete overview and review of this Polycab Multitasking Laptop. Do check it out!
Price | ₹39990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | Intel i3 11th Gen Quad-Core CPU | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | 41-Wh Li-ion Battery | 45W Charger | MS Office 2019 Student | Warranty: 1-Year |
🔥15.6-Inch HP gy0501AU Laptop
The HP laptop is currently the cheapest laptop with SSD memory in the Indian market from the American brand. This model competes with its sister model dq2100TU in the below 40000 Rupees segment. Our analysis suggests that the dq2100TU model is far better than the gy0501AU model in almost every aspect except the screen size.
The HP gy0501AU laptop is perfect for students, home use, and other basic uses. It has 8GB DDR4 RAM, AMD Ryzen 3 Dual-Core processor, and 256GB SSD. The operating system of this HP laptop is Windows 10, which is up-gradable to Windows 11.
Nowadays most HP laptops come without an RJ45 Ethernet port. Considering the elevation of mobile internet and the efficiency of Wi-Fi connectivity, HP is not wrong in excluding the RJ45 port from its latest laptop models, though. However, for some reason, if you need a laptop with an Ethernet port, the gy0501AU laptop model is the answer.
Price | ₹38,990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch Full-HD Screen | 8GB RAM | 256GB SSD | AMD Ryzen 3 Dual-Core Processor | MS Office 2019 Student | Weight: 1.74-Kg | Windows 10 OS |
🔥14-Inch HP dq2100TU Laptop
Currently, on the market, the number of laptops with 8GB RAM below 40000 Rupees can be counted on figures. Laptops with Intel i3 11th Gen processors are often priced above 40000 Rupees. When considering these two present market dynamics, the HP dq2100TU laptop becomes an obvious choice at its current market price, which is below 40000 Rupees, and since it has both: 8GB RAM and Intel i3 11th Gen dual-core processor. Not to forget it is an SSD laptop. Having SSD memory is a guarantee of a fast, reliable, and stable laptop.
The HP dq2100TU model is a lightweight and portable laptop. It weighs only 1.46 kg. So, it is a perfect laptop for students and travelers. Professionals could consider it, too. The processing power of this HP multitasking laptop meets the basic requirement for them. More about it has been discussed in our video presentation, which is linked below.
Price | ₹39,990 | Amazon |
Features | 14-Inch IPS HD Screen | 8GB RAM | 256GB SSD | Intel i3 11th Gen Dual Core Processor | MS Office 2019 Student | Weight: 1.46-Kg | Windows 10 OS |
🔥15.6-Inch HP eq1042AU Laptop
The HP laptop impresses with its booting speed, performance, look, powerful sound, and solid construction. Considering every aspect, I would recommend it for students, home use, shop owners, and users who do not need a laptop for heavy multitasking.
Especially for learners, the HP eq1042AU multitasking laptop is an excellent choice. Why? Because its screen has an anti-glare coating. The screen protection reduces emitting harmful lights reaching the user’s eye. So, continuously reading on it or continuously looking at its screen won’t harm the user’s eyes.
Price | ₹35900 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | AMD Ryzen 3 3250U Dual-Core Processor | 4GB RAM | 512GB SSD | 41-Wh Battery | MS Office 2019 Student | Windows 10 |
🔥15.6-Inch HP er1006AU Professional Laptop
The 6-Core AMD processor of the HP laptop makes it an ideal computing machine for pro users. Having 6 cores apparently cover up the absence of the real performance booster technology multi-threading on this AMD processor. Every core has a minimum clock speed of 2.3GHz and a maximum clock speed of up to 4.0GHz. Other contributes to the fast performance of the HP er1006AU laptop are its ultra-fast SSD memory and super-fast RAM. Therefore, calling it a professional laptop for professionals wouldn’t be an overstatement. It is not a gaming laptop, though. However, games that do not require dedicated graphics support will be played smoothly on this HP laptop for pro users.
What else HP laptop er1006AU has to offer, what are its pro features, and what are its cons — all these in great detail are covered in our video presentation, which is linked below.
Price | ₹50990 | Amazon |
Features | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | AMD Ryzen 5 4500U 6-Core Processor | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | 41-Wh Battery | Warranty: 1-Year |
🔥15.6-Inch HP du1065TU Laptop
The HP laptop is compact and has a solid build. Its curved edges add premium value to its construction. The palm rest of this HP laptop does not get warm, no matter how long you work on it. Other features of this multitasking laptop are highly productive, as well.
At the heart of the HP du1065TU laptop is a 10th generation i5 processor, whose base frequency is 1.6GHz, which can be increased up to 4.2GHz by the built-in turbo boost feature. Also, the SSD mother drive of this HP laptop makes it very fast and reliable. However, having only 4GB RAM despite being priced above 50000 Rupees is real disappoint I would say.
Price | ₹51800 | Amazon |
Features | Windows 10 | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | MS Office 2019 | 512GB SSD | 32GB Intel Optane Memory | 4GB RAM | Intel i5 10th Generation Processor | 41-Wh Battery |
🔥14-Inch HP cs3010TU Multitasking Laptop
Despite being priced above 50000 Rupees, the HP laptop does not have a full HD screen or screen with IPS panel, Bluetooth 5.0, and Wi-Fi 6 support, which is the latest. If these weaknesses do not influence your decision, then go ahead and order it.
What are the pro features of HP cs3010TU multitasking laptop? Many! The most significant in them is its performance. That is excellent because of the i5-10th generation processor, 8GB RAM, and SSD mother drive.
The SSD capacity of this HP SSD laptop is 512GB. Not having built-in HDD storage or an empty slot for HDD storage is not a big concern, in my opinion. If you need extra storage with it, then use an external drive. Currently Samsung 500GB SSD with USB Type-C connectivity costs around ₹9000 whereas Seagate 1TB HDD with USB 3.0 connectivity costs around ₹3000. Other pro features of the HP cs3010TU multitasking laptop are super battery life, impressive HD screen, preinstalled MS Office 2019 student, and powerful speakers.
Price | ₹52990 | Amazon |
Features | 14-Inch HD Screen | Intel Core i5-1035G1 Quad-Core Processor | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | MS Office 2019 Student | 41-Wh Battery |
🔥15.6-Inch Acer A715-75G Gaming Laptop
The Acer laptop is undoubtedly one of the best professional laptops in India market under 60000 Rupees. Its performance, screen quality, build quality, and sound quality will let you know that your hard-earned money was invested for the right thing if you buy it. In every account this Acer gaming laptop scores a high point.
As the Acer A715-75G gaming laptop comes with a dedicated 4GB NVIDIA graphics also, it can handle all types of games, applications, graphics-intensive works, and professional works as well. The Intel i5 9th generation quad-core processor along with 8GB RAM and SSD mother drive leave no doubt that it is a macho machine. Go for it before it is sold out. Perhaps it won’t return in-store again if sold out.
Price | ₹52990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch IPS FHD Screen | Intel i5-9300H Quad-Core Processor | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | 4GB GDDR6 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Graphics | 48 Wh Li-ion Battery |
🔥15.6-Inch HP dy2008TU Multitasking Laptop
The HP laptop model dy2008TU is perfect for students, professionals, programmers, executives, and all other pro users. All types of laptop users will find it worthy enough to consider per se. It is not suitable for pro gamers, though.
HP dy2008TU laptop is fast and reliable as its CPU is the 10th generation variant of the Intel i5 quad-core processor. And, its RAM size is 8GB. This 8GB RAM laptop has an SSD mother drive. And, the SSD mother drive makes it faster & reliable and significantly enhances its battery backup. Besides, the onboard memory of this HP multitasking laptop is also a pro. This laptop has 1.25TB storage wherein 1TB is HDD and 256GB is SSD.
Does this HP laptop have the licensed version of MS office 2019 student program? Yes, it has. What about its speakers? They generate crystal clear loud sound. And, for your information, the 15.6-Inch HD screen of this SSD laptop is impressive, too. To know more about it check our video presentation.
Price | ₹52990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch HD Screen | Intel Core i5-1035G1 Quad-Core Processor | 8GB RAM | 1TB HDD + 256GB SSD | MS Office 2019 Student | 41-Wh Battery |
🔥14-Inch HP ce3006TU Multitasking Laptop
The HP laptop is an excellent choice for pro users, programmers, office executives, and travelers. It could be a perfect laptop for students, too. It is truly a fast laptop as it has all that hardware which are certified to make a computer system fast. The booting time of this laptop is around 10-second only. And, its battery will last close to 4 hours. To charge the battery at a rapid speed HP brand provides a fast 65W charger, withal.
This HP multitasking laptop is incredibly fast because it has the most recent & advanced version of the Intel i5 Quad-Core processor and the fastest RAM. Its RAM frequency is 2666-MHz. The cherry on the cake, however, is its 512GB SSD. This HP laptop with 512GB SSD is not just incredibility fast but very reliable, too.
The HP laptop is not a gaming laptop but it can play all those games with ease whose system requirements do not include dedicated graphics. It could be an excellent choice for playing movies and songs, though. Its screen can handle 4K video without lag and its B&O speaker system generates loud & clear sound.
Price | ₹54990 → Amazon |
Features | Windows 10 Original | MS Office 2019 Student | Built-in Alexa | Full-Size Keyboard with Backlit | Warranty: 1-Year | Weight: 1.59-Kg |
Screen | 14-Inch | Full HD | Brightness: 250 nits | Pixel-Density: 157 PPI | Anti-Glare | Color Gamut: 45% NTSC |
Processor | Intel i5 (10th Gen) 1035G1 | Quad-Core | Clock-Speed: Up to 3.6GHz | Cache: 6MB | Graphics-Processor: Intel UHD Graphics |
Memory | RAM: 8GB DDR4 {2666-MHz} | SSD: 512GB | RAM-Expansion: Up to 16GB |
Battery | 3-Cell 41-Wh | 65-Watt Charger |
Connectivity | MIC-in | Headphone-Out | Ethernet | Gigabit LAN | 2×USB 3.1 | 1×HDMI | USB Type-C | Bluetooth 5.0 | Wi-Fi {Intel Wireless-AC 9560 → 2×2} | SD-Cards Reader | Miracast-Certified |
Multimedia | B&O Speaker | Dual-Speakers | Digital-Microphone | HD Webcam |
🔥15.6-Inch HP gr0008AU Laptop
The configuration of the latest HP laptop won my heart. After a very long time, I saw an HP laptop that is complete from all sides. Nowadays HP launches laptops with an HD screen in the 50000 Rupees range. Then comes the gr0008AU model, which despite being available in the price range of 35000 to 40000 rupees, sports a 15.6-inch full HD screen.
The launch price of the HP gr0008AU laptop was 35990 Rupees. Now, however, it sells for 38990 Rupees. That is 3000 Rupees more than its launch price. Those who need a laptop with a decent configuration are willing to pay extra money for it. Sensing the vibe, sellers on the eCommerce platforms have increased their prices. Considering the current market situation I would say it is still not overpriced. Order it before it is sold out.
Price | ₹35990 | Amazon |
Features | Windows 10 | MS Office 2019 Student | SVA Full-HD Screen | 4GB RAM | 256GB SSD | 1TB HDD | AMD R3-3250U Processor | 41-Wh Li-ion Battery |
🔥15.6-Inch HP ds0049TU Laptop
The laptop model ds0049TU is an excellent alternative to the laptop model cs0029TU, which is currently the best-selling HP SSD laptop in the 35000 Rupees range. How can you say this? Because its screen size is 15.6-Inch and its resolution is full HD. The HP cs0029TU laptop Whereas sports a 14-Inch HD screen. The current market price of these two HP multitasking laptops is almost similar.
How good is the performance of HP ds0049TU? Very impressive! It can handle all types of general multitasking with ease. To get a clear view of its performance, check what the regular users of the HP cs0029TU laptop have to say. Why? Because cs0029TU and ds0049TU laptops have the same Intel i3-8th Gen processor and 8GB DDR4 RAM. Very Good!
Now tell me can this HP SSD laptop play games? Yes! But in medium and low graphics settings. Though it can’t play those games that require dedicated graphics. OK!
Here is my final question for the HP ds0049TU laptop. Does it have the licensed version of the MS Office 2019 Student? Yes, it has. 100% Confirmed? YES!
Price | ₹35990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | Intel i3-8130U Dual-Core CPU | 8GB RAM | 256GB SSD | 41-Wh Battery | MS Office 2019 Student |
🔥14-Inch Dell 3425 Laptop
डेल ब्रांड का नया 3425 लैपटॉप मॉडल एक शक्तिशाली और हल्की मशीन है जो छात्रों और पेशेवरों के लिए बिल्कुल उपयुक्त है। नवीनतम विंडोज 11 होम ओएस पर चलने वाला, यह लैपटॉप तेज परफॉर्मेंस के लिए प्रभावशाली 8 जीबी रैम और 512 जीबी एसएसडी से लैस है। पहले से स्थापित एमएस ऑफिस स्टूडेंट के साथ, आप अपनी सभी परियोजनाओं को आसानी से निपटा सकते हैं।
4W स्पीकर दमदार ध्वनि गुणवत्ता प्रदान करते हैं, जबकि एचडी वेबकैम स्पष्ट वीडियो कॉल और ऑनलाइन मीटिंग सुनिश्चित करता है। केवल 1.48 किलोग्राम वजनी इस लैपटॉप को अपने साथ ले जाना आसान है, जो इसे लगातार यात्रा करने वालों के लिए एक आदर्श विकल्प बनाता है।
चाहे आप असाइनमेंट पर काम कर रहे हों, वीडियो स्ट्रीमिंग कर रहे हों, या दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ वीडियो चैट कर रहे हों, डेल 3425 लैपटॉप में वह सब कुछ है जो आपको एक सहज और कुशल अनुभव के लिए चाहिए।
Price | ₹34999 ► Amazon |
Features | Licensed Windows 11 Home | Licensed MS office Student | RAM: 8GB DDR4-2400 | SSD: 512GB Ultra-Fast | AMD R5 5500U {7nm} | 6 Core → 12 Threads | Weight: 1.48 Kg | Amazon Return: 7 Days |
🔥15.6-Inch HP 250 G9 Laptop
35000 रुपए में एचपी ब्रांड का लैपटॉप मॉडल 250 G9 एक बेहतरीन विकल्प है। इसकी बनावट शानदार है एचपी ब्रांड का उत्पाद होने के कारण। इसकी परफॉरमेंस लाजबाब है इंटेल 12th जनरेशन प्रोसेसर, 8GB रैम के कारण, एवं 512GB SSD के कारण। इस एचपी लैपटॉप में मल्टीमीडिया और कनेक्टिविटी विकल्प है अपने नवीनतम संस्करण में है।
इसप्रकार अगर आप खोज रहे है एक टिकाऊ लैपटॉप 35000 रुपए में, तो एचपी 250 G9 एक बेहतरीन विकल्प होगा। इसके बारे में विस्तार से जाने के लिए देखिये हमारा वीडियो प्रेजेंटेशन। वहां इसके बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिल जाएगी।
Price | ₹33990 ► Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch Screen | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | Intel i3-12th Gen CPU | HD Webcam | Wi-Fi 6 | Bluetooth 5.2 | Warranty: 1 Year |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fq2738TU Intel Laptop
With the HP laptop, you get a great product at a great price. Its current take home price on Amazon is around 35000 rupees. In that price range, it represents excellent value for money. Keeping the price low for this model is possible because HP does not include some must-have features. Further discussion will follow on what they are.
The HP fq2738TU is a general-purpose laptop. It is more suitable for home use. I will recommend it to students only if they can acquire a licensed copy of MS Office. This HP laptop comes without a licensed copy of MS Office for students.
A superb build quality is what you should expect from the HP fq2738TU laptop model. Compared to other brands' laptops in the same price range, its screen and sound quality are much better.
All HP laptops come with lasting batteries. The HP fq2738TU model is no exception. HP saves money by giving 45W of AC charger. This means that the laptop model does not support fast charging.
Watch our review video to learn more about the HP fq2738TU laptop model. One of the most popular laptops in the 35000 rupees price range is this one.
Price | ₹35000 ► Amazon |
Features | Windows 11 | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | 41 Wh Battery | 45W Charger | 15.6-Inch HD Screen | Wi-Fi 5 | Type-C Port | Intel i3-11th Gen CPU |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fq5007TU Laptop {Intel i3}
HP is my favorite brand for laptops. When I decided to buy a new HP laptop, I wanted it to have a 15.6-Inch screen with Full HD resolution and IPS Display, a Backlit keyboard, and Intel 12th generation processor, which is the latest variant in the Intel Core i series CPUs. With those three essential features, the cheapest HP laptop model at present is the model fq5007TU. This HP laptop model is available below 45000 Rupees. With discounts, I got its new unit from Amazon for 41990 Rupees only.
The HP fq5007TU laptop is a well-designed portable computer that is both light and easy to carry around. Thanks to the Intel i3-12th Generation processor, 8GB RAM, and ultra-fast SSD storage, it remains excellently responsive even when processing intensive applications works. The backlit keyboard of this HP laptop is another big reason it is an excellent choice for those who want to complete their work at night silently. Needless to say, about the screen quality of the HP laptop. Accurate brightness, vivid colors, and the ability to produce sharp images make HP fq5007TU laptop a perfect choice for entertainment as well.
Thus, the HP laptop should be your choice if your budget for a general-purpose laptop is below 45000 Rupees. HP fq5007TU laptop model is total paisa vasool at its current market price.
Price | ₹44990 → Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch FHD IPS Screen | 8GB-3200 RAM | 512GB SSD | Intel i3-1215U 12th Gen Processor | 41-Wh Battery | 65W Charger | Keyboard with Number-Pad and Backlit | OS and MS Office with Lifetime License |
🔥15.6-Inch HP du3614TU Laptop
The HP notebook in this review is ideal for those who need more storage on their new laptop. The HP laptop model du3614TU comes with a 1TB HDD and 256GB SSD. Currently, it is the cheapest HP laptop with SSD + HDD storage.
Not just big memory, even in terms of performance, the HP laptop is mind-blowing. Although the Intel i3 CPU in use has just two cores, each can execute tasks at the speed of 3.0-GHz. The turbo boost function can take the speed of each core to 4.10-GHz, though.
The RAM of this HP laptop is fast! 8GB DDR4 RAM can clock at 3200-MHz speed. A fast CPU and RAM are mere not enough for fast performance. Remember this! The mother drive of the computer system has to be fast.
On this HP laptop, the mother drive is an SSD whose data transfer speed is up to 3500 MB/s. For fast computation, the speed of the mother drive is more important than that of RAM and CPU. That is why we never suggest any laptop with an HDD as a mother drive.
Other features and functions of the HP du3614TU Laptop are the same that are commonly found on HP laptops from the 40000 to 50000 Rupees range. Whenever possible, HP provides the newest versions and variants of its hardware and software. This very reason makes this American brand our favorite for laptops.
Price | ₹41000 → Amazon |
Features | Windows 11 OS | MS Office 2021 Student | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | 1TB HDD + 256GB SSD | 8GB RAM | Intel i3 Dual-Core CPU | 41-Wh Battery | Warranty: 1-Year |
🔥14-Inch HP dy2506TU Laptop
The HP laptop is the latest of the brand in the laptop category. Our testing of the HP laptop model dy2506TU suggests that it is a very impressive machine, and therefore a perfect option for those who need genuine value for their money.
This HP personal computer has a Full HD IPS screen. You won’t have to bear the hassle of upgrading to Windows 11 as it comes with the OS preinstalled. To sustain well during heavy multitasking, HP blessed it with the latest version of the Intel i3 processor. Then there is an 8GB DDR4 RAM and SSD Hard Drive.
The HP dy2506TU laptop model is an ideal choice for students, home use, executives, managers, and others. I am suggesting it to those because of its better performance, A-grade screen, lasting battery backup, and lightweight build.
Price | ₹41990 | Amazon |
Features | 14-Inch FHD IPS Screen | 8GB RAM | 256GB SSD | Intel i3-11th Generation Processor | 3-Cell 41-Wh Battery | Warranty: 1-Year |
🔥15.6-Inch HP gr0012AU Personal Laptop
The HP laptop is an awesome personal computer for work from home, students, home use, and other similar personal usages. Having a 15.6-inch IPS screen with full HD resolution and dual front-firing perfects it for entertainment as well. It may not be the laptop for hard gaming, however.
Despite not having a high-end configuration, I recommend it for creators, and multimedia developers because it comes with a large storage setup. The HP gr0012AU laptop model has 256GB SSD and 1TB HDD.
Further, this HP laptop will surprise you with its performance despite having an AMD dual-core processor. That is because it comes with an SSD mother drive and 8GB DDR4-2400 RAM.
What else the HP laptop has to offer? How good it is? Does it worth it? Should you buy it or not? Answer to these questions and related others are in our video presentation.
Price | ₹42990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch IPS FHD Screen | AMD Ryzen 3 3250U Processor | 8GB RAM | 256GB SSD | 1TB HDD | 41-Wh Battery | 65W Charger | Warranty: 1-Year |
🔥15.6-Inch HP du1516TU Personal Laptop
The HP laptop model du1516TU is an excellent choice for students, home use, and professionals. It may not be the right laptop for gaming hard. It boots fast, runs smoothly without lag, and is very reliable because of the 512GB SSD hard drive.
The build, design, and performance of the HP du1516TU are perfect. Its battery is lasting, too. Intel i3 Quad-Core Processor together with 8GB RAM and integrated Intel UHD graphics makes this HP laptop blazing fast. Expert users would love it.
Generally, Office executives and students on a Windows laptop from the MS Office program mostly use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint applications. The HP du1516TU laptop comes with the student version of the latest MS Office application that includes MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Price | ₹41990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch IPS FHD Screen | Intel i3 10th Generation Processor | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | MS Office 2019 Student | Windows 10 | Ready for Windows 11 |
🔥15.6-Inch HP eq2042AU Personal Laptop
The HP laptop is undoubtedly one of the best multitasking laptops under 45000 Rupees with a 15.6-inch screen. Its keyboard although does not have keys with backlit. Therefore, if you are looking for a laptop under 45000 with backlit keyboard, then the best option is the model fq1029AU from the HP brand. Both the laptop models have almost identical specifications. The visible difference is their screen and keyboard.
What separates the HP eq2042AU (or fq1029AU) from the available alternatives? The answer is the ultra-fast RAM on both models. Below 50000 Rupees, currently only these two laptop models have a DDR4 RAM with 3200MHz frequency. Other features and functions are more or less similar to what is often seen on HP laptops from the price range.
Price | ₹44990 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | AMD Ryzen 3 5300U Quad-Core Processor | 8GB DDR4 RAM (3200MHz) | 512GB SSD | Windows 10 OS (Up-gradable to Windows 11) | Licensed MS Office | 41-Wh Li-ion Battery | 65W AC Charger |
🔥15.6-Inch HP fr2006TU Multitasking Laptop
The HP laptop is currently the most advanced multitasking laptop among all available professional laptops from the 45000 Rupees range. Having a 15.6-inch full HD IPS screen makes it a perfect choice for digital reading and entertainment. The latest variant of the Intel i3 Dual-Core processor makes it fast and capable of handling actual multitasking. Whereas its SSD hard driver makes it stable, fast, and reliable in terms of data protection.
The build quality and looks of the HP fr2006TU laptop model are no different from other available models of the brand in the Indian market. It lacks though no so essential RJ45 Ethernet port and backlit keyboard. That has no bearing on the usages’ experience per se. But not supplying a fast charger with a 45000 Rupees laptop indeed surprises me. No fast charger means no fast charging. That is evidently a big con of this HP laptop.
Price | ₹44990 | Amazon |
Features | Windows 10 OS | Intel i3 11th Gen Processor | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | 15.6-Inch IPS FHD Screen | USB Type-C Port | 45W Charger | 41-Wh Li-ion Battery | MS Office 2019 Licensed |
🔥15.6-Inch HP du2060TX Professional Laptop
The HP laptop du2060TX is currently the cheapest laptop in India market with 2GB NVIDIA graphics. That is why we decided to go beyond our policy and recommend it despite not having SSD memory. This HP laptop comes with only 1TB HDD. For an HP laptop with SSD mother drive and 2GB dedicated graphics, the budget must be ₹60000 or above as per the current market trend.
What else the HP du2060TX laptop model has then? We covered all its essential features and functions in our video presentation.
Price | ₹41000 | Amazon |
Features | 15.6-Inch FHD Screen | 4GB RAM | 1TB HDD | 2GB NVIDIA Graphics | Intel i5-10th Generation Processor | MS Office Student | 41-Wh Battery |
🔥14-Inch HP dr1008TU General Use Laptop
The dr1008TU laptop model is currently the cheapest HP laptop in India market with a backlit keyboard. Other special qualities of this HP multitasking laptop are its 14-inch FHD IPS screen, 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD. It, therefore, is a perfect option for those who want a reliable multitasking laptop for professional purposes.
In the selection of a laptop, the maximum priority should be given to RAM size, followed by memory type, and then processor. Applications opened by the end-user and accordingly required services activated by the system are loaded on RAM. Therefore, the larger is the RAM more multitasking friendly the laptop will be. Out of 8GB usually, 6.5GB remains available for the end-user. This much free RAM is more than enough for general professional works. The fastest memory type currently available for general consumers is SSD. And, any dual-core processor with multithreading is more than sufficient.
The HP laptop dr1008TU fits on the parameter discussed above for an ideal laptop. If its specifications meet your requirement then order it right now.
Price | ₹45000 | Amazon |
Features | 14-Inch FHD IPS Screen | 8GB RAM | 512GB SSD | Intel i3-10th Generation Processor | MS Office Student | Keyboard Backlit | 41-Wh Battery |
🔥14-Inch HP cf3074TU General Use Laptop
The HP laptop is fast, portable, and lightweight. It is therefore an excellent option for students, office executives, salespeople, and those who have to travel a lot for their job. Not designed for pro users and professionals, yet they could consider it if their budget for a new laptop is in the range of 40000 Rupees.
Besides HP's trust, the laptop has an intelligent and fast CPU, which is fully optimized for multitasking. The Intel i3-10th gen processor is intelligent and smart like humans as it employs Artificial Intelligence technology for fast processing. Plus, the RAM capacity of this HP laptop is 8GB (2666-MHz). That gives enough space to load heavy applications that generally pro users and professional use.
However, the SSD memory of this multitasking laptop is the actual reason why we selected it for review. Always buy a laptop with SSD mother drive because SSD is ultra-fast, reliable, and more secure!
Price | ₹42000 | Amazon |
Features | 14-Inch HD SVA Screen | MS Office 2019 Student | Intel i3 10th Gen Processor | 8GB RAM | 41-Wh Battery | 256GB SSD | Weight: 1.47-Kg |
🔥14-Inch HP dq3033TU Personal Laptop
The laptop model is currently the only HP SSD laptop below 35000 Rupees. Its configuration makes it perfect for students, home use, executives, and similar other basic users.
Why the HP laptop is so cheap? Because of its Pentium processor. HP used an Intel Pentium Silver N6000 processor on it. The processor is resourceful but not enough to manage hard multitasking, gaming, and professional work. Other features, functions, and build quality of the HP laptop are however very impressive.
Should you buy the HP dq3033TU laptop with an Intel Pentium processor? Yes! Grab it before it becomes out of stock. The reason is the trust of the HP brand in the laptop market and the quality of the product. But remember it is just a general-use laptop, nothing much.
Price | ₹34990 | Amazon |
Features | Windows 11 | 14-Inch HD Screen | Intel Pentium Silver N6000 Quad-Core Processor | 8GB DDR4-2999 RAM | 256GB SSD | 41-Wh Li-ion Battery | 65W AC Charger |
🔥14-Inch HP cf3047TU Multitasking Laptop
The brand HP has three outstanding portable laptops in the price range of 35000 Rupees. They are the cs0023TU, cs0029TU, and cf3047TU laptop models.
The laptop model cs0029TU is an upgraded version of the cs0023TU model. The successor is faster and more multitasking-friendly than the predecessor. However, the model cf3047TU, which is the latest laptop of HP below 35000 Rupees, is faster than the cs0029TU model in terms of multitasking and gaming performance.
cs0023TU (Intel i3-7th gen) → cs0029TU (Intel i3-8th gen) → cf3047TU (Intel i3-10th)
Thus, the laptop model cf3047TU is the best HP laptop under 35000 Rupees presently. It is a suitable portable computer for students, home use, and office executives.
Price | ₹34000 | Amazon |
Features | Windows 10 Licensed | MS Office 2019 Student Licensed | Full-Size Keyboard {Num-pad | Backlit} | Weight: 1.47-Kg | Warranty: 1-Year |
Screen | 14-Inch | SVA Screen | HD {1366×768} | 60Hz | 220-nits | | Color: 45% NTSC (% sRGB) | Anti-Glare |
Processor | Intel {Core:2 | Thread:4 | Base-Speed: 1.2GHz | Max-Speed: 3.4GHz | Cache: 4MB | TDP: 15W | T-Junction: 100°C | Lithography: 14nm | Launch-Year: 2019} | Built-in Technology: { Multi-Threading, Turbo Boost, Intel SpeedShift, AI Deep Learning Boost, Intel OS & Boost Guard} |
Graphics | Intel UHD {Base Freq: 300MHz Max Freq: 900MHz} |
Memory | RAM: 4GB DDR4 {2666-MHz} | RAM-Expansion: 16GB | PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD: 256GB |
Battery | 3-Cell 41-Wh | AC Charger: 65W | Battery-Backup: Up to 14-Hours |
Connectivity | MIC-in | Headphone-Out | Ethernet | Wi-Fi-5 | Bluetooth 4.2 | 1×HDMI | 2×USB 3.1 | USB Type-C | SD-Cards Reader |
Multimedia | Dual-Speakers | Digital-Microphone | HD Webcam |